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"Focus on the waves, not the world"

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"Focus on the waves, not the world"


"Good morning Malibu and welcome to the annual 2020 amateur surfing competition" the announcers voice booms through the speaker. "What a wonderful day to ride some waves man"

Back on the sunny beach by the check in table a very anxious Lila and a pretty chill Theo stood in line. There where no words to describe how Lila was feeling.

People had already started to notice who she was from the years before, surprised looks on their faces and some had scowls.

A lot of people used to not like Lila during her pro days, they thought she was a try hard. But that's usually how it went in that industry, if you have skill you have to use it to the best of your ability.


"Delilah Summers"

"Wait... the Delilah Summers?" The lady at the table asks setting her pen down.

"Yeah, that's me" She sighs.

"This is amazing. What's it been, a year? We have to get an interview from you" The lady says.

"An interview?"

"Yeah, talk about your recovery, what you've been doing, your return if that's going to happen" The lady says overly excited.

"Um... okay sure"

Back at the announcers booth Lila stood nervous infront of a camera on live TV. I mean it's not ESPN or anything but it's still TV.

"I've just been informed that young surfing legend Delilah Summers is here, making a return to professional surfing. Now tell me Lila, what happened and why did you decide to return"

"Um yeah, last year in Hawaii was the last day that I surfed professionally. I shattered a growth plate and basically just broke my whole knee to pieces. I got through it, it was hard but I'm back and training to go pro with the help of my friend and new coach Theo Duncan. I'm just glad to be back" Lila smiles at the camera.

"You heard it here first, Delilah Summers is making a come back. Good luck out there"

After that whole thing she returns to Theo who was waxing her board and watching the waves carefully, telling her what she needs to do to be successful today.

"Hey, surfing legend" Lila feels a tap on her shoulder and hears the familiar voice making her smile.

"You made it!" She gives him a big hug that he returns back, sparks igniting where his hands touch her bare waist.

"Of course I made it, Chris did too. Zach couldn't make it but he wishes you luck"

"Well thank you for coming" She kisses his cheek making the skin turn a cute shade of pink.

"I wouldn't miss it, I'm your hype man" He jokes.

"Excuse me, I'm her hype man" Chris says coming out of nowhere.

"Hi Chris" Lila laughs.

"Hey, I didn't realize you were such a big deal around here. I'm friends with a legend" Chris says going to hug her.

"Me neither, I've got a lot of pressure on me now" She looks around to see people look at her but when they make eye contact they look away.

Teen Surfer National Champion Female devision 2018, 40 competition/tournament wins from age 13-19. Ranked 21st best surfer in the world 2018-2019. Those titles are what made her.

There was a lot of pressure to live up to her old reputation of being in the top 50 surfers in the world. Winning used to come naturally to her and now it's was foreign to her.

"I have faith in you blue" Theo says. "You have my coaching so there's no doubt you won't make it into top three"

"Top three? She's winning this bitch" Chris says.

"Sorry about him, he hit his head a lot as a kid" Bryan says making Lila giggle.

"Whatever, all I know is, these people have nothing on you. How many titles do you have? How many championships have you won?" Chris continues.

"He's right Blue, your made to be a pro" Theo says.


"I don't know if I can do this" The thirteen year old say looking at her coach, nervousness eating her alive.

"You've got this babe, who beat all those older kids at the beach the other day? You did. Your made to be a pro and nothing less. Do you want to go pro?"


"Say it louder. Do you want to be a pro!?"

"I want to be a pro! I will be a pro!"


"Don't jinx it" Lila says. "I'm literally gonna puke right now" She says shaking her hands, something that Bryan noticed she did when she was nervous.

"Your gonna be okay, even if you don't win it's just an amateur competition" Theo says.

"All surfers please get to the line up" the announcer says and Lila's heart pounds. Chris returns to his seat and Theo sands by the shore.

"Hey, you know that your amazing right. And I'll be in the crowd the whole time" He says bringing her into a hug.


"Promise" He wraps their pinkies together and kisses her side making her blush.

"Go kick ass out there" He smirks and walks away.

Lila smiles to herself and meets Theo who was waiting for her at the line up with one of his famous pep talks.

"You've got this blue. Don't worry about anything happening on land or the people out there with you. Focus on the waves, not the world, it's just you and the tide" Theo puts a hand on her lower back.

"1...2...3..." the horn sounds and everyone is off into the ocean.

Lila paddles out into waves, the familiar salty air feeling like home on her skin. She looks off into the distance as she sits and waits for a wave and then to the crowd, spotting the three most important people in her life.

Then a big wave comes and she takes the chance, standing up and letting the tide take control, realizing how much she missed the competitive rush.

Why was I so nervous, this is what I was meant for

𝐑𝐈𝐏 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐋 𓆉 Bryan Williams Where stories live. Discover now