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"Who's Malibu Ken?"

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"Who's Malibu Ken?"


It was five days after the wedding and we're all headed to Hawaii now. We're about to get on a five-hour flight to Maui.

Bryan, Theo, and Caroline are going with me. Weston couldn't go with me because they're still on their honeymoon in Cancun but he said he'd try to watch it live from YouTube.

Chris and Tyler are going to watch it too, so would Hayden. But the competition isn't until tomorrow.

That doesn't stop me from freaking out though. The few days before a competition were always my hardest. I remember I threw up five times on a 22-hour flight from Kahului to Australia.

That was one thing I don't miss from being signed as a professional surfer. But I do miss traveling and being pro, I want to be pro again so bad.

But if I get signed again then I wouldn't see all the people I loved all the time. I wouldn't get to see Weston or Finley as much and Bryan and I would be long-distance.

Are Bryan and I ready to be long-distance yet? We've only been dating for four months and our relationship is going so good, I don't want to mess it up.

It wasn't this hard of a decision before because I didn't have anyone that made me want to stay somewhere long term.

I push the overwhelming thought out of my head as we walk through customs at the airport, getting ready to board our flight.

We only waited for about 15 minutes before our flight was called and we got on the plane. Bryan and I sat next to each other and Theo and Caroline sat behind us.

"You okay babe?" Bryan asks with his eyebrows furrowed. "You look overwhelmed"

"I-I'm not overwhelmed, I'm just thinking about if I win and what would happen to us when I have to travel and leaving everyone"

"Well, that sounds overwhelmed to me" Bryan sighs and puts his hand on my thigh. "Let's just not worry about that right now, worry how bad that Natalie chick is going to feel when you kick her ass out there"

I shake my head with a smile and rest my head on his shoulder. The flight goes by quicker than I thought it would, us just watching a movie laughing at Theo was passed out with his mouth open.

When we land in Hawaii and finally get outside I feel like I'm relaxed. Hawaii is where I grew up, sure I'm on a different island than the one I grew up on, but Hawaii is where built my career. Those might not have been the best 18 years and it's where my career ended but hey maybe it's starting back again.

It's funny how much you don't miss a place but then go back and realize how much you really did miss the place you worked so hard to get out of.

It's so beautiful, with blue skies and clear blue water with white sand and palm trees.

We take a taxi to our hotel which is paid for by Rip Curl, it's like a luxury resort. It had a huge pool and our sweet is like two separate rooms.

It is set up to have two bedrooms at the end of the place, both with bathrooms and balconies and a dining and living area for all of us in the middle. It's way bigger than my LA apartment.

The first thing I want to do is go to the pool and spend as much time with Bryan as possible since I don't know how much I have left with him.

Bryan and I go to the pool while Theo and Caroline go out and explore. But I'd rather relax before tomorrow.

I lay down on the pool chair with my head on Bryan's shoulder, a virgin cocktail in my hand (I wish I could legally drink), and sunglasses on my face.

"I love Hawaii" Bryan sighs closing his eyes. "Your so lucky to have lived here for so long"

"Yeah, I didn't realize how much I missed it" I sigh. "I forget how pretty it is"

Our hotel is on the beach, the competition tomorrow is basically 200 feet in front of our room but I don't care. It's so expensive I'm just glad I don't have to pay for anything. I know I'm kind of cheap but taxes in Hawaii are so high, I'm not about to pay them.

"I can't believe Theo and Caroline would rather go shop than look at this view and lay at the pool," Bryan says.

"Theo's a get-up-and-go type of person, he doesn't like to layout for too long. I don't even know how we're such good friends" I laugh.

"Delilah Summers!" Oh no, of course, she's here. "You didn't think I'd make you forget about me competing did you?"

"Not this bitch" Bryan mutters.

"Natalie" I sigh.

"The one and only, and the girl who's going to crush you tomorrow" I hope karma gets her soon.

"Natalie, could you go bother someone else who cares" I roll my eyes, good thing I have sunglasses on.

Bryan stifles a laugh from beside me and Natalie scoffs.

"Hey, babe," A guy who's medium built with ash brown hair and tan skin says with designer sunglasses on his face. Talk about too perfect.

"Who's Malibu Ken?" Bryan asks. Good one.

"This is Carter, he's my boyfriend. See your not the only one with a man Delilah" Is she trying to compare herself to me by getting a boyfriend? Pathetic.

"Yeah that's cool and all but you're blocking the sun" I move my hands to get her out the way.

"I wouldn't be laying in the sun if I were you, I'd be practicing like I was all day"

"I don't need to practice today because unlike you I'm confident in my skills, they're good enough to be you"

"Not last time they weren't"

"Natalie, I've beat you many times before, plus you won on a technicality last time" Everyone knows I'm right.

She scoffs and walks away with Ken following behind her like a puppy. Bryan and I look at each other and start laughing.

Maybe this competition would be fun after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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