Chapter 24

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*Alex's P.O.V*

"Hey, you're out early." Kayleb said as he began walking up the driveway to where I was sitting on the front porch of my house.

Kayleb was dropped off by his brother, Colton and I'm surprised he wanted to be here at this time of day. It was still early in the morning. I was surprised myself.

"Because someone told me to wake up early." I playfully hit him as he sat down.

Using his good hand, he ran a hand through his hair. " I thought it would be a nice day out."

I laughed a little. "Sure."

The cold weather was still visible as I was able to feel the breeze hitting me. Luckily, I had a jacket on. Kayleb had a jacket on too but he has to deal with only using one arm. I know pretty soon that he will have that cast off. He's excited for that.

I handed Kayleb a sausage and egg breakfast sandwich that I made for him before he got here. "Here's your breakfast."

He took it. "Thank you, I was feeling hungry and Colton wouldn't even let me stop at Mcdonald's for something. I could've brought you some food if he let me."

Damn it, Colton.

"You miss driving your car?"

Kayleb nodded. "I miss it a lot. If I didn't have this cast, I would've stopped at Mcdonald's and got us food to have for breakfast. I'm sure Colton is getting tired of driving me around. He wants me out of this cast as well."

I took a bite out of my own breakfast sandwich. "I think that's normal for older siblings."

"Yeah, I think so too."

We sat in silence as we just enjoyed the outdoors and continued to eat our breakfast. It was a nice day out even with the cold weather.

"Do you remember how we were a year ago around this time?" Kayleb looked at me.

"What do you mean?" I was confused.

"Like a year ago, the three of us were always around each other. We weren't really away from each other because we were barely doing anything. We were feeling a lot of energy and now that a year has gone by, we're completely growing as each day goes by. We're getting older by the second. Soon enough, we'll enter another school year and then I'll be graduating and be off to college." He looked ahead of him.

"Please do not mention college right now. I wouldn't know how Ellie and I would survive without you." I told him.

Kayleb gave me a smile. "It'll be okay. I'm mostly likely going to the college that is about thirty minutes away. I'll still be here for you and Ellie."

Being able to hear that comment from him made me smile. Kayleb and I have been friends for years.

We finished our breakfast sandwiches and still just enjoyed the outdoors. I'm surprised that I'm not really cold.

It's been awhile since Kayleb and I have done something like this. Where we could just be chilling but also talking about life.

"Have you ever given some thought about what you want to do after highschool when you graduate?" I then asked him.

I don't know what made me ask him that question. But hey, I thought why not.

"I've given some thought about what I want to do. I would still have to work and all. I'm still thinking career wise." He said and I nodded.

Kayleb doesn't talk that much about life after high school. He's been pretty quiet about that topic. Maybe because he's still figuring out what he wants to do. I mean, that's what he just said and there's still time for him to figure out what kind of career he wants.

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