Chapter 25

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*Macsen's P.O.V*

When Alex had texted me a few days ago, it really surprised me. Since I wasn't expecting it at all. I was just playing video games by myself when the message popped up. I would hate to find out what Matt would've thought if he was in the room with me.

So Alex had told me that she is planning on coming to Atlanta to see Matt and try to earn his trust. I hope she does because I hate seeing my brother the way he is right now.

Matt is still feeling upset and all but he's being a bit more open to me. He's doing a lot more talking and going out of the house.

But it makes me weary because he's starting to talk to that Tara girl. The one that him and I had met at the block party.

I so badly wanna tell Matt what Alex had told me but I'm not going to.

I want Matt to be surprised when she is here.

It's been a weird couple of days and I'm just trying to figure everything out. I'm not entirely sure on why Matt is suddenly talking to Tara. Is she some kind of distraction for him so that he doesn't think about Alex?

Does he even think about Alex?

What is going on with Matt?

From the times that Matt has talked to me about Alex, I know that he still cares about her. I remember when he got back from California after he found out what she did, he was really upset and I have heard him cry multiple times. Sometimes I would go and comfort him to make sure that he is okay but then other times, I would let him let all of his emotions out. Since you can't always bottle your emotions up.

Matt does care about Alex and I know that she's all he thinks about. Even though he won't say that. He keeps it hidden at times.

I hope that Matt and Alex can be okay.

Now I had to stop thinking about this for now. I'll deal with it more once I find out when Alex is coming to visit.

Leaving my room, I walked to the kitchen where I was surprised to see Matt there.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked.

He had a bottle of water and he took a sip of it. "Nothing much. I might hang out with Cassady later today."

"And not Tara?" I asked.

He was completely taken back by what I said. "What?"

"Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. I know that you've been talking to Tara the past few days. What are you trying to do?"

"Dude, I'm not trying anything. I'm just talking to her." He put his hands up.

I so badly wanted to roll my eyes.

I got so worked up when he said that he might hang out with Cassady because lately, it seems like all he does is talk to Tara.

"You do remember Alex, don't you?" I asked, while raising an eyebrow.

Matt was completely not expecting me to be so worked up about this and wasn't expecting me to raise my tone of voice. He had to completely see my face to see that I was serious.

"Of course, I remember Alex. Where are you going with this?"

I'm so badly trying to keep my cool.

"Is Tara some kind of distraction for you? So that you won't be thinking about Alex? Dude, this whole time you wanted to make sure that you can get everything right with Alex and you're talking to another girl? How would Alex think about this?"

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