Chapter 4: When I find out

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I stared blankly at my Mum. She seemed uneasy, like the time she told Elijah and I about our Father. She stared back at me, cleared her throat and said "There is a lot you don't know". I looked at her, confused as ever and asked "and what may that me?". She looked at me and began "this is going to be hard to say and I would appreciate it if you would listen to what I have to say. Can you do that Luciana?" I knew what she mean when she asked that, I am quite the one to make a drama over nothing, but usually it doesn't bother her. 'Strange' I thought to myself.

"Of course not. Please just tell me what is going on. What aren't you telling me?" I asked pleasingly, trying not to be dramatic, but she was worrying me, she never keeps secrets from me. Almost never. She continued "Luciana, I'm sorry to say this, but, you're... adopted." I stared at her open mouthed, shocked. "What?" I half yelled at her, "I am what?" She looked at me cautiously and said "Your father and I, we adopted you when you were a baby." I could feel heat rising in my cheeks, and tears swelling in my eyes. I blinked them away before speaking again. "And only now, now that I am almost 15 YEARS OLD DO YOU THINK IT IS APPROPRIATE TO TELL ME?"

I couldn't control my anger now. She had lied to me for almost 15 years. How could a mother... someone do that. "We were going to tell you before, but when your Father got ill that was the last thing we were thinking about. I couldn't bring myself to tell you alone, we had planned to do it together." She had tears in her eyes by now, her talking about my Father always made her tear up, he only passed away a year ago to be fair.

"Mum, I'm sorry for shouting. I just thought that you had willingly lied to me my whole life." I said softly unsure of what else to do. She looked up at me and walked over to me and sat down. "I should have told you, it was unfair of me not to." She said whilst grabbing one of my hands in both of hers. "No, I understand why you couldn't Mum. But, now I am really confused." I said looking up at her. My Mother was tall, 6'2 to be exact but I was short only 5'4 so I had to look up to her when I spoke.

"Yes, I suppose I would be too, if I were in your... situation." She said uncertainly. She then began to explain; "Before you were born, Your father and I were friends with you biological parents. They weren't normal, however. They were a Witch and a Wizard. That never bothered us though. It is quite interesting actually. But what they would call the wizarding world, was not a very good place at the time, not to raise a child anyway. So, when your biological mother fell pregnant on you, as much as she was overjoyed, she was worried. Her and you bio father agreed that it would be best for you safety that you stay away from that world and live in the non-magical or muggle world. When they told me, I instantly offered to bring you in and raise you as my own. As me and your bio mother were such good friends it didn't take much consideration before she agreed. And so, when you were born you stayed with your bio parents for a month and then we adopted you and you came to live with us."

I was overwhelmed to say the least and I think I was even more confused now. I looked at my Mum who was staring at me searching for an answer. I then replied "why wasn't it safe?" Is all I could manage then my Mum continued "because at the time there was a dark sorcerer, trying to take over the world. And you're parent are what they call pureblood, they were the kind of people he wanted as followers. People who's ancestors were all magical, with no muggle blood in their family tree."

It makes sense to me now, why they put me up for adoption, sort of. I was still shocked that my bio parents were a Witch and a Wizard. Then it dawned on me "...Does that mean that I am a... witch?" I said in a low whisper. My Mum nodded. Then I realise what she had been saying 'at the time, it wasn't' all past tense.

"You explain that in the past tense.. about the dangers of that world. Why?" I blurt out before thinking. "Because.. when you were one, a miracle happened and that sorcerer was... no more. Something happened and he... disappeared." She said in a low calm voice and getting excited at certain parts. She continued "but, you were already a year old and had adapted to living in the muggle world. No one was sure if the man had died either. So, rather than returning to your bio parents, they put a spell on you that prevented anyone from seeing your magical powers or blood until you were older and ready for the magical world."

All I could do was nod at my mother before embracing her into a tight hug and saying "you'll always be my Mum." She pulled apart and smiled at me before saying "I am sure you want to know what that letter is about now then, huh?" She points to my letter before I pass it her and say "yeah, what the hell is Hogwarts?" She laughs before telling me how it is a school where young witches and wizards go to learn spells and potions and what not. She tells me that because I am now ready for the magical world I have been invited to attend.

I stare at my mother and after deep consideration I say "Can I go?" The look in my Mums face tells me that she doesn't want me to leave and so I say "if thats okay?" She smiles at me before saying "of course you can, I'll miss you deeply but I won't stop you from joining your own world."

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