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"I knew she was a little crazy but that's fucking weird dude"

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"I knew she was a little crazy but that's fucking weird dude"


Today is the day that Hedi gets back and I really wanna ask her about the paper I found but that would be weird. I mean, I have the right to ask though... don't I. Maybe I'm not gonna ask her. I suck at confrontation.

It's my break right now and I'm in Chris' room sitting on his bed while he's on TikTok, probably overthinking this whole situation.

"Chris?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He hums still looking at his phone.

"Can I talk to you about something?" I ask nervously and he looks up from his phone with a small smirk on his face.

"Is it about Brylah?" He asks excitedly and I roll my eyes. He's definitely obsessed with that now.

"No, but it is about someone in this house" He sets his phone down and looks at me curiously. "It's about Hedi"

"Hedi? What about her?"

"Well, a couple days ago when Zach sent me in her room to get her camera I found a paper on her desk"

"About what?"

"It was about me. She had like information written down about me like my birthday and the titles I've won, don't you think that's a little weird?"

"Seriously? That's sketchy as hell, why would she do that?" Chris asks surprised. "She's never done that before"

"She seemed so nice to me before too, I don't know why she would do that. We're friends. But maybe she had an explanation for it"

"I knew she was a little crazy but that's fucking weird dude, I mean stalking someone on the internet to find personal information" Chris says. "Creepy"

"Do you have any idea why she would do that?"

"No, not really, but maybe she's just jealous of you?"

"Jealous? Of me?"

"Yeah I mean it's a possibility. She's always had a thing for Dom and now that Dom likes you-" (Ik Ik, it doesn't make sense this book was made a few months ago and Heidi is gone now.

"What?" I ask surprised cutting him off.

Dom likes me? How did I miss that? He's attractive and sweet but I don't have romantic feelings for him. I know Hedi has a thing for Dom and I'd never ever do that. I feel really bad now.

"Oh fuck" Chris runs his hands through his hair. "I wasn't supposed to tell you that, please don't tell anyone I told you that"

"I won't, but Dom? I had no idea"

"I know but he told Tyler the other day and then Tyler told me. I didn't know either, but honestly, I think we should just leave it alone"


"Because when he sees that you know and you don't like him back it'll hurt him, and I know you don't like drama and that'll cause a whole bunch stuff between everyone in the house"

"Yeah" I sigh "your right"

"Hey, cheer up" Chris says. "I'm sure that there's an explanation for everything between Hedi, and don't worry about Dom, he'll sort his feelings out"

"But I don't wanna hurt him or make Hedi hate me"

"Your not gonna hurt him if he never knows that you know"

"That's true" I sigh again. "Okay, from now on I don't know about anything, nothing about that paper or Dom"


"Hey Hedi" I smile going into her room.

She looks up and closes her computer fast, then fake smiling. I'm onto you bud, I can spot fake smiles anywhere I see them.

"Oh, hey Lila" I sit down on the edge of her bed. "I heard your going pro again"

"Yeah, I'm really happy about it"

"That's good" she smiles.

"Anything new with you?" I ask.

"No not really" She sighs. "Getting ready to go back to college. Your not doing college anymore are you?"

"No, I'm officially a drop out" I joke.

"Well, I hope it works out for you, I'm sure it will"

She seems off, this isn't her, I know it isn't. I guess it's the jealously taking over but she seriously shouldn't be because I don't like Dom like that.

"Well, I'll see you later"


As I close the door to her room I let out a breath. Ugh, I hate it when people are mad at me or don't like me, this sucks.

Maybe I should keep my distance from Dom too, let his feelings pass because I'm sure they will. Hopefully they will.

And right as I'm thinking I should keep some distance I'm walking right towards him. Well I'm not walking towards him but I have to walk past him and it's be rude to ignore him.

"Hey, Dom" I smile.

"Oh, hey" He smiles back.

When I pass the corner I sigh. I can't imagine liking someone and then not liking me back, I know it'll hurt so I'm not gonna acknowledge it.

This is gonna be a long day.

𝐑𝐈𝐏 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐋 𓆉 Bryan Williams Where stories live. Discover now