Chapter 5: Shopping

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A few weeks pass and its now midsummer holidays, I'm in my room writing in my diary, and wondering what Hogwarts will be like when my Mother knocks gently on my door. "Come in" I say casually closing over my diary and setting down my pen. Mum walks in and starts to talk. "Hi honey. I was wondering if you would like to go shopping for you school supplies today?" She asks looking at me and smiling. I feel the mix of excitement and nerves in my belly before nodding like there is no tomorrow.


When we arrive in a small village in the middle of Wales that I had never been to before, I start to wonder why someone would need to travel so far for school supplies.

I turn to my Mother before leaving the car and say "Why have we come so far?" She turns to me and says "Because we need magical stationery, not just normal stationery." I felt stupid for asking such an obvious question but my Mum just smiled at me before saying, reassuringly "its okay, it took me a while to adapt too."

We got out the car and entered a small shop with a lot of books. My Mum walked around and picked up all the books that were on the list with my letter and I just walked around admiring the shop.

When my mother came back to me she had a large pile of books. "Hey honey, seen anything you like?" She asks me giggling gently. I smiled at her, oh how well she knows me. "Actually, I've seen a few books that sound interesting. Could I have them I say holding up a pile of books not much smaller than the pile she was holding. She ushered me towards a small woman with brown hair and blue eyes, standing behind a till. Then she purchased the books and we left.

We walked around numerous other shops buying clothes, ink, quills and more. When we walked into the pet store I looked around admiring the different kinds of animals. I decided on a cat though, owls flap around a lot and worry me. Toads creep me out. But, I like cats. They know when they need space and they know when they want attention.

The last place to go now was to buy a wand. Never thought that would be something I'd be doing. We walked into a medium sized shop that had boxes among boxes lined on every wall. A tall skinny woman with brunette hair that had streaks of grey in it came to the counter. She stared at me before smiling and saying "Good afternoon, young lady. I know exactly which wand is for you." She then ran into the back of the shop and emerged with a box in her hand. She opened it and pulled out a piece of wood, I picked it up and flicked it, feeling foolish then papers from the desk went flying everywhere. I quickly placed the wand back into the box. This happened for about another 6 wands and I was starting to become anxious. What if I wasn't a witch? What if something was wrong with me?

Just when I was starting to lose hope, the woman walked over to the wall to my right and pulled out a wand that had a unique case: it was black with green gems along the top. When she opened it, it held a light coloured wand that was quite long. "Cypress wood with a unicorn hair core, 11 1/2", reasonably supple flexibility. Well, what are you waiting for? Give it a go!" She insisted. I picked up the wand, it felt right to hold it. I flicked it,  and it seemed to motion with my wrist. It felt natural. The woman began clapping as I mad one of the ones I had earlier failed to use levitate. "Wow, thats a complex thing you've just done there. You know?" She said whilst grinning.

 You know?" She said whilst grinning

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The last 3 weeks of the summer holidays I spent trying to learn as much about hogwarts, witches, wizards and their... my world as I could. Skimming through books, reading through all hours of the night so I could find out as much as I could. I was joining in my fifth year so I tried to go over the other 4th years' syllabus to catch up with them. Within two weeks I had read all the books that my future classmates will have read in the past four years. I had also read about flying and spells. But, I wasn't actually able to do any because Mum says there are certain rules, I read about most of them in one of my books.

Its a beautiful summers evening. There are birds chirping and children playing in the distance. I am reading one of my books I got from the shop in my bedroom. There's one week left before I go to my new school. I am extremely nervous and then I realised something 'I still need to break the news to Elijah.' Mum asked if I wanted her to tell him, i told her it should be me to tell him. How stupid is that.

I get up off my bed and slip my slippers onto my feet. I walk downstairs and when I'm at the bottom Elijah turns to walk up. He towers over me. There isn't much of an age gap between us, only 2 years. But he is tall like our Mum and Dad. "Move it" he says in a joking voice. I laugh at him before asking "can we talk?" We don't usually have serious conversations. I mean we're as close as most siblings are. If the occasion arised then we could have one.

He nodded and walked towards the living room. I sat next to him on the couch. He looked at me suspiciously before asking "what's up? You look like you're about to throw up!" I feel like it too, I'm not only about to tell my brother I'm a witch but I'm also about to tell him that I am adopted.

I started at the beginning with the letter. The look in his face said nothing but disbelief. I continued and explained everything that Mum had explained to me. First, about me being adopted which resulted in a blank stare in my direction. Then, about me being a witch which made his face contort. Then, I told him about why I was adopted. Finally, I told him about shopping the other week and some of the basic things that I had learnt in my books.

He just continued to stare at me. The whole time. Finally, when I was done there was a stuffy silence. Before he spoke up. "Is this some kind of practical joke or something? How long have you been planning this? Are you trying to cause an argument? What is wrong with you?" He said raising his voice as he continued.

Just then Mum walked in the room. She must have been listening. She says softly "It's true, Eli. She is telling the truth." Elijah looks from me to Mum and then back again. He starts shouting again "I DON'T CARE THAT YOU'RE A WITCH. BUT YOU'RE MY SISTER AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME YOU WERE ADOPTED." He turned to Mum before saying "either of you" in a soft voice that dripped with hurt. He ran upstairs and slammed his door shut.

My mother glanced over to me before saying "He'll come around. Don't worry." I just nodded at her before leaving to go to my own room. I knew that I should have told Eli sooner. But I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

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