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"This is an old competitor of mine, Natalie"

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"This is an old competitor of mine, Natalie"


We got to the mall around lunch time, I'm thankful that Zach let me sit in the front of the car because the boys are honestly loud back there.

We all split up into threes when went in, just because we want to go certain places. I went with Chris and Tyler, so Zach, Bryan, Dom, and Tristan all went together.

We're walking into a small store looking around when Chris and Tyler are in front of me, successfully giving me a heart attack.

"Don't do that guys" I put my hand over my heart.

"Did you really say that to Bryan?" Tyler asks. I'm confused now, what is he talking about?

"Say what?"

"Blue is your color, you know that's flirting right?" Chris asks.

"No it's not. I was being nice" I say looking through a rack of clothes. It really wasn't.

"Bud, it totally was" Tyler says.

"Yeah, that's for sure flirting" Chris says nodding his head in agreement with Tyler. Was it?

"Hm, didn't even know I knew how to do that" I didn't mean to flirt with him, I was just being nice. Why did I flirt with Bryan? Well maybe a part of me thinks he's hot, actually all of me thinks he's hot, not the point though. He just seems... I don't know really, he's interesting and I thinks there's more to him than just POV's and TikTok dances.

"Hold up" Tyler is now standing in front of me again. "You've never had a boyfriend have you?" When I look away that confirms his question.

"Yoooo!" Tyler says surprised.

"Have you had your first kiss yet?" Chris asks.

"Well... no, but I was busy in high school and just had a lot of things going on in my life, dating wasn't one of my priorities"

"You mean you were busy wining national championships and thousands of dollars" Tyler says.

"What did you do with that money?" Chris asks.

"I moved to LA and bought a car"

"Oh, I would have-"

"Guys!" Tyler complains "that's not the point of this conversation, back to Brylah"


"Bryan and Delilah" Tyler says in a duh tone. "Keep up people"

"That's kinda cute though, I like how that sounds. Brylah"

"Oh lord" I say under my breath.

"So that means your a virgin" Chris says pretty loudly and the middle aged woman beside us gives us a weird look.

"Oh my gosh! You can't say it that loud!" I scold him.

"Lila's a virgin" Tyler teases.

"Shut up" I can't help but blush. "I told you I never got the chance to do that stuff, I was always traveling for tournaments. I missed graduation for a tournament in Sydney"

"You didn't go to prom either? You missed out on everything. I mean the high light of high school for me was making out with Kayla Jenkins in the janitor closet on prom night, I didn't even go with her" Chris says. I think he talks sometimes without knowing what he's saying.

"Oh you were that guy" Tyler says.

"What does that mean?"

"The guy that made out with other guys dates"

"What I was not-" Chris is cut of by my gasp as I hide behind the two of them, it's pretty easy to because I'm 4'11.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Evil witch, 2 o'clock" I point to the black haired girl who I always hated.

Natalie Watson, my biggest competitor three years in a row, she's ruthless and will do anything to win. That's why we never got along. She's the only person in this world that I will not like, usually I'm pretty good with looking past peoples actions and not judging but Natalie was always my exception.

When I got hurt I heard she took my spot on the team and sponsors I was part of. She just hits a nerve in me for some reason but I always try to be bigger than that. She always hated me to, I was her only threat and the one thing in her way from winning. She probably threw a party when I got hurt.

"Delilah Summers? Is that really you?" Her fake voice says to me. I'm currently standing next to Chris at least she didn't see me hiding from her.

"Natalie" I say but not with any of the positivity and happiness I usually have in my voice.

"What are you doing in LA? I thought when you got hurt you would have lost everything. Guess not" she innocently smiles. "Don't worry I carried on your legacy" Her long nails pink nails comb her long black hair behind her shoulder.

"Actually" I narrow my eyes at her. "I live here and go to college"

"College?" She laughs. "Who knew little Lila Summers would be that dull to go to college"

"Excuse me who are you?" Chris asks.

"Lila" Natalie gasps pitting her hand over her heart. "Your not going to introduce me to your handsome friends" I so want to go back to the day I met her and make her hit her knee on a rock.

"This is an old competitor of mine, Natalie" I cross my arms. "And this is Tyler and Chris"

"Nice to meet you boys" She fake smiles. "And see you again but I must be going, my driver is waiting for me. Now that I've taken your place I've made tons of money, and I mean tons" what a bitch, and I never cuss.

"I'm sure you do" I say with a little sarcasm in my voice.

"Well, I won't expect to see you at the international rip curl competition womens division in Maui four months from now" Okay, now that fake Kardashian is trying to taunt me.

"Uh huh, yeah bye" I wave as she walks away.

I narrow my eyes and cross my arms as she walks away and out of the store. I huff as I uncross my arms shaking my head.

"I hate that title stealing bitch"

"Woah there, Ariel" I roll my eyes at Chris' nickname for me. "I've never seen this side of you before"

"Yeah, it's kinda hot though you looked irritated as fuck" Tyler says and I roll me eyes.

"What did she mean by 'hurt'? What happened to you?" Chris asks.

"I just hurt my knee really bad that's it, she stole everything from me after that, including my dignity"

I start to think and suddenly make an irrational decision that I think I might regret later. " You know what?"

"What?" Tyler asks.

"I will be at Rip Curl this year, and I'm going to show that wave hogging bitch who she messed with"

𝐑𝐈𝐏 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐋 𓆉 Bryan Williams Where stories live. Discover now