Aftercare (Pregame Shuichi x Ingame shuichi)

531 5 6

Requested by:me
Pure fluff
Warnings: none
Sensitive?- cannot be
First: I'm trying to do something new.
Second: please dont be mean about this one
Third: Siahara- pregame
             Shuichi- ingame

Saihara pov

I slumped against Shuichi as he was taking deep breaths coming down from his height. I laid on my side hugging him closer, when he winced in pain "baby boy was I too hard?" I caressed his hair gently kissing his forehead "y-you were g-great. J-just hurts" I smiled gently continuing to run my fingers trough his hair "lets clean you up, how does that sound?" He nodded in my chest 'yes' and then yawned sleepily.
I picked him up bridle style and took him to the bathroom connected to our bedroom. Slowly I placed Shuichi down on the toilet lid so I can prepare his bath. Shuichi winced again, in a second I was by his side "baby you okay?" I rubbed his arm lovingly placing a kiss on his hand "It h-hurts" a small soft smile appeared on my face again "its gonna be okay. Lets get you in the water."

3rd pov

Shuichi was lifted into the nice warm water soon joined by Saihara himself.
Saihara gently washed Shuichi as he was resting on Saiharas chest barely awake. "Go to sleep sweetheart. I'll take care of you" Saihara gently whispered into the others ear and soon enough Shuichi eyes closed falling into a peaceful slumber. After cleaning both of them, Saihara slowly and gently exited the tub going to change the sheets.

The sheets were cleaned now and the awake boy slowly put out Shuichi from the bath and dried him up. Shuichi was now wearing one of Sahara's fanboy shirts and his grey boxers and as for Saihara he was wearing a plain white T-shirt and black boxers.
Shuichi was gently placed on the bed snuggling into the fresh covers and pillow.

Saihara pov

I smiled at Shuichi quickly joining him in the bed. I covered us with the covers and pulled Shuichi closer laying him on my chest 'hes so adorable. I love him so much' I kissed him on the forehead rubbing his back with affection.
Shuichi stirred his eyes fluttering open "S-sai?" He was so tired I could see it on his face in the dark "what is it? You should be asleep baby boy" I told him still rubbing his back "i-it hurts" Hes too cute "I'm gonna get up to get you some painkillers ok" he nodded and I gently placed him down on my side, standing up to get the pills and some water.

When I grabbed them I quickly went back upstairs so my baby boy doesn't suffer any longer. I entered the bedroom to find Shuichi curled up in the bed holding his stomach "Shu-baby I got the pills. Try to sit up so you can take them" I gently rubbed his arm to show him comfort, he sat up wincing in pain.
He then quickly gulped down two pills and laid back in the bed. I took the glass of water putting itbon the nightstand and joined him in bed.
I pulled him closer to me. We were both laying on our back with Shuichi pressed on my side, I hooked one arm around him gently rubbing his aching stomach "You did a great job. I'm proud of you" I whispered pressing him closer "Still h-hurts" he whimpered holding my hand down on his stomach "shhh I know. The painkillers will kick in soon. Don't worry. Now get some rest, best to sleep the pain away" I kissed his lips and he snuggled deeper into my side. My arms wrapped around him and soon the sleep caught up to both of us.

-time skip by this oneshot that I don't know why I'm writing it:)-

Saihara pov

The light from the sun that shined thought the window woke me up. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock 7:45am in the morning. I looked at my side to find my sweet baby sleeping and holding me close 'he probably wont be able to walk today' its Saturday so thats one good point.
I carefully unhooked his arms around me replacing me with the pillow. I smiled and went downstairs to get some painkillers and breakfast in bed for my baby boy.
I made some pancakes and coffee for both of us. I picked up the tray and took it upstairs, I left the door open just for that and stepped in the room.

Shuichi was still sleeping, cuddling the pillow close to himself. Gently I shook Shuichi "babe I made you some breakfast. Wake up" his golden-grey may I mention gorgeous eyes opened slowly and a big cute yawn escaped his lips "m-morning S-sai" he murmured and tried to sit up only to wince in pain and lay down again "Don't push it baby. I brought some painkillers to ease the pain, you can stay in bed whole day today okay" he nodded and I helped him sit up and then took the painkillers.
While he ate his breakfast, I checked the news and such when Shuichi shuffled towards me wrapping his arm around my torso and laying his head on my shoulder "you want some cuddles babe?" He hummed in agreement and we laid down on the bed together.

I was holding him close rubbing his stomach yet again to comfort him "S-sai?" I looked at him and raised my eyebrows "what is it?" He only cuddled closer to me and kissed me on the lips "I-I love you" He said and soon soft snores could be heard coming from him "I love you to Shuichi" I said to the sleeping boy and pulled the covers to his neck. Shuichi hummed and relaxed in my arms cuddling my chest.
My smile went even wider and I kissed his forehead running my hand up and down his back under his shirt. My eyes soon started to drop and the sleep caught up to me yet again.


OwO why did I do it? Idk.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed that???? And thank you for reading this peace of crap

Request are still open as always.

Bye bye.

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