"He's Dean. He probably came in on a whim at midnight." He followed after me, sitting Melanie in her high chair.

"Bret, he isn't that bad. He was there for me when I was pregnant when you left." I stated, turning back to him.

"He wasn't being nice. He was trying to lure you into a trap and be with him instead of me." He grumbled.

"That's a little much, babe..." I laughed a little, looking at him over my shoulder.

Bret only glanced at me before shrugging. I sighed. Moving towards him. Placing my hands on his biceps, I squeezed gently.

"I love you, Bret. It took me a while to realize it. To find the words. But, I really do love you. No one is going to come between that. I can only hope you feel the same..." I said with a small smile as his eyes flashed to me as I finished talking.

"What makes you think that I don't feel the same way?" He questioned rather harshly.

"I wasn't saying that. I was just saying I hope nothing comes between us. I've been stuck with you for so long now, if something happened.... I don't know what I would even do." I shook my head, letting my hands slip from him.

"Are you worried I would leave you for someone like.... Ursula? Or someone else? Kat... come on, babe." Bret chuckled a little before wrapping both his arms around me. I forced myself to barely meet his eyes as he looked at me.

"I hope you wouldn't..." I admitted.

"Katrina, no." He vigorously shook his head.

"I want to marry you. Get old and grey. Maybe have a couple of more rugrats. But, I want it all with you." His words sent tears to my eyes. I held back a sob while I just stared at him.

He held me tightly as I laid my head upon his shoulder. Melanie screeched from her high chair. Hitting her tiny hands upon the tray. I smiled at that and made my way over to her.

"Hungry, sweet girl?" I pushed her fluffy hair back a little bit.

"Have you seen her?" Bret teased.

"Hey! She is perfectly fine. Leave my baby alone." I smirked at him, before looking back at my daughter.

Melanie stared up at me, mouth parted ever so slightly. I grinned, grabbing a bottle from the fridge. She took it in her hands and put it to her mouth. Watching my seven month old baby, lean back as she drank her bottle. I felt nothing but happiness.

Bret took over watching Melanie. Taking her into the den while I cooked dinner. It was nothing special. Just an Italian dish of noodles, meaty marinara sauce, topped with mozzarella cheese, and parmesan cheese. And of course, I fixed a huge pitcher of sweet tea. After dinner, I took Melanie as Bret traded off to clean up the kitchen.

"Melly, can you say momma?" I asked, tickling her tummy. She giggled, ignoring my words as she babbled 'dada' repeatedly.

"I'm so much better than your dad. Come on, girl! I carried you for nine months!" I scoffed, pouting while she rolled onto her stomach and grinned at me.

"God, you're cute." I shook my head at her.

She screamed in response while sitting up. I laughed, taking her into my arms. Bret wandered into the den, leaning down and pressing a kiss to my cheek before holding his hands out towards Mel. She looked at him, grinning before lurching herself forward.

"That's my girl!" He cheered.

"Traitor." I rolled my eyes.

"Just wait until she's eighteen and can't stand either of us." He mused, I quirked my brow.

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