Chapter 6: Leaving all I've ever known

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Today is the day. The day where I leave my normal, everyday life to a life that is almost foreign to me.

I hear a gentle knocking at my door and then my Mother says softly "It's 5am Luce. We need to leave in an hour." I hear her walk away and then down the stairs. I sit straight upright in my bed. A mix of excitement and nerves fills my belly.

I climb out of my bed, then make it, for the last time in a while. I grab my towel off of the radiator and walk into the bathroom. I take a quick shower using my vanilla bodywash and coconut hair products. When i get out I wrap the towel around my body. Ring out my hair, then leave it hang loosely over my shoulders.

I walk back into my bedroom and open my wardrobe. I pick out a grey skater skirt, a black long sleeved v neck and some black tights. I get dressed and then walk over to my desk. I plug in my hairdryer in the socket next to it and then start drying my hair.

By the time my hair is dry it is already 5.20am. I apply some light foundation, comb my eyebrows through, put some mascara on and a tinted lip balm. I walk back into the bathroom and brush my teeth.

When I re-enter my room I walk over to my trunk and quickly check through to make sure I have everything. Then I place my kitten, Dash, into his carrier and take my trunk and cat downstairs. I glance at the wall. 5.40am. I can feel the nerves starting to take over.

When I walk into the kitchen Mum is already in there, packing some snacks for in the car. "Morning Mum." I say with a crackly voice from being awake so early. "Good Morning Lucia. Don't you look beautiful today?" My mum replies in a soft voice whilst looking at me. I reply with a simple "Thank you."

Then I realise something, Elijah isn't downstairs yet. The past week he has been avoiding me at all costs. But, that won't be so easy when we're sat in a car together for almost 5 hours.

Right then something pulls me out of my thoughts. It was the squeak of the kitchen door handle and in walks my brother, dressed in a black hoodie and some blue jeans.

"I-just-wanted-to-say-I'm-sorry, for-overreacting-so-much-the-other-day." He almost blurts out in a low voice. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him and say "Its okay, I understand why you did." He looks down at me before smiling and then cracking the joke I knew must have been nagging at him "I told you you were a witch." He said laughing which was quite contagious because it resulted with Mum and I joining in.


It is now 5.55am and My family and I are packing my things into my car. The last thing I packed in was my handbag, which was full of books and parchment. I hopped into the front seat of the car yelling "dibs!" Before my brother even thought to. The next thing I heard was an exaggerated "uchhhh..." before a low giggle as my brother say in the seat behind my Mum.

"Everything packed?" She asks getting into the drivers seat, to the left of me. "Yep!" I reply with my biggest smile ever. As much as I was nervous, I was also filling with excitement more and more by the second.

The car ride was long but filled with laughter and off-key singing as we all chimed in with the radio.


We arrived in the train station at 10.45am. 'What a long drive.' I thought to myself as my brother began unpacking my stuff and placing them on a trolley.

Then I remembered about food. I asked my Mum if I could nip into one of the snack shops in the train station and she replied with "of course you can!" Handing me a £5 note and going to help my brother load the trolley.

I walk into the confectionery shop and purchase a bag of sweet and salty popcorn, a bar of chocolate, a bottle of diet cola and a bag of harribos.

I hurried back to my mum and brother and shoved the packets into my handbag. "Thats a bit much, don't you think?" I heard my brother say. I glared at him long and hard before saying "I heard it is a long journey, they also have different foods there, I wanted my favourite snacks." He just nodded at me before starting to walk down the platforms. My Mum and I followed.

When we reached the wall between platform 9 and 10, my brother began to stare at me and mum as if we were daft. I had earlier read about what you need to do in order to cross to the wizarding train station. But this all still felt so surreal, I too had considered it being a joke in order for me to run into a wall. I just rolled my eyes at my brother before giving a low chuckle.

I turned towards the clock 10.55am. I looked up to my mum before giving her a tight hug. "I'm gonna miss you honey, please send us an owl whenever possible." Said my Mum looking down at me. We pulled apart and I promised I would send them a letter at least once a week.

Then I felt my brother wrap his arms around me. Ew. Is all I thought but I didn't push away. This was going to be the last time my brother sees me until Christmas. We spend half term in Hogwarts.

When we pulled apart we all said our goodbyes before I turned to the wall checking that my luggage and cat carrier was secure on my trolley. Next thing I know I begin running straight into the wall. No stopping now. I squeeze my eyes shut before I realise I am still running.

When I open them again I notice I am in a new destination. 'Beautiful' is what I think as I look ahead to a red and black steam train.

I only have 2 minutes left before it leaves. So, I start walking towards the train I try my hardest to get my luggage onto the train but I am only 5'3 and not very strong. Just the a boy around my age with hair hair is walking between the cabins, he notices me and pulls my luggage up without saying a word. I blurted out a quick "thanks!" before he walked away. 'Strange' I thought but he seemed pretty shy, with the way he scurried off.

I walked in between the cabins to my left and right before I found an empty one. I pulled in my bags and cat carrier and shut the door behind me. I opened the cat carrier so Dash could walk about for a bit.

Before I knew it the train was beginning to move and I noticed how tired I was. I pulled out a pillow I had packed with my things before drawing over the curtains on the door and falling into a nervous sleep.

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