Chapter 22

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*Alex's P.O.V*

It was actually raining for the first time in who knows how long in California. The weather actually woke me up so I have been awake since. I've been in bed just staring at the ceiling and just thinking about life.

Thinking about how I always tend to mess up a lot of things and just blaming myself for it all. I know Kayleb would put some blame on himself as well but at this point, I'm not going to blame him. I'll only blame myself.

It's better to blame myself because I never listen.

The only noise that I can hear is the pouring rain hitting my window and the ground. The thunder sounds had made a loud noise but it didn't bother me. It was kind of soothing.

The rain was matching my mood. 

It's like it's matching me and wanting to cry with me. So that we can cry together and just be sad because of our mistakes and how we're feeling.

Rain can really do something. It makes you think about your deepest thoughts. It's a good setting and I find the sounds that rain make satisfying.

I don't know how long it's been but after a good while of just being in bed and then just staring at the ceiling, I heard the doorbell go off.

Who could that be?

With a sigh, I got out of bed with slippers on and walked out of my room and headed to the door. I make it there in no time and then when I open the door, there is Kayleb who's trying to stay warm from the cold weather.

"Can you let me in?" He asked.

"Why? So you can babysit me?"

He was surprised that I can say that. "What makes you think that I am here to babysit you?"

"Because Ellie isn't here to do it." I said but let him inside the house anyways.

I can't necessarily say that Kayleb or Ellie is babysitting me. But since the day of the BBQ that happened at Kayleb's house, they've been wanting to keep me company and make sure that I am okay. Whether it was one of them or both of them.

Kayleb came into the house and immediately took off his jacket. When he took it off, I noticed something different about him.

"No sling?" I asked.

He looked up and then looked at his arm. "Yeah, no more sling. I just have the cast."

"How much longer do you have to have the cast on?"

"Just two more weeks. I want this cast off already because I am tired of having my brother drive me around." He sighed. "Also with my car now fixed, I just wanna drive it already. It's hard to do so with a broken arm."

"Next time, be careful." I told him and Kayleb nodded.

"I know that. My parents already gave me that lecture of being careful on the road."

We sat in the living room with both of us on the couch.

"Where's Ellie today?" I looked at Kayleb.

"She's probably doing errands with her mom. I don't know."

I put my hair in a ponytail because I am getting tired of it being down and being in my face.

"You have all your school work done?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I was able to get it all done. I surprised myself with that but I was bored and had nothing to do so I just ended up doing work from school."

Nowadays, I'm starting to do my work from school more. The work isn't that hard so I am always able to get it done and then have it turned it early. Ellie was surprised when I was telling her that and I am guessing that Kayleb is the same.

|He Didn't Noticed Me| A Matt Lintz Fanfiction Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin