Chapter 50

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*Kayleb's P.O.V*

Today is the last baseball game for the school year and I am currently watching my teammates out on the field. It sucks that I am not playing as well. I feel so... I don't even know the word.

I feel empty at the moment. Yes, that's the best word that I can use right now.

"Kayleb, you know that you can be cheering for your teammates." Coach said.

I shook my head. "I can't do that, Coach. It'll make my head flinch."

But at least I am cheering in my head. Ever since I arrived here, I had a frown on my face. I am not in the baseball spirit ever since I've been told that I have to sit out of this game because of my concussion.

Coach was looking at the field and then at me and then back to the field. But I heard him sigh and then he came and sat down next to me. The other coach guided my teammates.

"I know this is hard for you, Kayleb. But remember that later in the year, there will be practice for next year." Coach said, trying to make me feel better.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I asked.

Coach gave me a look. "Just trying to get you to see the positive side in this situation."

"The situation where I have a concussion? It's not like I've been banned to play for two games or have a broken leg. I shouldn't even be here. I know I'm a part of the team but being here only makes me upset, Coach. It's not making me feel better." I said and then stood up.

Suddenly, it seemed like everywhere around us got quiet.

Coach and I looked around and saw that the game got put on hold because everyone was looking at us.

Was I really speaking that loud? I didn't know.

"Kayleb, you're a star player, you know that. You've been on this team for three years. It'll be back next year."

"Sometimes star players still play the game, even when they have a concussion." I stood on my foot, not backing down.

Coach wasn't sure what to say. "I can't let you play. Cause if you get hurt again, it's on me because I let you. I want you to be safe."

"Did you forget that this isn't the first time that I've gotten hurt in my life? I've been attacked in a parking lot, got in a car accident and then am I going to let a baseball that hit my head stop me from playing the last game of the season?" I asked.

"I'm sure the doctors won't let you play either."

I rolled my eyes. I was just getting mad at this point.

"Let me play right now, or I will walk out of this dug out. Then I will go home." I said very seriously.

Coach shook his head. "I'm sorry, Kayleb. But I can't let you because you might get hurt again."

As soon as he said those words, I was done. I took my baseball cap and then threw it on the floor where it would get dirty.

I glared at him. "Tell the rest of the team good luck."

After I said that, I began to leave the dugout. Everyone was watching me walk away from the dugout and they were pretty shocked.

"Kayleb, you don't need to leave the game." My coach said from behind me.

I turned around. "Too late. I'm going home now."

We'll have to see later in the year if I'm still on the team because I want to play baseball. I want to play baseball in my senior year next year and I want to even play baseball in college.

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