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After the dinner in the Galaxy Nauts, we've been informed that we will "warp" into 180,000 light years, warp is a short word that we will be going in very high speed to avoid going being old when we'll arrive there.

When we walked back to our seats Tetsukado notices something and walks away.

"Who's there?!" Shouted Tetsukado and went after the thing he saw.

You all follow him in case something happens.

Tetsukado opens the door but there was nothing. "Huh? I'm sure I saw something." He said.

"Maybe it's your imagination?" You said.

"Or perhaps it's an alien coming to sabotage the Galaxy Nauts." Said Manabe.

"It's possible, I mean. Their planet is on the line of this tournament." Said Minaho.

"Haha...." you chuckled not so confident about this.

"Uh...[F/N]?" said Shindou looking at you.

"I don't wanna end up being eaten by an alien okay?" You said hidding behind Shindou and Kyousuke.

"But why us...?" Mumbled Shindou.

Then we started to check every room in the train to find this mysterious alien in our Galaxy Nauts, in the end it was... Shinsuke.


"Shinsuke?!" You shouted then sigh in relieved.

Then he explained he snucked in, and the coach had no choice but to let him come with us.

"Guy's like him irritate me the most." You heard Matatagi mumbling.

You look at him, he had that cold tone once again, am I seeing another part of his personality?

Then we all walked back to our seats for the warping, it was kind of hard to explain, but it feels like being pushed by an tornado or strong wind, thank goodness it was only for just some seconds.

|Planet Sandorias/train station|

Sandorias is known fora planet full of sand, well that's kinda logic now why it has this name, when we left the train we were welcomed by a guider who suggested us to visit the town freely until the match starts.

At first you weren't so sure until...

"Here! Some nice food from Sandorias!" Offered the alien shop worker to you with a looking ice-cream just like on earth.

"Can I really..?" You look at it a bit suspicious.

"Mhm! I heard you've came from a really far place called Earth! It isn't very nice if we don't welcome you!" Smiled the shop worker.

"But... You do know that we are kind of enemies..?" You look at him.

"It's not your fault honestly, it's all because of this black hole, you and your team must have been surprised right?" He said.


"Now here! Take this and go back to your friends!" He said and gave you the ice scream.

"Thank you!" You smiled and bowed then took the ice cream and left, you join Zanakurou, Shindou and Kyousuke watching some dancers who jumps very high. Impressive.

"What's this?" Asked Kyousuke.

"Oh, a food from this planet, it looks like a ice cream right?" You replied.

"It does." He said.

"Wanna try?" You said.

"Hm." Kyousuke look at you then taste the ice cream. "Not bad." He said.

"Really?? Then I shall eat all!" You said happily and started to eat your ice cream.

Kyousuke smile.

You look around and notice Minaho and Ibuki eating some meat, you raise your head and notice the shop meat had a turtle mascot on it... Let's act we never saw that.

|Time skip|

We've heard from Tenma, Shinsuke, Matatagi, Tetsukado and Kusaka that they got attacked by our opponents, but their captain stopped them from it, well its no surprises.

But doing tricks before the match means that they willing to hurt the others to win, you also notice some rivality between Shinsuke and Ibuki, looks like they forgot who is the original goalkeeper in the first place, oh well. It doesn't bother me.

Now I can totally focus on my hissatsu.

"[L/N], right?" Said Zanakurou.

You nod. "Yup ! Do you need anything?" You asked.

"We haven't talked at all ever since I've came here so, I hope we can get along." He said and bowed.

"Aw come on! Call me [F/N], we are all friends here!" You said with a smile.

Zanakurou smile and nod.

|Time skip|

We all went to the black room to use the hologram to practice, Shinsuke wanted to be our goalkeeper for the training but Ibuki stopped him, looks like this practice is going to be quite.. Intriguing.

It was your turn to shoot in the ball, you shoot in it but ibuki blocks it by slamming the soccer ball on the floor.

No way... He wasn't able to do that some months ago.

"Is that all you've got [F/N]?" He smirked.

"I'm being easy on ya." You replied.

"Then next time shoot don't hold back!" He shouted.

"Be careful! I might actually hurt you." You teased.

"Not even in your dreams!" Respond Ibuki.

In the other side for Shinsuke he wasn't able to block any of the shoots, you did the same shoot as the one you did with ibuki but seems like Shinsuke has stayed at the same level ever since the future thing.

|Night time|

You sneak out of your room to practice a bit more until you notice that people were already there practicing in the hologram, it was... Tetsukado and Shinsuke!

You notice them stuck in a cave, you didn't remember any training with a cave in it.

"What the heck are you two doing there?" You said.

"[F/N]? Is this you?!" Shouted Shinsuke.

"Yeah it is me, what are you two doing resting in this hologram?" You asked.

"Uh... Its kinda my fault, I clicked on random buttons." Said Tetsukado.

You sweatdrop.

"Let me see if I can help you out--WOAH WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" You shouted.

"What's wrong?!" Shouted Shinsuke.

"The screen is all black with all errors message popping up!" You said trying to fix this mess.

"Uh..." Tetsukado whistle.

"That's bad... You guys stay here! I'll inform the others!" You said not being able to fix it and ran away.

"Don't leave us! Hey wait!" Said Shinsuke but too late you've already left.

"Guy's!" You shouted.

|Time skip|

The black room system has been fixed, actually Tetsukado and Shinsuke had to fight some weird bots in the hologram to get out of this.

But something happened back there making Shinsuke stop the rivality between him and Ibuki.

The next day we went to the exact coordination for the soccer match just go visit it, well it was just sand at first but after a space ship came and guess what?

It became the soccer field.

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