Chapter 7: The beginning

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I heard a faint knocking on glass that woke me from my sleep and then the nervous boy with brown hair walked in. "You don't happen to have seen a toad?" He asked gently. I shook my head before saying "sorry, I haven't." He nodded and the told me there was only half an hour left before we arrived at Hogwarts. I felt the nervous grip on my belly tighten. "Thank you urm.." I said wondering what the boys name was. "Neville" he said smiling. "Thank you Neville, my name is Luciana." I said smiling back.

When he left I shut the curtains over again before unpacking my uniform and getting dressed. I added some heeled ankle boots and a silver necklace and matching bracelet that both had a peridot on them.

The train began slowing down. Now, I couldn't tell what I felt nervous, excited or homesick.

I placed Dash back into his cat carrier, closed over my trunk packing the clothes I was previously wearing and sat down to eat some of my dairy milk bar.

When the train stopped I grabbed my bags and went to leave my cabin as I did a red haired kid stumbled past and stomped on my foot. Before I could think I was already speaking "watch where you're going ginge!" I said almost shouting at the boy in front of me, he just walked away, followed by a bushy haired girl and a black, scruffy haired boy who were both glaring at me. I glared straight back at them.

I walk off the train unsure of where I am going when I hear a big man yelling "firs' years with me!" Repeatedly whilst people my height huddled around him. In a letter I had recently received from the deputy headmistress, I had been told to enter the castle with the first years to be... sorted. Whatever that meant.

I put my luggage in a pile with everyone else's before I followed the man all the way to a lake that had boats lined up along the shore. He told us to get into one so I stumbled into one of the boats followed by some other kids. As much as they were my height they looked younger in the face and I had more of a curved body. You could tell I wasn't a first year if you looked long at me. But at first glance my height said otherwise.

We crossed the lake and then walked up into the big castle and up some stairs where everyone waited. When we were waiting to go through to the dining hall a woman walked through the door. She screamed authority just in the way she walked.

She approached us as a whole and told us that we were to be sorted in any minute. She called my name and I stepped forward she pulled me aside before speaking again.

"Good evening miss..." she stopped and looked at me. She had just said my name. But I suppose she is wondering which name I'll use when I am here. "Jones" I assured her. "Right, miss Jones. In a moment you and all the first years will be taken through to the sorting ceremony, in there you will be chosen into a house. It will be like your home here in Hogwarts. As you have come at a much later date than usual you will be tested on your prior knowledge tomorrow morning. The test will show how much tutoring you will need to catch up with your year." She said whilst watching everyone around me.

I nodded and thanked her and went back to join the first years.

About 5 minutes later the doors open and we all walk in. When we stand in front of five large tables, 4 full of children wearing different coloured robes and the front full of teachers, I felt like someone had just squeezed my insides.

McGonagall explained the sorting ceremony and what each of the houses meant. I didn't want any in particular because I didn't know if there was a "best" one. The first name to be called up was mine as I was the only fifth year there.

When I walked to the front everyone was staring. I felt even more nervous than I thought anyone possibly could. When she put the hat on my head it instantly said "I know where to put you... SLYTHERIN!"

It startled me to say the least. Before it shouted the last word it sounded like it was inside of my head. Strange. I walked over to the table that had some applauding although some looked unhappy. I sat next to a pug nosed girl with short black hair. She glanced over to me and said "since when do they let mudbloods into slytherin. Mudblood, what on earth is a mudblood. I looked over to her and said, in a stern voice "WHAT did you just call me?" She snarled and repeated herself before continuing "of course you don't know what it means. (Scoffs). It means that you have dirty blood. You have muggle parents, no magic blood and you DO NOT belong here."

I glared at the girl before speaking up. "Actually, puggy, my parents are purebloods. Not that it is ANY of your business." She looked back at me before smirking and saying, in a smug voice, "Oh really, well I know most of the pureblood family names and Jones is definitely not one of them. So who are your REAL parents then adoptee." I glared at her again before speaking up "Andrew and Liliana Rodrigues." When I said the last name the girl looked away shocked and kept her mouth shut for the remainder of dinner. 'What just happened?' Is all I could think.

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