Chapter 19: Astronomy

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We arrived in Astronomy a few minutes later but the Proffesor didn't pay much mind to our tardiness. We paired up and took a telescope between each pair. I had paired with Draco and Blaise and Goyle paired together and Crabbe worked with Theodore Nott.

"Here are the sequences I want you to look for this lesson." Our Professor Said as she levitated the sheets to everyone. I looked down at the sheet and showed it to Draco. We began the work to try and pass it as fast as possible.

Quarter of an hour had passed and I was already bored of this lesson. "I'll be back in a minute." I told Draco who gave me a quizzical look but nodded. I walked over to the Proffesor and innocently as I could said "Please could I be excused to the bathroom?" She gave me a soft smile and said "Of course! Hurry back though."

I left the room and went to the bathrooms I didn't need to use them but I was bored and figured it would kill some time. I brushed my hair out with my fingers in front of the mirror and tied it up in a high ponytail and pulling some loose hairs out to make it look more natural. I rinsed my face with eater and let out a loud sigh.

When I was making my way back to Astronomy I heard voices coming from the hallway I was about to go through. Nevertheless, I continued in my path. As I entered the hall the sight before me shocked me speechless. I stood still as though I had been nailed to the spot.

Stood in front of me was Blaise leaning down to kiss Goyle. The were looking deep into eachothers eyes but right as I came around the corner they stared at me with shock on their faces. "I- I'm so sorry." I managed to blurt out. They both blushed immensely before breaking apart.

"Please don't say anything Lucia. We aren't ready to come out to the rest of the group yet." Blaise pleaded. I gave him a soft smile "of course I won't. This is none of my business. I'll wait until you're both ready to be out." I said reassuringly.

They both lost the tension in their faces at my words. "But oh my god, congratulations! I totally seen this coming. The way you both stare at each other when you think no ones looking and how you got embarrassed when I said anything." I added excitedly. My excitement was returned with their laughter.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to get all excited. But this is so amazing you guys." I said beaming. "Thanks Lucia." Goyle said with a smile. "And thanks for not saying anything either." Blaise added. I smiled back at the two, now that I thought about it they were very cute together. "Of course, don't mention it." I said happily.

"Well I need to get back to class now but congrats guys. I'll see you later." I waved goodbye and walked back to the Astronomy Tower beaming.

"What are you smiling at?" Draco asked as I sat down beside him. "Huh? Oh, I don't know. Am I not allowed to smile." I said feigning defensiveness. "Not when you didn't even want to get out of bed less than half an hour ago and now look like a maniac." He said with a chuckle. I shook my head.

"Come on let's get back to work." I sighed.

It was 1am before the class was left to go. Draco and I packed away our things before leaving the tower and walking towards the dungeons.

"I'm never going to another night lesson again!" I stated. "Yes you are. Even if I have to drag you out of your bed, you will." He chuckled. "Urm nuh uh." I said sassily. He started laughing at me. "You could stay with me if you wanted but there is no way on this planet I'm staying up late again to study stars. Fair enough looking up at the night sky, but to sit and study it... he'll no." I added.

"Are you being serious? You aren't going to the lessons anymore." Draco asked. "I might go every two weeks to keep my grades level. But, if you go I can just copy your work the next day." I said smirking. "No. If you aren't going I'm sure as he'll not." He replied. I laughed gently. "Its 'cause I'm so amazing. You just can't resist me." I teased in my most dreamy voice and flipped my ponytail over my shoulder for effect.

"Of course." He said coolly. We burst into a fit of laughter as we were walking down the last set of stairs. We seemed to have walked slower than anyone else because it was just us in the corridor. I was laughing so hard I almost slipped on the last step. I felt my heart skip a beat at the sudden movement but I felt a pair of strong arms arpund my waist stop my fall. I spun around and Draco was only a few inches away, his hand still on my waist.

"Thanks." I tried to say but it came out in low whisper. Draco stepped back after a moment and blushed slightly. "No problem." He said awkwardly. I giggled at his sudden awkwardness.

If I had learnt anything in these past few weeks it was that Draco was not an awkward kind of guy. He was cold towards most people and enjoyed tormenting people like the golden trio, I didn't mind though because i still had a grudge against gingey for stomping on my foot and being a dick about it.

He was even sometimes cold towards his friends, never to me though. He seemed like a different person to me, especially when it was just the two of us, I wonder why that was.

"Should we get going then?" Draco asked suckimg me from my thoughts. "Huh? Oh. Yeah. Come on." I said a little confused at the events that just happened.

We entered the deserted common room but none of us made a move to step further. In all honesty I didn't want to leave Draco now. I didn't know why but I knew I wanted to be around him. "Urm, do you want to sleepover tonight?" I asked nervously. He looked at me confused. "Its just I get a little lonely not having a roommate and thought maybe you could stay over." I added to justify my question.

He smiled down at me. "Sure. Let me just go change quick alright?" He said. I nodded mutely and he took off into the boys dormitories. He came back out a few minutes later wearing a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants. He walked over to where I was standing. "You ready to go?" He asked with a soft smile. "Yep." I simply said.

We were in my room before one of us spoke again. "Do you know what this means now?" I asked as I filled Salazars bowls. "What what means?" He said confused. "You staying over." I said with a giggle. "Urm no. What does it mean?" He asked the confusion still in his voice.

"It means I can steal your body heat and stay warm." I replied with a smirk. "Of course you would say something like that." He chuckled.

Grabbing the shorts I had been wearing earlier I went into the bathroom and changed out of my leggings and into the shorts. I kept the hoodie on though this time. When I came back out Draco had already made himself at home in my bed. "You look comfy." I stated with a giggle. He chuckled back at me as I switched off the light and climbed in the bed beside him. "As do you in our  hoodie." He teased, putting an emphasis on 'our'.

I smiled up at him. "Well of course. I'm me, I look good in anything." I said in a cool tone. He laughed before speaking again. "Are you ready to go to sleep?" He asked gently. I nodded mutely at lay down facing him. He shuffled towards me slightly before placing an arm over my waist. "Sweet dreams Luce." He whispered. "Goodnight Drakie." I whispered back snuggling into his chest. With that I fell into a deep sleep.

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