Chapter 39

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*Matt's P.O.V*

I was not expecting Alex to text me and tell me that she's scared. But what is she scared about? But I'm also glad that she is texting me and telling me how she is feeling. That's what I have talked to her about before she went back home.

Me: What are you scared of?

I sent her the message and then waited for her to say something back.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Macsen asked me.

"Alex texted me and she said that she was scared. But I'm not sure what she is talking about. So I'm hoping that she tells me and then I could make her feel better. When she sent me the text message, it was as if she was already freaking out. I want her to be okay." I explained to him.

But I was starting to get worried. What is she scared of?

I heard my phone go off and she had sent me a message.

Alex: The future.

That's all she put. She put those two words and I was more confused than ever. What about the future? I wasn't expecting her to say that. I thought it would've been about her best friends or family but certainly not the future.

Me: What about the future? What is happening?

"She said that she is scared of the future." I said to Macsen. "I'm so confused right now by what she is saying."

Macsen stopped playing on his phone and looked at me. "Has she sent anything back yet?"

I shook my head. "No. I'm waiting for her to send me back a message."

"Just continue to talk to her about it and be there for her." Macsen said.

I already know that, Macsen but thank you.

My phone went off again and she had sent me another message.

Alex: When Ellie and I were going back home after visiting Kayleb at work, Ellie asked me if I had thought about what I would want to do after high school. I told her that I haven't given it much thought but I would just want to do something with animals. But then I had started to think about much further into the future. Like in a year, five years. I started to get scared of that but I couldn't keep it in. Also, Ellie and I arrived back at her house, can you please call me on Facetime?

I looked at Macsen. "I'm going to go back to my room and call her on Facetime."

"I hope everything is okay." Macsen said and that was the last thing I heard from him before I went out of his room and went to mine.

I immediately called Alex on Facetime and waited for it to connect. It connected in seconds and there was my girlfriend, staring at me.

"Tell me how you feel, babe." I told her.

"I don't even know where to begin." She started to talk. "The question had caught me off guard and it made me start to overthink on the future. It made me think about what could happen with us in a year or two."

"It's okay to be scared, babe. It's normal."

She shook her head. "I have no idea what I'll do after high school. I just know that it'll involve animals. But what else could happen in the future? What about us? What would happen to us? I'm scared and I don't know what to do."

"Let me ask you this. What do you think will happen to us in the future?" I asked her.

"This may be a question too early to ask because we've only been together for a month and then we just got back with each other. It's been like a week. But what I see is you and I, being married, with two kids. One boy and one girl. Who knows if we'll have a third child. That's a possibility. I see us having a dog and living in a house that we both love. A house where we can build our family. Then you and I are growing old together." She explained.

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