Chapter 34

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*Alex's P.O.V*

Matt was currently taking a shower so I was just hanging out with Macsen in the living room.

I know that pretty soon, I will have to go back home. It's only been three days and honestly, it feels so much longer. I know, it's crazy. I've been texting Kayleb and Ellie but they've told me that they are with their families so that's all I know. But it's alright, since I know that they are being careful because they don't want to be spotted by my parents and for them to find out that I am not with them and I'm somewhere else. It's such a big risk being here and not in California where my parents don't know.

"Don't worry about how long he takes a shower. Sometimes, he gets distracted." Macsen told me as he was laying upside down.

I chuckled. "What do you mean by that?"

"What do you think I mean?" He then asked back.

I think I have a clue on what he is trying to tell me but I'm not entirely sure if I want to say it out loud. Especially if the rest of his family is somewhere in the house.

"I got it." I told Macsen, shaking my head.

"He spends a lot of time thinking as well."

"I'm sure a lot of people spend a lot of time in the shower just by thinking. I mean, I do it too." I said and was on my phone.

"Like about what?" Macsen now asked, curious.

"The normal. Life, school, the future. You name it." I said as I liked a picture on Instagram.

"Even my brother?" Macsen said which made me look up from my phone.

I can see Macsen giving me a smirk and I was trying my best to not roll my eyes at him. It's kinda weird but I just go along with it. It's alright.

"Your brother is always on my mind."

"How often is he on your mind?" He asked.

"When I was back home, it would be throughout the day. When it was night time, I was always thinking about him. At times, I'll get sad cause I missed him so much."

Macsen was then back to sitting up straight on the couch and was looking at me.

He then began to talk. "It's the same for him, you know. Always having you on his mind. After the break up, he would sometimes deny it when we are playing video games or watching movies. I think that was another way for him to just get things off his mind a bit and just try to be calm for a minute. It was hard for him. At times, it made me think that he was someone else."

I tilted my head, confused. "What do you mean by that?"

Macsen then looked at the ground. Like as if he was trying to think on what he wanted to say. He was just trying to find the right words.

"Matt was very down after what had happened and when he had got back home. He was hurt, in pain, crying during the middle of the night. He may have had a nightmare or two. He was more quiet in the house. He didn't want to go anywhere. It's as if I was asking myself if this was still my brother. Because it didn't seem like him. But I knew that it was him, just being heartbroken. I tried my best to comfort him when he needed me. Then he would want to be alone. He's my brother and I had hoped that he would be okay. I'm glad he is right now because you're here."

Hearing Macsen tell more about what Matt had gone through breaks my heart. Especially since I was kind of going through the same thing. I didn't want to go anywhere, I wanted to be in bed all the time, I was always crying, and so much more. The break up really affected us in a way.

|He Didn't Noticed Me| A Matt Lintz Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now