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"I know jealous obsessive girls like you"

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"I know jealous obsessive girls like you"


Today Bryan wants me to go to a get together with a few people from high school. I mean how many more friends do I have to meet?

Anyway, it's now 6 pm and we are leaving at seven so I put on my outfit and scrolled through TikTok until Bryan said he was ready to go.

Chris was with Dayne so we'd meet them there. We got in the car and left, making it to the party a little past 7.

We walked hand in hand, spotting Chris and Dayne talking with Frankie and Dom. I get introduced to a few people and then I'm left with Chris while Bryan talks to a few people.

"Are there any more friends I need to meet?" I lean against Chris dramatically"

"Maybe a few in LA," Chris says and I groan.

"You guys have so many"

I never had that many friends growing up, maybe a few here and there but not like Bryan does. I understand it's probably because of social media but it's so many people.

I look across the room and see a dirty blonde girl glaring at me. She's about 5'4 and is a little overdressed for a little "get together" as Bryan said but it was actually a party.



"Who's that girl glaring at me over there?" I ask and he groans when he looks at the girl.

"Fucking Leah Thomas, I hate that bitch"

"Why is she looking at me?"

"She had this obsession with Bryan in high school and never got over it"

"She's just jealous, don't pay attention to her" Frankie says overhearing our conversation. "She's so fucking annoying though"

"Right!" Chris agrees.

"Are you guys talking about Leah?" Dayne says coming out of nowhere. "She's a total homewrecker"

Thanks, Dayne, that makes me totally feel better. I trust Bryan, I mean what would our relationship be if there wasn't trust, but I don't trust this Leah girl. What if she tries to get between us.

I've seen the movies where an old girl from the past comes in and messes up relationships. I just don't want that to be us.

"Didn't you kiss her though?" Chris asks Dayne.

"Hey! She kissed me" he argues.

"Anyways we all have high school ex's that we hate now," Dayne says.

"Not Lila," Chris says and I give him a look telling him to shut up.

"They dated?" I asked.

"Bryan and Leah? Yeah, but it didn't last long, she doesn't have a long attention span when it comes to relationships" Frankie says.

𝐑𝐈𝐏 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐋 𓆉 Bryan Williams Where stories live. Discover now