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"Theo, marry her before I do"

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"Theo, marry her before I do"


"Hey babe" I smiled at Bryan on the other end of the phone.

"Hey, how was your first day?"

I had my first day at work today. It actually went really well. The job is easy because I know a lot about everything and Jared is really nice. Everyone that came in was really nice.

"It was good, it was actually kind of fun"

"That's good, I wish was there to hear all about it" He frowns.

It is starting to be hard without Bryan here and without anyone to look forward to seeing at the end of the day. Not working at Dream anymore felt weird today but I'll get used to it eventually.

"I know, it's ok. I miss you"

"I miss you too, baby" He smiles.

There's a moment of comfortable silence between us, I don't mind it though. I just like seeing his face and knowing that he's here in some way, even if that way is through my phone.

"Um, I need to ask you something. But I want you to know that you can say no" I say and pick my phone back up from the counter. "I want you to come out to Jersey"

Me go to Jersey? Like meet his family and see where he grew up? I had never even been on the east coast before. Isn't it cold over there this time of year?

"Like... meet your family?"

"I realize that it's soon but I really miss you and don't know how long I'm going to be here for. And I miss you, a lot"

I missed him too, a lot. But meeting his family would be a big step in a relationship. I mean I already know Chris but that's a given if you know Bryan.

"You think we're ready for that?"

"I'm 100% sure about this, Lila. But only if you're ready"

So I made an impulse decision that I'd probably overthink the rest of the day.

"Yeah, I think I'm ready"

"Really?!" He says excitedly, a huge grin on his face.

In all honesty, I'd do anything to keep that big smile on his face, even if it meant doing something I didn't know if I was ready for. I have a problem saying no to people, and it's even harder to say no to Bryan.

But again, anything to make him happy.


"Theo!" I yelled through his house. "I'm alone and my boyfriend is across the country, I guess it's me and-"

I stopped talking when I saw Theo making out with a dark-haired girl, the side of her face hidden by Theo's. Oh dear lord please let her be nice and not a judgemental bitch.

"Dude, seriously!" He pulls away from the girl and gives me a death stare. "You could have picked any other time"

"Jeez, sorry" I throw my hands up in defense.

"What are you even doing here?" He asks.

"As I said, boyfriend-less tonight, alone, and you are my best friend so here I am," I explain.

"Oh," He says. "Don't you have a brother and a few other friends to bother?"

"No, you're stuck with me" I plop on the couch in front of them.

"Don't be mean Theo, introduce me to her" The dark-haired girl says in a South African accent smiling sweetly at me.

"Oh sorry. Caroline this is Lila, Caroling works with me and we're going out" He explains.

"Oh, she's the insanely beautiful girl you said you were seeing" A little embarrassment never hurt anybody.

He gives me another glare and Caroline laughs from beside him. She seems like a genuine person and she is really pretty. She has dark wavy hair and bright blue eyes, just Theo's type.

"I've heard a lot about you, it's very nice to meet you" She gets up and hugs me. "Theo says that you're a pro surfer and he trains you"

"Yeah, do you surf?"

"Hell yeah, I'm from Cape Town so it's in my blood"

I love her already, good call Theo.

"Theo, marry her before I do" I joke and Theo rolls his eyes at me.

"You have a boyfriend" He reminds me, but I never forget that he's across the country. It's depressing without him.

"We should go on a double date!" Caroline says.

"I would love that but he's in New Jersey right now so when I get back from seeing him we will"

"You're going to see him?" Theo asks.

"Oh, yeah by the way I need a few days off," I say and Theo leans back against the couch thinking.

"How many?"


"Okay," he says after a while. "But when you get back we only have a month left before Rip Curl, we'll have to hit everything ten times as harder"  I nod my head in agreement.

Sometimes I think it bothers Theo that I sometimes have other things going on and have to take some days off. But there are other things in my life besides surfing.

"Have you asked Jared for a few days off?" He asks.

"Well I only work Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday so and I leave Wednesday night so it works out perfectly," I say and he nods.

"Let's go out guys!" Caroline says from Theo's side. If only I had her energy.


"I don't know, what do you guys do a Monday night in California?"

Theo and I exchange looks with each other, not knowing if she could handle our nights we had nothing to do and got a little crazy.

"Come on guys! I want to know Lila better and see what you guys do" Caroline explains.

"Well, our nights aren't exactly calm when we have nothing to do. It always starts with us in West Hollywood at some seafood shack on the boardwalk, then we stop by one of his friend's parties. Then we somehow end up in Malibu surfing and driving way to fast with all the windows down"

"That sounds like fun, come on guys!" She gets up and heads to Theo's car outside.

"Nice one, keep her," I say before I go to Theo's car behind Caroline.

I feel like we're gonna be good friends.

𝐑𝐈𝐏 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐋 𓆉 Bryan Williams Where stories live. Discover now