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"Can't I just go out without you ruining my day?"

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"Can't I just go out without you ruining my day?"


"That's my fucking Blue!" Theo yells as Lila gets out the water running to him and giving him a hug and he spins her around. "You won and you hit that 360 out there!"

"I know, I did what you said, to focus on the waves not the world" She says when he sets her down. "I missed that so much"

"Well you just beat everyone here by a lot, thanks to my coaching and wisdom" He smiles.

"We won together then" Lila says with a huge smile.

"Alright Blue, amazing job, but you've got awards" He says and pats her back as she walks away and to awards.

Bryan walks over to where Theo is stands and Theo greets him, smiling to himself over Lila's win. He was so proud of her.

When Theo had met Lila she was just sitting on the beach with a surf board next to her, pondering if she should give it a try again. He knew who she was, a teen champion who lost it all in a freak accident.

He went over and talked to her, telling her not to hold back on something she loved so deeply. And he knew when she got back on the waves that day that there was no stopping her anymore, she was apart of the waves.

"I didn't know she was that good" Bryan said.

"Yeah, she's something" Theo shakes his head.

Theo looks over at Bryan to see him staring at Lila up on the podium, he looked so crazy for her in every way. The way that he hugged her longer than everyone else, and just the way his eyes lit up when he saw her.

"Are you two a thing?" Theo asks, a smirk rising on his face.

"Oh, no I wouldn't say that. I'm not sure what we are" Bryan says moving his eyes from Lila to Theo.

"Don't worry mate, she'll come around. She just doesn't like to rush into things, she likes living in the moment" Theo smiles at his little sister like friend. "Do me a favor, treat her like she's a princess, she deserves that"


"Yeah you go ahead, I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Lila says to Bryan as she heads to the bathroom and they go get a table at Lila and Theo's favorite cafe.

Of course the cafe was a small beach themed shack on the boardwalk that served smoothies and sandwiches, but Lila always got a burger to Theo's protests.

She walked towards the bathroom, her blonde hair now in two French braids and a shirt and shorts over her bathing suit. A small smile on her face from today's victory.

But her smile faded when she saw the familiar black haired tan skinned girl walking her way, a stupid smirk on her face.

Of course, the one person in the world that could possibly ruin her mood was Natalie Watson. Even with Lila not being in the surfing world for a year Natalie she still managed to drive her crazy.

"Surfing legend? Comeback of the year? I've got to say Delilah that's impressive" Natalie says now standing a few feet in-front of Lila.

"What are you doing here?" Lila asks, now annoyed that she had ruined her mood.

"Can't I just enjoy the Malibu sun and surf without being attacked? I mean can't I just got out without seeing you all over the internet"

"And can't I just go out without you running my day?" Lila spits back.

"Oh, the nice girl isn't so nice" Natalie says and Lila crosses her arms. "Maybe that's why people are talking so bad about you on Twitter"


"Oh, you haven't seen" Natalie pulls her phone out to read off of Twitter. "Delilah Summers #wipeoutqueen. Delilah Summers is back? Why don't we just start rounding up the safety jet skis. Summers only won because it was an amateur competition, most people there are high. And my personal favorite, if she couldn't hold up in a competition that she already did once before then why should we watch out for her? She's only going to wipe out again"

"They're right, if you couldn't hold up last year when you were one of the top surfers out there then how could you hold up now? Your nothing, your not gonna last a single round in Rip Curl-"

"Excuse me, who the hell are you?!" Bryan comes out of nowhere defending Lila.

"Lila, you didn't tell me you had a hot boyfriend" Natalie smirks, knowing she was getting on her nerves.

"You can't just go around and talk like that to people, what the fuck is your problem?" Bryan says clearly angry.

"Bryan, it's fine-"

"No it's not, who goes around talking to someone like that" Bryan says.

"You didn't tell him about me Lila? All these years of being rivals I thought that I would have left an impact on you life"

"I don't care about you though. I'm not like you, I don't hold stupid grudges on people. You don't like me, I don't like you, so what? Move on" Lila says.

Bryan had never seen this side of her before. It was kind of attractive to him that she could tell off someone if she really tried. He didn't know she had that in her.

"Whatever" Natalie rolls her eyes. "See you at Rip Curl, better watch out, your not the only one who can hit that double 360" She smirks and walks away.

But Lila couldn't help to think about those things that Natalie said. She had a point, if she had a bad wipe out at and important competition then it could happen again.

"Hey, you know none of those things are true right?" Bryan says putting an arm around her waist.

"But she had a point, if I couldn't hold up in a competition that I already one once before then how could I hold up in one of the biggest ones in the world?"

"No she's wrong, okay? Look I don't know anything about surfing but what I saw out there today was incredible. It was more than just surfing to win, you actually enjoy it. You always have this cute smile on your face when you talk about it. I've never seen anyone so passionate about something before. Don't believe that bull for a second because even if you don't win, but you probably will, you'll have fun and this is what your meant to do" Bryan says and presses a sweet kiss to her forehead.

"You think so?" Lila whispers.

"I know so" Bryan says pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you, your sweet" Lila hugs him back tight.

"I didn't know you were so good a speeches" Lila says once they walk back towards the cafe.

"I know I'm good at them, you don't have to tell me" He says making Lila giggle.

𝐑𝐈𝐏 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐋 𓆉 Bryan Williams Where stories live. Discover now