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Sorry I take so long to update

Sorry I take so long to update

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"I love seeing happy Lila"


I woke up to my alarm at 5:30 with Bryan's arm securely wrapped around me and my head buried on his chest. I don't want to get up but I know I have to.

Bryan groaned and his eyes fluttered open as I tried to get out of his grip.

"Babe, I have to get up" I laughed slightly as he rolled over on top of me, trapping me beneath him. "Come on" I try to push him off but it doesn't work.

"Bryan, I really have to get up," I say and he groans but let's go of me.

"Why can't you stay here and cuddle with me?"

"I would if I could, Theo would kill me if I didn't show up. Rip curl is in four weeks" I say grabbing my bathing suit, my shirt, and denim shorts to put on.

"Fine" Bryan pouts and I shake my head with a smile going into the bathroom.

I change and throw my hair into a ponytail, brushing my teeth and stuff before coming out of the bathroom to Bryan sitting up with his phone in his hand.

"You can stay here and sleep if you want to" Bryan still has a key to my apartment, I let him keep it when Tristan gave it to him. "Or you could come with me," I said.

"Come with you? For real?"

"Yeah, it's supposed to be sunny today and I'm sure Theo wouldn't mind"

"Yeah sure, but after that, you're coming with me to Wish," He says getting up and putting a hoodie on that I stole from him, I'll steal it back later don't worry.

"Wish? As in the house all the TikToker's go to?"

I had a lot of followers on TikTok, about 700k I think but I didn't start to blow up until the boys made videos with me. I made one surfing video that blew up too, a lot of my content was surfing montages.

"Yeah, the boys and I are renting an apartment kind of near yours and they're gonna be there"

"Okay, I guess I have nothing else to do"

While I was laying in bed with Bryan last night I was talking to him and decided that maybe working for Jared. He was nice and the job was great and all but it added too much stress to my life. Plus I could just live on some of my savings for a while.

Bryan finished getting ready, I grabbed my wet suit from my bathroom and clothes to change my outfit later. I locked the apartment and we both made it down to the parking garage.

Bryan wanted to drive which I let him, he's the only person who will ever drive my jeep. Bryan never lets me drive when we're together anyway.

Once we got to the beach I saw Theo's car so I'm guessing he already out getting his before training waves.

Theo is kind of a weird hippie dude, I wouldn't be surprised if he did yoga in stretchy pants and got high to Bob Marley. I went through that phase though, minus the weed.

Bryan carries my board for me with me protesting. I let him drive my car but if he asks to ride my board which he probably won't I would say no, love him though.

I love my board that Theo gave me even though I got fin chopped a couple of times but that's just expected.

I spot Theo out in the water with his wet suit on sitting on his board and meditating. Why are we friends? The world may never know.

"Does he do that every morning?" Bryan asks setting my board in the sand and putting his hand above his eyes to get a better look at my crazy trainer.

"Mostly, don't ask him about it. He's a little crazy" I say peeling my shirt and shorts off.

"Ohhh, damn" Bryan whistles looking me up and down. "Your hot as hell"

"You've seen me in a bikini before"

"Yeah but we weren't dating and now we are so I can say stuff like that now," He says. "And I also want to say you look amazing"

"Yeah well the view is about to go away," I say grabbing my wetsuit and stepping into it.

"Dang" He pouts. "Here let me help you"

He sips up the back of in and I secure the part in the front. I can usually do this by myself but the help is nice I guess.

While he does that I watch Theo catch a 15-foot wave, doing a tunnel, and then coming out at the end doing a 360. Let's just say I'm glad he's my coach because he could go pro and make money off that but he prefers it to just be a hobby.

"Wow," Bryan says wrapping his arms around me from behind and resting his chin on my shoulder. "What's that move called?" He asks also watching Theo.

I think it's very sweet that Bryan wants to know some about what I love to do, it shows that he's actually putting a lot of effort into our relationship.

"The first one was a tunnel, it takes a long time to master that one without it crashing on you. The second was a 360, kind of like skateboarding"

"So you're saying because I can skate I could probably surf?" He asks.

"Don't get ahead of yourself" I laugh.

Theo rides a wave into shore and Bryan sits on a towel in the sand while I get my board ready.

"Oh hey, dude, didn't know you were back in town" They do the brig hug thing.

"Yeah bro, I came back last night"

"Well it's nice to see you again," Theo says. "And you" she points at me "let's get to work, four weeks until we're in sunny Hawaii"


I don't know what it was about watching Lila surf but it was so attractive. She did it so well and gracefully, yet she still put all her time and effort into it like she needed a lot of practice.

I know I say it a lot but she's so strong for being where she is today and going through what she did. And last night I finally got to see vulnerable Lila, I can't say I really liked seeing her upset though.

And now that we've said we loved each other I feel more connected to her. There's no holding back anymore.

But there's one thing I have yet to tell her yet. Dream is getting back together with two new members and some of the old ones again. Tyler, Ian, and maybe Tristan are going back and there are two new members.

Zach apologized and said he was going through a rough time. I think it would be good for her to hear it though and know that he's changed and he's sorry. I know she still feels bad about it.

But I might not tell her until a little later though, she's in a good mood and I hate to ruin that.

I love seeing happy Lila.

𝐑𝐈𝐏 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐋 𓆉 Bryan Williams Where stories live. Discover now