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"Lila's from Hawaii, she's so cool, she even sees sharks all the time"

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"Lila's from Hawaii, she's so cool, she even sees sharks all the time"

"Good morning" Lila smiles at everyone as she walks into the dining room where everyone is gathered. Her hair still a little wet from her morning surf she does everyday and a strawberry pineapple smoothie in her hand.

"Lila!" Hedi hugs her torso from where she's sitting down in her chair, Lila giggles and smiles at the excited girl, one of the boys smiles at her giggle thinking about how cute she is. "Why is your hair wet?"

"I was surfing"

"Oh, Zach, we're keeping Lila forever I love her"

"Alright please don't hug my assistant to death, Hedi" Zach rolls his eyes playfully. Hedi frown but lets go of the blonde.

"I need you to do something important for me, I need you to go get groceries, I have a list" He hands her the list. "It would really help me out, you can take your car and hers the credit car you use"

"Oh and..." Zach looks around at the boys. "Chris go with her"

"Why does Chris get to go?" Bryan asks disappointed that Zach didn't pick him to go with Lila. Chris sticks his tongue out at his brother and Bryan rolls his eyes.

"Because he's the least intimidating" Zach whispers. "And I feel like they could be good friends"

Bryan laughs at Chris this time about the least intimidating part. Chris rolls his eyes but he's happily follows Lila out the door.

"So can we ride with the top down?" He asks Lila and she smiles.

"I don't want to mess my hair up" She says and Chris looks at her funny. "I'm kidding, of course we can" she laughs.

Chris laughs too and shakes his head as they get in her Jeep and drive off. They talk and laugh with each other, they got along really well.

To Chris she's was the easiest person to talk to and just had a really good vibe to her.

Once they got to the grocery store they grabbed the list a cart and got to work. The list that Zach gave her wasn't entirely long but it was a good amount and very specific.

2% whole milk
A dozen eggs
Water bottles
Orange juice
Frozen chicken breasts
Lunch meat (ham/turkey)
Swiss cheese
Hot Cheetos
Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Regular Lays
Chewy chocolate chip cookies
Italian dressing
Organic Bananas
Organic strawberries
Bounty Paper towels
Tooth paste
Irish spring body wash
Sauv shampoo and conditioner

Lil put the list in the cart and went off to the dairy section, Chris going to grab the tooth paste and hygiene things. After about twenty minutes or so they finished and checked out.

Not long after did Zach text her asking to pick up the three pizzas he ordered for them for lunch.

About thirty minutes later they arrived at home, walking into the house with bag and boxes of pizza, laughing and talking.

"So do you ever see sharks when you go surfing?" Chris asks as they walk into the kitchen.

"Yeah all the time" Lil says putting stuff down on the counter, Tyler walking in and hearing there conversation.

"No way, does it scare you?" Tyler asks.

"I mean not really, I'm from Hawaii I'm kinda used to them, all they really do is just swim past my board"

"Your from Hawaii?" Chris asks stunned. "That's so cool, no wonder your so tan"

"What are you guys talking about?" Bryan asks walking into the kitchen, making eye contact with Lila who looks away immediately, a small pink tint to her cheeks.

"Lila's from Hawaii, she's so cool, she even sees sharks all the time" Chris says making Lila blush from his words.

She never thought she was that interesting, sure she was from Hawaii and could surf but she really just thought of herself as was a surfer girl.

"Sounds interesting" Bryan says watching Lila try to lift the thing of water bottles but her small body had trouble with it.

"Here, I got it" Bryan takes it from her, their fingers brushing against each other's.

"Thanks" she smiles at the taller boy.

"Lila, Zach says he needs you" Tristan says walking into the kitchen.

"Okay" Lila smiles.

"Bye Lila" Chris waves with a happy smile on his face.

"Bye Chris" She giggles at him, Bryan smiling at the sound of her laugh.

As she walks away they all turn to Chris who is now sitting on the counter.

"So" Tristan starts as Dom walks into the room. "Do you like her now?"

"What do you mean?" Chris asks lost with a confused look on his face.

"You've spent the most time with her already, besides Hedi. Any feelings?"

"Oh no dude, she's like my sister now and she's so cool, I thought I would have that type of feelings for her but I really only have friend feelings, plus Bryan likes her so that detoured me" Chris explains.

"What? I don't like her" Bryan lies.

"Come on dude, you literally can't stop staring at her, neither could any of you guys at first. But I see you two getting together, doesn't she look like his type?" Chris asks Tyler.

"Actually yeah she kinda does, small, blue eyes, pretty, and adventurous" Dom says.

"And she's definitely not boring, and if you married her she could be my sister" Chris says excitedly.

"Guys slow down here, sure she's pretty and a cool surfer chick but I haven't even had a conversation with her, we've known her for two days"

"He's right guys, maybe she's not into guys like him" Tristan says, defending Bryan but he really just wanted him to be the only one that was into her.

"Exactly- wait what?"

𝐑𝐈𝐏 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐋 𓆉 Bryan Williams Where stories live. Discover now