Dont worry darling(amaguji) part 2

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Requested by:the_real_SATAN666
Angst maybe?/kinda fluff?
Warnings: yandere, forced eating
Sensitive?-dont read
Rantaro pov

My eyes flutter open and I slowly sat up on the bed looking around 'why am I here? Please somebody help'.
Now that I'm more awake I looked around the room.
The bedroom is dimly lit and has grey walls with a door on the left side. The window was on the right side and had a black curtains blocking it. There was another door on the wall in front of me and a black closet on the right side of that door. The bed was queen sized and had greenish/grey color sheets, beside the bed was a nightstand with a lamp on it.

I pulled myself up and pressed my back on the headboard of the bed. I squeezed my knees to my chest and warped my arms around them.
Then the door opened again and Korekiyo stepped in. But this time he had a tray with him "morning darling how did you sleep?" I shivered and didn't reply.
He paced the tray down and sat on the bed. I only looked at him with fear in my eyes 'he said he wouldn't hurt me right...but what if he does' "you don't need to fear me darling. I brought some food..." his gaze fell cold "but you will have to behave. The rules are simple: don't scream for help and don't resist okay. And maybe I will not put the cloth back on, yes?" His gaze then softened.

I nodded and he reached for me, in fear I tried to back away only to chains on my right hand stopped me "now now don't be afraid".
He pulled me on the middle of the bed and untying the cloth on my neck, he pulled it off and I started to cough and swallow my saliva.I opened my mouth a couple of time to stretch it a little. My mouth was a little sore from having a cloth in it.
"There we go, here have some water" he held up a glass of water to my lips. I slowly drank from it until it was empty "now for some food" he reached for the bowl of chicken and rice.
He grabbed some with the fork and placed it to my mouth to witch I didn't open it 'what if its poisoned!' "come on now don't be stubborn darling, you need to eat" I tried to scoot away but he grabbed me and chains held me back "I guess we have no other choice then"
He slammed my head agains the headboard it wasn't strong so it didn't hurt too much. Then he put his hand on my nose blocking air to get to my lungs "there we go, we have no other choice darling. You will have to open your mouth to breathe sometime" I tried to struggle to no success.

Half a minute passed and my mouth open automatically, lungs wanted to have air. I took a deep breath and food was shoved into my mouth, I tried to spit it out but my mouth was shut by a hand "now CHEW and SWALLOW" Korekiyo said. I chewed the food and swallowed it "thats a good boy, now we can repeat the process or you cooperate with me. Thats your choice?"
He took another fork of the food and held it against my mouth, I slowly and hesitantly opened my mouth letting him feed me "there we go, you're learning slowly" the process continued until the bowl was empty.
"You were a good boy, but we still have to work a little on your attitude and behavior" he put the cloth back into my mouth and made a tight knot so it wont slip. I whined and felt a hand on my head "I'm sorry but we will have to train some more for this to come off kehehehehe" he chuckled and tapped the cloth, he stood up and picked the tray up and left the room.

As soon as he left fat tears started to fall out of my eyes 'I wanna get out of here...please somebody help me' I fell on the bed turning to the window.
I was still crying when the door opened again and Korekiyo stepped in "darling?" I tried to keep quite but a sniffle escaped my nose.
And in a flash he was in front of the me kneeling down at me level "darling don't cry. I didn't want to sound scary but you need to learn" he kissed my forehead and rubbed my chained arm "come on lets dry those tears" with his sleeve he wiped my eyes "there we go all better"...

Korekiyo pov

I wiped his tears away 'my poor sweetheart' I cant remove the cloth yet. I kept rubbing his arm to comfort him a little, maybe after a while he will learn to love me and maybe then I'll do some adjustments. But for now he will have to bare with it.

-time skip by my poor avocado;-;-
Korekiyo pov

Three months had passed since I took Rantaro under my care. He learned how to behave and how to love me trough time, he had to go trough some punishments but he is trained.
He is sorta free to be in the apartment. In every room is a long leg chain, he has to hook it on his leg himself if I'm not home, but when I'm home I chained it on him.

I was walking home from a killing spree just now. I killed two boys one had dark purple hair and the other had navy blue hair(sorry I'm not sorry).
I grabbed the keys and unlocked the door and stepped in "I'm back my darling" I announced "Kiyo!" I heard from the couch. I walked there and saw Rantaro reading a book on it, he is forbidden to watch TV without my permission so he doesn't hear anything that he shouldn't, he doesn't have a phone either for the same reason. I took his old one and got dispose of it "were you a good boy today?"
I looked at his leg and the chain was on 'good' he nodded yes. I sat on the couch and patted my lap. Like a dog he sat on my lap and snuggled into my shoulder 'I trained him good'.
I petted his head and turned on my phone going trough some social media. I heard soft snores coming from my boyfriend 'he fell asleep on my lap' I looked at the clock 8:00pm 'good' he has a sleeping schedule too he needs to wake up at least at 9am and go to bed at least till 9:30am. I kissed his forehead and unchained his leg. I stood up and carried him towards the bedroom. I opened the door an laid him down on the bed, I unhooked his arms around my neck and chained his leg to the bed. I sat on the bed and looked at him for a while then covering him with some fluffy covers "goodnight my darling. Sleep well".


I hope you enjoyed it. Should I write a story about this???-its a really good idea tell me if you want a story based on this.

Request still open.

Bye bye.

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