14 || Just One Yesterday

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"Sex," Jasper laughed. "She knows we had sex."

Zayn covered his ears. "She's innocent! She doesn't need to know about that!"

"Your sister isn't a child," Jasper said, although honestly, she felt the same way. Nevertheless, it was always fun to tease him. She missed their playful banter. She turned to her side and gazed at him, his eyes staring at the ceiling, obviously in deep thought. The bite mark on his neck was almost completely healed, and with nimble fingers she touched his chest and kissed his bicep. "Zayn, I..."

"Thank you for being here, Jasper," he mumbled all of a sudden, his gentle eyes finding hers. "I don't know how I could have handled everything without you."

"Thank me through a kiss next time, yeah?" Jasper quoted him, and with a laugh, Zayn pulled her to him and kissed her deeply.

When they heard the front door swing close downstairs, Zayn released her and drew back. Concern immediately marred his relaxed face. "Maybe she needs to go to the coop."

"Go help her," Jasper hesitantly pushed him away, already missing his warmth.

Kissing her one more time, he slipped off the bed. After putting his trousers on, he went out the door and gave her a good view of his toned back.

Jasper sighed dreamily, couldn't believe that-

Safaa screamed.

Time had stood still after that.

Jasper tried to look through the window to see what happened, but Zayn had tackled her to the floor, hiding her from plain sight. "Jasper," Zayn's voice called her, his cold fingers tight on her arms. Her ears were ringing. "They're going to get Safaa."

"They?" Jasper asked pointlessly, and didn't bother questioning his reason as he cautiously pulled her to the hallway. He began to mutter something about hidden passages and tunnels. She noticed he had an article of clothing balled in the hand that was dragging her wrist. His other hand was her machete.

"You have to go," Zayn said, pulling Safaa's closet wide open. Pushing aside a bunch of dresses and dolls, he slipped his hand between a small tight space in the planks and with a click, the wooden interior swung open. It was small enough to crawl through.

Jasper was still in shock. Seeing the small space, she shook her head, tried to take a step back, but Zayn used his frame to keep her from running. "No," she said. This was where Safaa hid when her sisters got abducted. Shaking her head, Jasper tried to push away from him, but he hardened his grip on her. "No, no, no! What are you doing!?" He was pushing her down against her will. "Zayn!"

Cupping her cheeks with his hands, Zayn kissed her wet cheeks. She didn't even realise she had been crying. "Jasper," he whispered. "You have to hide."

"I don't," she whispered through clenched teeth in frustrated anger, "I will die with you, Zayn. Please don't leave me." Jasper knew she was begging and she didn't care, but he kept pushing her hands away, trying his best to overpower her.

But Zayn only shook his head and pushed her deeper in the closet. He glanced at the door. They could hear loud footsteps downstairs. From the porch. In the kitchen. They were running out of time. "Move downwards. Follow the passage and you'll exit into the stream nearby. Farm will be on your right. Stay here until everyone leaves."

Jasper was frantic, held so tightly on his arm she thought she would break it. "Zayn, let them take us. Don't let me be without you. Please I'm begging you!"

World War Zayn • ZMNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ