Chapter 20

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*Alex's P.O.V*

"Guys, easy with the paint." Kayleb said as he continued to do whatever he was doing.

We had nothing to do today so we ended up painting on pieces of paper. But now it seemed like we were getting it everywhere else but our paper.

"It's a paint war." Ellie laughed as she stopped making a mess with the yellow paint.

The mess was all over the table. Luckily, the paint was still wet so I was able to start cleaning it up easily.

We've been back from London a few days ago. We've done nothing but gone to school and having movie nights really late.

I even wounded up making dinner too but there was a reason why.

Somehow, I needed something to distract me after everything that happened in London with Matt.

I've been thinking on what I can do to get him to forgive me and I can earn his trust but nothing has come up yet.

I'm having a hard time with it but I'll still continue to try.

With a wet paper towel, I started to clean the mess on the table. I had splashes of paint on my arms and hands but that's alright. I can easily clean that off too.

"Okay, guys. I just wanted to let you guys know that my parents are throwing a BBQ later today. I wanted to invite you guys over. My family might have some of the neighbors over but they'll probably be inside. We could be in the backyard where it's just the three of us." Kayleb said after he finished painting.

I didn't even realize it.

"A BBQ?"

Kayleb nodded. "I know that the weather is still kind of chilly but it feels nice out. So you guys in?"

"I'm in." Ellie said.

Then Ellie and Kayleb turned to look at me.

"Umm I'm busy." I lied.

I wasn't really busy. I just don't know if I'll completely be in the mood for it. A lot of stuff is on my mind and who's knows how I'll feel with all of this.

"Busy? Really?" Kayleb asked with a look.

He didn't believe me. It was pretty obvious with the look that he was giving me. Ellie too.

I shrugged. "Things are just catching up to me."

"And by things, you mean Matt." Kayleb sighed and they both walked over to me.

We didn't say anything for a few minutes before Kayleb started to talk again.

"Alex, I know that since we've been back from London, you've been feeling down. I know you're struggling with all of this and trying to think of a way for him to forgive you. I get it. But Matt wouldn't want you to be like this. He would want you to let loose and have fun even if it's just for a little bit." Kayleb said and Ellie agreed with him.

With the way that Kayleb started talking, it could've went another way with him snapping and having an attitude. But that didn't happen at all. He was very calm right now when talking to me.

I tried to speak some words but I couldn't. No words would come out.

Ellie then walked over to me. "Alex, something like this can help get your mind off of everything."

She wasn't wrong. It could but I'm still not sure.

I continued to think about what they were telling me. Maybe a few hours at Kayleb's house won't be so bad. It'll help with what I'm going through.

|He Didn't Noticed Me| A Matt Lintz Fanfiction Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang