Epilogue: 20 Years Later

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"Elijah! Evangeline! Will you come down here please?" I called up to my children. Today is their 11th birthday, meaning they are almost going to Hogwarts. I'll be sad to see them go, but their excited faces whilst they speak about going almost makes up for it.

"Yes, Mummy?" Evangeline asked as she descended the stairs. I looked to see my daughter, she had her white-blonde hair in two casual braids and was wearing a pastel blue summer dress which brought out the blue in her otherwise silver eyes.

"You look stunning!" I gasped as she entered the living room. She smiled at the ground bashfully at the compliment. "The guests will be here soon, are you almost ready? I asked her. "I am but Eli isn't." She told me. I shook my head at my son's tardiness to his own party.

"Draco, will you go and sort your son out?" I called into the kitchen. "Yes, love." He said as he began his way to Elijah. "Males." Evangeline and I sighed. Although, because of speaking simultaneously we were both sent into a fit of giggles.

We were interrupted when the doorbell to our Manor rang. "I'll get it." I called to no one in particular.

"Blaise, Gregory!" I exclaimed as I opened the door. They both wore huge grins as I welcomed them into my home. "11 years old." Blaise sighed. "It feels like just yesterday we were adopting our Emily." Gregory said, longingly.

"Hi, aunty Lou." Emily said as she walked in after her Dads. "Hello honey. Angel is just through there." I said, pointing in the direction of the living room. She hurried off to go find her friend.

"The party's being held out back, I'll be out in a moment." I told the men. "See you, then." Blaise said, before him and his husband made their way to the back garden.

I felt arms snake their way around my waist and leaned into my husband. "11 years old!" He said, shocked. "I know." I replied, sadly. "It's crazy how fast time can pass." He said. I nodded in response.

"I'm going to go say hi to the guests." Draco told me before making his way to the back garden.

The doorbell rang again. "Amelia Longbottom, where are your parents?" I joked as I smiled down at the lone girl. "They're just getting the present out of the car." She replied, happily.

"Did someone say Amelia was here?" Elijah asked suddenly from my side. I smirked knowingly at my son and nodded. "Yeah. You guys go out back, I'll be out once everyone's arrived." I told the children, who soon hurried off.

Not too long afterwards I was joined by Neville and his wife, the former Hannah Abott. "Hannah, Neville! How lovely it is to see you again!" I greeted. "Hey Lucia!" They both greeted. "Everyones out back." I told the couple, before they went to join everyone.

A short while afterwards I was greeting Vincent and Cho and their children; Eloise and Charlie. Then it was Seamus and Dean and their child; Jason. Then came my Mum and Dad and uncle who happily went out to greet the guests and their younger relatives.

The doorbell rang for the last time a moment later. "Elijah!" I squealed as I opened the door. "Hey sis!" He greeted me. "Astoria!" I greeted his wife. "And we can't forget young Scorpius either." I joked with their 7 year old son.

A few years after I had left Hogwarts my "brother" and I reunited and although I was no longer in their family, we still considered each other as siblings. I actually ended up naming my son after him. My parents had also taken a strong liking to him as well, they treated him like their own son.

"The party's out back." I told them as we made our way out. "It's lovely to see you again, Lucia." Astoria told me as we walked. "As I you." I replied, smiling.

As I walked into the back garden through the kitchen I silently cast the levitating spell to take the food outside. It laid itself out onto the large buffet table. I placed the paper plates and cups I had picked up from the kitchen on the end of the table. "Dig in!" I told the guests.

Slowly, everyone began to arrange a plate of food for themselves before sitting on one of the many chairs in the large garden.

"Mummy, we were all thinking of playing a game of quidditch after. Is that okay?" Evangeline asked, softly. "Of course, Angel. But, be careful all of you and don't go too high." I warned as I pointed my finger accusingly.

The children soon raced off down to the tiny quidditch pitch at the bottom of the garden. "Between us we made a quidditch team." Draco chuckled. The rest of the group joined in at the realisation.

"We're also going to add a referee." Astoria said, shyly. I gasped and beamed at my sister-in-law. "You're pregnant?" I asked happily. She nodded happily in response. Our group chorused their congratulations, which made Astoria blush at all the attention.

"I'm going to be a Granny again." My Mum sighed happily. "They better be male, I don't want to have to scare off two lots of men." My Dad warned, jokingly. Everyone laughed at his joke as Severus and I shook out heads.

The rest of the part passed by in a gush of laughter and jokes. The children spent most of their time playing quidditch. Everyone adored the cake I had specially made for the twins' birthday. It was a large cake in the shape of a triangle. On the top was an edible photo of the twins. I had enchanted the photo in the same way a regular one would be, so that the twins would raise their arms and the words 'Happy Birthday Eli and Angel!' would appear.

My parents and Uncle were the first to leave and then it was my brother and Astoria. The only people remaining were our old Hogwarts group.

"So, we'll meet at the station next week." Blaise told us. "I'm gonna miss you guys." Neville said, bringing us all into a hug. "Oh Merlin, not this again!" Blaise commented, causing our group to fall into a nostalgic fit of laughter.


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