Chapter 27

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*Macsen's P.O.V*

I was currently sitting in the kitchen, eating some crackers and the only thing that I hear is Matt's phone going off. Matt is too busy on his phone to even do anything right now, such as eat a snack.

I swear, a firework could go off in the middle of April and he wouldn't even notice it.

It's obvious that he is talking to Tara. I could sometimes hear him laughing and it makes me want to roll my eyes. He's been telling me that he's also talking to Alex for the past few days but I am having a hard time believing him, especially after the blowout from a few days ago.

Would it be bad if I were to throw a cracker at him?

I decided against it because I was still hungry and I didn't want to have a cracker on the floor after trying to throw it at Matt.

Matt continued to laugh for a few more minutes before I eventually got tired of hearing it.

"Is it really that funny?" I asked him and then threw a pillow at him.

I never said that a pillow won't be involved.

"What is your problem now? I am just having a fun conversation." He said and I just tilted my head at him.

"But you're laughing so loud. It can't be that funny."

"It's just a message, Macsen. Calm down." He put his hand out and then continued to be on his phone.

It's just a message? JUST A MESSAGE?

"Well, if it's just a message then you wouldn't mind if I did this." I said and snatched his phone out of his hand.

Matt was in disbelief. "Macsen, give it back to me."

I stopped him. "But you said it was just a message. It can't be anything big."

I quickly went to see what the fuss was all about but it was pretty much just a story that Tara was telling him about that happened at her house. I won't explain it because it's too long and I honestly don't understand the humor in it. But who really knows. Then I would see that Tara asked him if he wanted to hang out, again.

I tossed him back his phone. "How funny."

"What are you trying to do?" He asked.

"It's not that hard, Matt. I told you to get your priorities straight. Remember, that you are still getting things fixed with Alex."

"I know, Macsen. You've been reminding me that for the past few days. Alex and I are messaging as well, You need to calm down." He told me.

"I don't believe you." I said.

"You don't? Well, do you want to look through my phone to see if I'm lying?" He put his phone out to me but then I shook my head.

Matt sighed. "Everything that I told you the past few days, it's the truth. There's nothing going on with Tara and I still very much talk to Alex. I was on Facetime with her a few nights ago. I'm not lying about any of this."

"Were you hanging out with Cassady that one day that you told me?"

He nodded. "Yes, I was with Cassady. Brooklyn was also there."

The past few days have just been up and down and I am not even sure on what to think. It makes me feel confused about everything. But for now, I'll just  go with it. I mean, he isn't wrong. He does tell me the truth.

"I'm sorry about how I've been lately. It was wrong." I apologized.

Matt shook his head. "It's okay. Don't worry about it."

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