Chapter 32

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*Alex's P.O.V*

"So you're only here for a few days?" Matt asked me as we were sharing a bowl of grapes and were sitting on the porch of his backyard.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"I still had no idea that you were coming." He looked at me.

"I wanted to be able to surprise you. Reason why the only person that I talked to was Macsen. He helped me make this happen, besides Kayleb and Ellie." I told him.

"What did Kayleb and Ellie have to do?"

"They just had to make sure that my parents don't find out where I really am. Just make it seem like I am spending the night at their house for a couple of days before I get back." I said and it made me nervous just thinking about it still.

Even though I just got to Georgia yesterday, it still makes me nervous on how this whole thing will go. Whether it's happening here or over there back in California where Kayleb and Ellie are. I had texted them to let them know that I am okay and safe over here and they both had told me that they have everything under control.

I'll continue to talk to them as the next few days go by so that they can let me know if anything happens.

"That's a big risk, you know that?" Matt asked.

I nodded. "That's something I knew before I hopped on a plane to come here. But it's worth it."

From the corner of my eye, I can see him smile. Which then only made me smile too. Whenever I see him smile, it makes me want to do the same thing. I guess that's how it works but I'm okay with that.

I wanted to continue to talk to him.

"This was my way to earn back your trust. So that you can be able to know that I still care about you and that I am really sorry for what I did. I would do anything to make it up to you. I'm sorry for lying and keeping you in the dark. I'm sorry for what I did. I should've told you what was going on and not listen to Kayleb. I do care about you, Matt. You know that." I said and I was just trying to not break down as well.

I don't want to cry in front of him.

Matt ate a grape. "And I care about you too, Alex. I always have and I always will."

It was silent for a moment before I was just looking at him. Just studying his facial features. The way that he looks in a  certain direction and how his eyebrows would sometimes raise when he sees something. How his hair would blow in the wind. How his soft lips would flicker up into a smile. The little breaths that he is taking.

I got up from where I was sitting and then sat down on his lap. He instantly put his arms around my waist and I just leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips.

He didn't pull away. He immediately kissed back and I swear, this kiss is much more magical than the one at the hotel in London. I'm putting everything that I'm feeling into this kiss.

He pulled me closer into him and I then put my arms around his neck. His lips were so soft against mine and I didn't want to stop.

We had even forgotten that we were kind of in the public eye because then we heard the backyard door being opened and in came Macsen.

"Catching up, I see?" Macsen teased us with a smirk on his face and that comment only made Matt throw a grape at him.

"Stop trying to waste food." Macsen said picking it up and then going over to where the garbage bin was to throw it away.

"We were having a moment." Matt said.

Macsen tried to hold in a laugh. "Yeah, I could tell."

Matt just leaned his head back on the chair that he was sitting on and I laid my head on his chest.

|He Didn't Noticed Me| A Matt Lintz Fanfiction Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz