Chapter 38

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*Alex's P.O.V*

"What are you up to?" I asked Matt as we were on Facetime.

"I'm currently waiting for Macsen to get out of the shower. Since we are planning on playing video games until we decide to go to bed." Matt explained.

It was only around six my time which meant that it was only around nine Matt's time. Plus. Ellie and I were waiting for our dinner.

"Does he take long showers too?" I asked.

Matt shook his head. "He usually takes about fifteen minutes in the shower. It just depends on him."

I laughed. This is how Matt and I are doing so far. It's been days since I've came back to California and honestly, I'm doing a bit better than the last time this kind of thing happened. When Matt went back home when he came to visit me, I was in a slump for who knows how long. I kept the front door locked and even when my friends came over to check up on me, I didn't answer the door. That was until Kayleb finally got to let me open the front door. But like I said, I'm doing better and not in a slump. Matt and I text each other all the time and Facetime and I am happy about it.

When I arrived home from the airport, Kayleb and Ellie were there to pick me up. I spent the night at Ellie's house and then went home to see my parents. They still had no idea that I was in Georgia. They just saw me when we were having dinner and had asked me how it went at Ellie's. I told them that it went fine and we had a lot of fun.

Kayleb and Ellie did a good job at making sure that no one knew besides themselves that I was in Georgia and not in California.

I'll love to go to Georgia again one day and visit Matt. I had a lot of fun over there.

At the moment, while I was Facetiming Matt, Ellie was in the shower. She wanted to get one done real quick before dinner arrived. Ha, we ordered pizza.

"Well how is it over there? Where's Ellie?" Matt asked.

"It's fine over here. The sun is starting to come out more outside. Ellie is currently taking a shower and we're waiting for our own dinner."

Matt smiled. "I wish you were here with me. Like I said a few days ago, my siblings and I went bowling and I wish you went with us. Maybe the next time you're here, you can. I would love it if you came back to Georgia and for longer this time."

"I want to go back to Georgia one day." I told Matt.

"What do you think about Georgia?" He asked me.

I smiled just remembering my visit over there. "I absolutely love it. When I was visiting you, I didn't want to come back home. I wanted to stay there."

"Please come back to Georgia." He begged.

"I'm going to go back to Georgia one day. I promise."

Georgia is a wonderful place and like I said, I would love to go back there again and visit Matt. Hopefully soon that can happen.

After my thought, I heard Ellie's bedroom door open and there she was dressed in black sweats and a pink shirt. Her hair was in a ponytail even though her hair was still wet.

"Oh, hey. Matt's on Facetime." I told her.

She came over next to me and looked at my phone. "Hey Matt."

"Hey Ellie. How is everything?"

"It's going well. Still dealing with school and all. Soon enough, it will be May and it'll be Kayleb's birthday. School is almost over too which is crazy. But all is well." Ellie told him.

|He Didn't Noticed Me| A Matt Lintz Fanfiction Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum