First Match

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A week has passed but Kyousuke and Shindou still didn't wanted to trust the beginners, but you and Tenma tried to convince them both to give them a chance, but they still refused.

|Inazuma Japan vs Fire dragon(Korea)|

The day of the match arrived, Japan against Korea but something "dramatic" happens, you walk in the boy's changing room after that Kyousuke called you in the halls.

You see everyone looking at Matatagi, you heard from Kyousuke that Manabe wallet went missing and now they are accusing Matatagi because he was once caugh stealing before.

Then.. Manabe said something that break your trust into pieces.

Everyone, who aren't from Raimon. Are hired to play soccer under an circumstances, like studying in a school, repairing a boat, buying a huge house, so.. None of them are here to play soccer.

"Unbelievable!" You yell.

"[F/N].." Tenma look at you.

"What's the point anyway of winning? that's it! I'm never trusting people like you anymore!" You walk out of the changing room.

"[F/N], calm down!" Kyousuke grab your arm.

"How can I calm down?! I trusted them with all my heart but they are just hypocrites here to destroy our chance of winning the FFI just for they're stupid studies or whatever!" You said.

"We'll win, even if we are playing as four player's." Said Kyousuke.

"..." you sigh. "I'll protect the goal as told." You said.

Kyousuke nod and let go of your arm.

Your team walk in the field, Inazuma japan start the kick-off, Kyousuke pass the ball to Matatagi but he doesn't pass it back to Kyousuke, the opponent steal the ball from him.

The opponent is now dribbling toward the goal since the beginner's couldn't stop them, you stood there, near the goal to protect them since you couldn't even trust him either.

The opponent shoot but you immediately block it with your leg and get the ball, you could feel that Ibuki disliked you from blocking the shoots.

You didn't care about him, but about the shoot, this Korea player who just shot in the ball has a huge strength, if you didn't got the perfect timing... You and the ball would already be in the field.

The match continued, you tried to observe your opponents to find their weakness, Matatagi tried to score alone but he loses the ball against his opponent, they tried once again to shoot but you block it again.

"What are you doing?! That was uncalled for!" Shouted Ibuki.

You stood there, Ibuki has the potential of being a goalkeeper but.. He's missing something.

"Hey, are you listening to me?!" Continued Ibuki.

But you ignored him. "Shindou!" You shouted and passed the ball to him.

Shindou gets the ball and dribble to the front and pass it to Tenma, but the opponent stopped Tenma making him fall, the balls rolls out of the field.

You, Shindou and Kyousuke walked up to him making sure he was fine.

"Are you okay?" You held out your hand.

"Don't worry! I'm fine!" Smiled Tenma and took your hand, then you helped him stand up.

"It's hard to break through their defense with only 3 player's.." Said Shindou.

"Want me to switch position soon as we get the ball?" You asked.

"No, if we lose the ball, you won't have time to go back to the defense and protect the goal." Said Kyousuke.

"Tsurugi is right, you need to stay on defense." Said Shindou.

"I want you to let me fight with you." Said Matatagi.

"What?" Said Shindou and turn himself toward Matatagi.

"I know I'm not anywhere near the level where I can challenge the world, like you guys. But I want to reach your level, even for a little bit, so, teach me how to play soccer!" Said Matatagi walking toward us.

You, Tenma, Kyousuke and Shindou look at each other hesitant.

"I know it's not something to ask during a game..." Continued Matatagi.

"Matatagi ! Okay, let's do it! You're okay with this right Shindou?" Asked Tenma.

"It's worth giving a try." Said Kyousuke.

"Fine." replied Shindou then he face himself to you. "[F/N], keep an eye on Matatagi." Said Shindou.

"..." You didn't said anything but nodded, you look at Matatagi, he seem rather happy we accepted his request, but he's planning something.

Matatagi walks toward you with a smile. "I'll do my best!" he said.

"Matatagi, let me suggest you something." You said.

"Hm ?"

"Use your speed to your advantage, but first kick in the ball with precision that's the key for you to dribble well." You said.

"Hm.. Understood !" He replied.

Kyousuke do the throw in and pass it to Tenma, Tenma passes it to Matatagi, the others wanted also their moment so they also started to get the ball and did their best.

But the only thing they aren't doing is passing the ball to Matatagi, probably because of the missing wallet deama from some minutes ago.

Because of them not passing the ball to Matatagi they lost the ball to the opponent, the opponent dribbles toward the goal.

You stood there ready to block their shoot.

"[L/N]! Move!" Shouted Ibuki behind.

You stayed silent.

"I told you to move!" He kept on shouting.

The opponent uses a fire hissatsu and shoot toward the goal.

"Let me block this shoot!" Shouted Ibuki, your concentration disappear for a moment leaving the hissatsu passing you.

Ibuki tries to block it with his hands but fails, you shake your head and realized what you have done.




The first half ended.

You walk toward the bench.

"I'm sorry Shindou.. I messed up." You said, regretting letting Ibuki to block the shoot.

"It's fine, it's only one point between us and them, we'll catch up." Smiled Shindou.

"He's right." Said Kyousuke.

"Don't worry [F/N]! We'll score and win this match!" Smiled Tenma trying to cheer you up.

".. Okay, Captain!" You smiled. "I'll go grab my bottle of water inside the changing room, be right back!" You said and walked inside the building.

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