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"I'm glad I'm here too, now stop being mushy and cuddle me"

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"I'm glad I'm here too, now stop being mushy and cuddle me"


"Honey, I can't wait to meet Lila!" My mom says excitedly.

"About that, we need to set some rules," I say and she groans.

It's not that I'm necessarily scared for Lila to meet my mom but I just don't want my mom to bring up any questions about her life that would upset her. I don't want to scare her away.

"Mom, Lila is has had a... hard past, I don't even know the full story yet. I don't want to have a subject come up that would upset her" I say.

"Okay, I get it, honey"

"First, don't say anything about her parents, or how she grew up. You can still ask her what it's like where she's from and how she got into surfing and stuff but family other than her brother is a big no" I explained.

"So I can't ask her anything other than Hawaii, and surfing? Doesn't leave me with much"

"Well you can talk about her brother, but not about her past with her brother" Yeah, this is probably confusing for her.

"Would you like to make me a list or something?" She jokes

"I'm serious, she's had it pretty hard but she's still a normal happy person at the moment. I'm not trying to be mean or extra, I really like her and don't want to scare her away"

"I guess you really do like her, and if you like her then I'll like her. I promise I won't scare her away" She says and I hug her.

"Thank you, mom"

"Your welcome, now you are going to be late to pick up your lady," She says and I pull away from the hug.


Lila boarded her plane around 7 pm Cali time, and the flight would take around five hours or so because she had to board another flight in Dallas to get to Jersey.

She was excited but nervous. She really wanted to see Bryan because she hadn't seen him in a week and she wanted to see Chris who was one of her best friends.

But her nervousness was almost taking the best of her, she was scared his mom wouldn't like her. And that's where her overthinking came into play.

She tried to push all of her thoughts away and focus on getting through her flights. Flying was always something she didn't enjoy very much. Although it was pretty if you looked out the window, especially at sunset, she didn't care too much for takeoffs and landings. Something about it made her anxious.

She soon made it through her two flights, landing in Jersey at 8 pm eastern time.

Bryan got more and more excited as he looked at the texts she was sending him about where she was when she got off the plane.

Lila looked around the airport after she grabbed her bags, a big smile as she spotted the familiar curly brown hair. Bryan spotted her and smiled too.

Once they made it to each other Bryan embraced her into a big hug, his arms tight around her body. Lila laughed as he picked her up and hoisted her up on his waist.

"I missed you baby" He places a small kiss on her lips.

"I missed you too"

"How was your flight?" He asks putting her down and then taking her bag from her.

"It was okay, boring" She shrugged. "I was just excited to see you," She says and he smiles at her, grabbing her hand with his free one.

"I was excited to see you too, and now I'm excited for you to meet my family and friends"

"I'm nervous about that" She sighs.

"You don't have to be nervous, I'll be with you, and Chris literally raves about you to everyone. Dom's also here and you know him too"

Right, Dom. Dom and Lila get along but he still had a crush on her. Obviously, She doesn't like him like that but she doesn't want Bryan to know in case he gets jealous. Little does she know that he already knows.

"Yeah, but what if your family doesn't like me?"

"Babe, everyone likes you, for the most part," He says and Lila rolls her eyes, stupid Natalie. "I'm 99% positive that they love you"

"What about the other 1%?"


I met Bryan's mom and other siblings, and of course, reunited with Chris. It went so well, it couldn't have gone any better.

His mom likes me I'm pretty sure, but just like any parent that meets their kid's significant other she probably isn't putting all of her hopes into me until she knows me a little more.

His other siblings are nice but of course, Chris made a whole scene about not seeing me for a little over a week. I hadn't seen him since that Dream incident.

Now it was about 11:30 and I'm so tired so I was going to get some rest in Bryan's room. Almost as soon as I hit his bed my eyes fluttered closed from jet lag but I was awoken by Bryan's soft voice.

"Baby, don't you want to change into something more comfortable?"

"Ugh, I guess" I groan and use his arm to pull myself up out of his bed.

I grab a pair of shorts and one of Bryan's shirts then go into his bathroom and change into them. I put my hair up and then go back into his room and lay back in the bed.

I feel the bed dip beside me and open my eyes, seeing his royal blue ones staring back at me.

"What?" I ask softly.

"Your just so beautiful like this, I'm glad your here" He smiles.

"I'm glad I'm here too, now stop being mushy and cuddle me" I cuddle into his chest, feeling it vibrate slightly from his soft laugh.

"Good night, baby"

I don't have time to respond back before my body gets consumed by jet lag and much-needed sleep.


𝐑𝐈𝐏 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐋 𓆉 Bryan Williams Where stories live. Discover now