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"I'm going pro again and Theo's going to coach me"

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"I'm going pro again and Theo's going to coach me"


"You want me to what?!" Theo almost drops his pineapple mango smoothie in his hand as we walk down rodeo.

Today is Sunday which means it's my day off so Theo and I are just walking around Los Angeles, going into stores were I can't afford anything.

"Theo, I'll pay you, if I win I'll give you some of the money but I want to compete again. I want to compete at Rip Tide in a few months. Your the best surfer I know and I really want this, more than I want chicken avocado tacos right now"

"I don't know, blue" He hesitates. "I've never coached someone before, especially for something this big"

"But think about it, I already know almost everything there is to know. Your one of the best surfers in the country, and it will be legendary if I do this" I exclaim as we walk down the side walk. "I mean no other surfer had recovered from my injury as fast as I have, I'll be like the next Bethany Hamilton" Theo raises an eyebrow at me.

"Okay maybe not Bethany Hamilton but still it'll be pretty cool. Everyone keeps telling me I can do it too. Plus I want to watch Natalie Watson's face when they announce me as winner of the world title"

"Blue, have you thought this through, I mean you only have four months to make up a year of lost training. Are you sure about this"

"Theo, I told you, I've wanted anything more than this. And when I'm out there riding the waves I feel like I'm part of the water, I feel at home. Might as well put that feeling to good use"

"What about school?" He asks.

"Lets be honest, a 4.0 GPA is good and all but could you really see me as a nurse in those scrub outfits?"

"Your right, if you were a nurse than a great talent would be going to waste" He thinks for a second. "I'll do it" he smiles.

"Really?" I stop us from walking any further, looking up at him with and excited smile. I throw my arms around his torso when he nods and smiles.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you"

"But we need to sit down and talk about this. We need to come up with a schedule and talk about diets, and we need to talk about money"

"I'll have the money covered I swear, I still have some saved up and I actually get good money being Zach's assistant"

"Ok, we'll have to talk about it. Our schedules might be hard to get around"

"Lila?" I hear from behind me. I turn around and see Tristan. "What are you doing here" Tristan's eyes trail to Theo and then back to me.

"Oh, hey Tristan" I smile overly happy. "Where are the other boys?"

"Around somewhere, I'm just waiting for Bryan" He smiles kindly. Tristan was the nicest between everyone even though all the guys were pretty nice. He's a sweet guy. "There he is"

Bryan walks out of the store next to us wearing a red baseball jersey and black jeans looking extra attractive today. He smiles as he sees me, his blue eyes glistening in the sun.

"Hey, Lila" He goes in for a hug, which I don't hesitate to return back. Thank god it's not awkward after I unintentionally flirted with him "Who's this?"

"Oh this is my friend Theo, Theo's this is Tristan and Bryan" I say pulling away from the hug which I might of secretly enjoyed more than I should of.

"Actually friend and coach now" Theo corrects.

"Coach?" Bryan questions.

"Oh uh well..." I look up at Theo and smile. "I haven't announced it yet but I'm going pro again and Theo's going to coach me"

"Really that's great" Tristan goes to hug me. "I'm so happy for you"

"Yeah, that amazing" Bryan smiles at me again.

"We're actually having a party tonight to celebrate it" Theo says and I look at him weird.

"We are?" I question and he nudges my shoulder with his elbow, trying to not make it obvious. "I mean, we are!" I smile excitedly, now I have to go to an unprompted to party.

"Yeah it's at my beach house in Malibu, you guys should come. It's going to be rad"

"Yeah, his parties are usually on the beach and and he has a pool so you can bring swimsuits if you want" I smile. I'm honestly so happy right now.

"Yeah well totally be there" Tristan says. "Just text us the address"

"Of course, don't let Chris we're those new Jordan's he bought either. He'll never let it go if he shows up in those" I say mostly to Bryan.

"Got it" He smiles. "See you later beautiful" his nickname for me makes me blush slightly.

When both of them are gone Theo looks down at me with a smirk. "Beautiful? Something going on between you and that Bryan guy"

"That Bryan guy and I are just friends"


"Oh hell yeah I'm in" Chris says after we tell him about the party. "Hopefully there's chicks in bikinis there" he has a stupid smirk on his face. "And Bryan can see Lila in one too, right big bro"

"Haha" I joke.

"Make Brylah a thing dude" Tyler says. He's been forcing the ship name on me for a few days now.

"Yeah dude, or this Theo guy is gonna make a move instead" Chris says.

"What?" I ask.

"You should have seen the guy though. Probably 6'2, blonde hair to his shoulders, and really buff. Typical surfer dude, he even said rad" Tristan says. "And he's her 'coach' now, hate to break it to you dude he's perfect for her."

"Lila's pretty and all but she probably doesn't want to date me-"

"Dude, she flirted with you the other day though" Tristan says.

"Oh about that" Chris exchanges a look with Tyler. "Lila told us that she didn't even know she was flirting, and for the record she's never had a boyfriend"

That sucks, I really thought she was flirting with me the other day. I still remember the sweetness in her voice like honey when she said that.

"But I think she was flirting she just didn't realize it" Tyler says with makes me feel slightly better.

"But seriously dude. Cuff her before someone else does"

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