Chapter 29.2: Sanctuary

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"You know what Linda? Your wish just came true. You'll never have to see my unwanted face ever again! Good riddance!" I shouted at her before slamming the door shut and beginning my journey.


I walked until my legs could no longer hold me. I slumped down onto a bench with a light overhead. Sitting there, I finally let my thoughts be free.

'What was I going to do now?' 'How could she even be like that?' 'How could she lie to me for so long?' Were just a few questions I was asking myself. However they were interrupted by a loud engine sounding along with the beep of a horn. I looked up to see a purple triple-decker bus. It was the knight bus that Seamus had told me about one time.

The door opened to reveal a rough looking guy, around 20 years old. "Welcome to the knight bus. Emergency transport for a stranded Witch or Wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike and I will be your conductor for this evening." He read in a cockney accent, from a piece of paper he pulled from his pocket. My mind blanked as I looked up at the man. ~"Well, what are you waiting for? Get on!" He exclaimed. I instantly stood up, holding Dash's carrier close to me.

I sat gingerly on one of the shabby looking four poster beds. "So, where to?" He asked after sending us off on our journey. My mind blanked again before saying the first place that came to mind. "Malfoy Manor."

"Ooo, got yerself a Malfoy boyfriend then, eh?" He asked in an amused tone. "Yes." I replied nonchalantly. "What did you say your name was again?" He inquired whilst looking at a Daily Prophet newspaper. I thought for a moment. 'I may as well use my birth name if I was just disowned.' "Luciana," I paused for a moment. "Luciana Rodrigues." I continued.

Stan stared for a moment before nodding. "You look like your Mother." He stated as he looked back down to his newspaper. The bus swerved a corner as I held on tightly to a post of the bed. "Really?" I asked when we returned to our original momentum. "Yeah. But, you've got ya Dads hair." He added.

I smiled, proudly, at knowing a little bit more about my parents. "Well, here we are. That'll be eleven sickles." He told me as we came to halt. I handed him the money and got up clutching on to Dash's carrier. "Thank you. It was nice meeting you, Stan." I told him as I reached a hand out to shake. He smiled gently and shook my hand, surprisingly lightly. "You too, Luciana." He replied.

I stepped up to the large gates of Malfoy Manor, hearing the Knight bus zoom away behind me. I took a deep breath and walked through the gates and strode to the dark Manor. I pulled the door knocker and banged it twice before taking another deep breathe.

A woman with Draco's platinum blonde hair opened the door with a gentle smile on her face. "Hello, how may I help you?" She asked, kindly. "I- Ur- I- My name is Luciana." I blurted out not knowing what to say. "Ah, yes. You're Draco's girlfriend." She stated, her smile widening. "Come in, come in." She ushered. I stepped in and gave her a grateful smile.

"What brings you here?" She asked as we walked into what seemed to be a drawing room. "Urm, well. I don't really know." I said timidly, feeling myself become sad at the reason. She frowned slightly. "It was the first place I thought of when Stan, from the Knight bus, asked me where to go." I blurted out feeling my voice crack slightly.

"Luce?" I heard Draco ask, confused, by the door. I looked up, glassy-eyed as I saw him. He strode over to me quickly. "Hey, what's up?" He asked, concerned. The tears suddenly escaped from my eyes as I buried my head into his shoulder. "I'm going to go make some tea." Mrs Malfoy excused herself.

After a few minutes of sobbing I finally composed myself enough to explain to Draco everything that had happened. "So, you just left?" He asked. "I didn't know what else to do and there was no way I could be in the same house as her for a moment longer." I explained.

"You can stay here as long as you need." A male voice said from the doorway. I looked up to see a man, similar looking to Draco next to Mrs Malfoy. He must be his Dad. "I wouldn't want to intrude." I stated. "Don't be foolish, we couldn't leave you to the streets." He insisted. "Thank you." I exclaimed. I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding.

"Now then, it's rather late. I think a cup of tea and then off to bed would be best. You've had a busy day dear." Mrs Malfoy soothed. I nodded and accepted the cup with a grateful smile.

When everyone had finished their tea Narcissa cleared the table with a wave of her wand. "Draco, will you show Luciana to the guest room?" Mr Malfoy asked. "Yes, Father." Draco said with a smile now that the somber mood had been lifted.

"Thank you so much again, Mr and Mrs Malfoy." I said with a grateful smile. "Oh, please. No need for such formalities. It's Lucius and Narcissa." She said happily. I nodded and Draco and I left the room.

"This is your room, mine is just across the hall." Draco said, waving to a door. "Thank you so much, Draco." I told him. "Don't mention it." He told me happily. We shared a quick kiss before separating to our individual rooms.

I stepped into a large room with light cream walls. There was a warm and welcoming yet still formal vibe to the room. There was a black leather and wood bed stationed in the centre of the back wall between two windows. Matching furniture filled the room; a dresser and mirror against an adjacent wall, a bedside table on the left side and a chest drawers in a small alcove. There was an en-suite bathroom through a door on the opposite wall.

(The Room)

I shut the door behind me and enlarged and switched on the light

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I shut the door behind me and enlarged and switched on the light. I opened Dash's cat carrier before placing his food and water out by the bathroom door. I enlarged my trunk and placed it at the bottom of the bed before enlarging Hermes' cage and placing it on the chest drawers. I opened the window and was greeted by a soaring Hermes who flew into his cage happily. I shut the curtains over and slipped on a pair of pyjamas and climbed into the bed which I then called mine until I returned to Hogwarts.

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