Chapter 25: Revenge Part 2

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Revenge prt 2

Step 1: Find someone who is willing to annoy Draco

The plan wasnt set to start straight away otherwise it would have been too obvious. I spent the next few weeks getting to know some more of the Gryffindors, although I have been staying clear of the famous trio. I have been spending a lot of my free time in the Gryffindor common room with Neville, Seamus and Dean, they seem like really good people and they were really accepting, despite me being a Slytherin. I did get a lot of strange and unsure looks at first but people seem to be getting used to me by now. We told the Gryffindors of our plan, so they wouldn't blow out cover or think anything major. A lot of them told us they would even try to help us in whatever way they coukd.

I still sleep in the Slytherin quarters but I spend a lot of my spare time with the Gryffindor boys I now call my friends.

It is about time I put a start to my plan into action otherwise it was never going to happen, at least not until after the christmas holidays, which were fast approaching.

I pulled out my parchment from my bag and crossed off step 1.

Step 1: Find someone who is willing to annoy Draco ✔ and


"Seamus!" I called the boy. I had just finished studying in the library and building up the courage to put step two of my plan into action.

He spun around and smiled as I approached him. "You still want to do that plan?" I asked as we strolled towards the great hall for dinner. " of course I do! Anything to poss off Malfoy!" He chuckled and I giggled at his enthusiasm.

"Right." I chirped, starting to feel nervous. "We don't have to if you don't want to Lucia, it is your plan after all." He told me. I shook my head. "No, I want to do this." I said. " Great! " Seamus said. He took my hand in his as we entered the dining hall and I laughed at the smirk on his face.

I caught a few people from the other houses staring and whispering at us. Of course, Gryffindor was in on the plan so some of them just seem unfazed and others did things like wolf whistle.

I felt my cheeks turning a dark shade of red as we neared the Gryffindor table, most eyes on us because of the attention being drawn to us by the loud whistles and the fact Seamus now had his arm around my waist as we walked. It was a part of the plan though. The Gryffindor guys who were whistling were doing it to try and catch Draco's attention.

It did as well. I glanced over to my house table and noticed Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise all sat together looking stunned as I walked down the hall to the car end of the Gryffindor table. I quickly looked away and leaned closer into Seamus before whispering in his ear.

"He's watching." I whispered trying to suppress the lIghter that was bubbling inside me at the now seemingly ridiculous situation. "Good." He whispered back with a smirk. Now I started giggling as we say down.

" So I see your plan is working." Dean commented as we sat down. The hall had now returned to what it was they were doing before we entered. "Indeed." I said with a huge smile on my lips. " as long as you aren't stealing my man for real, all is well. " Dean said, with a fake serious voice causing Seamus, Neville, Dean and I to laugh.

Step 2: Start a fake relationship ✔


Seamus and I have been keeping up this facade for about a week now. Umbridge has put up Koreans more noticed since the start of the year. I choose to ignore her and her pathetic rules.

It's Monday today and it has just been out first break of the day. I've continued sitting with my group of Gryffindor friends, something not unnoticed by my own house. They have resorted to glaring at me and tripping me up every chance they get, except for some who look pitifully towards me.

I was walking to Astronomy with Seamus, our arms linked as usual. I would normally be excited for Astronomy but today just didn't feel the same. Seamus noticed.

"Cia? What's up?" Seamus asked in a calm voice. " Hm? " I asked being dragged out of my thoughts. "Well, it's just you don't seem like yourself this morning. What's wrong?" He inquired.

" Oh , it's notbing. I just received an owl from my mother about Christmas holidays. She wants to visit my Grandma, but I don't want to go with her. I don't know how to tell her. " I told as we neared the astronomy tower. "Why don't you just tell her that you are hurried in work and that you'll b sure to go home for the Easter holidays. That's what I tell my parents if ever I don't want to go home." He told me.

"Thanks Shay, I think I'll do that." I said as I leaned into his shoulder. "No problem. Bye Babe." He said before kissing me in the head. I furrowed my brows at him before I realised we were stood outside of Astronomy and Draco was stood against the opposite wall. How long we had we been stood here? I didn't know.

I waved as Seamus walked away to his own lesson. I felt awkward stood here with the Ravenclaws and Slytherins. I felt like an outcast.

We all entered the Astronomy room when the Professor opened the door and I say down in my regular seat. Which was next to Draco. It didn't matter though, I had been sat here for weeks now and he made no effort to speak to me. He didn't even seem jealous of Seamus and I and I was starting to feel worried that my plan wasn't working that was until...

"So, you and a Gryffindor. Huh?" Draco whispered as the professor was speaking. I stated at him with wide eyes. He hadn't spoken to me in weeks and now he's acting all casual like nothing happened.

I turned back to the professor, crossing my arms and humming in response. I was still extremely angry at him for what he did and the shock soon washed away. Nothing more was said for the rest of the lesson. But, I did need notice Draco glancing my way more often.

Step 3: Fake it in front of Draco

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