Chapter 21

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*Matt's P.O.V*

I was currently taking a nap in my room. Just trying to get some much needed rest because I haven't been getting that much sleep lately. So I am pretty tired. Even when I am asleep, Alex is all that is on my mind.

I can't stop having all of these thoughts. But it makes me unsure of what I really want to feel. I am confused.

I heard footsteps coming to my room and it's like I already know who it is. The door then opened a couple of seconds later.

"Tired, Matt?" Macsen asked as he saw me.

"No, Macsen. I am just laying here with my eyes closed." I said sarcastically.

It was pretty obvious that I was tired. I've been trying to take more naps lately even if it was for a couple of hours.

Macsen rolled his eyes at my response.

"Either way, mom wanted me to tell you that there is going to be a block party in a few hours. Any neighbor is invited to go if they want."

I didn't say anything at first. I wouldn't even know what to say anyway. A block party? Where any neighbor on our street is invited and we all could have fun times together while we chatted. Where we could eat any food that is there and just hang out. I wasn't interested in some block party especially with the mood that I've been in since coming back home from London.

"That sounds like fun. Hope you enjoy it." I told him.

Macsen seemed to be in disbelief. "You're not going?"

"I don't want to go. I rather stay in my room and just not do anything."

"What have I told you from time to time? You can't keep doing this to yourself. You need to get some fresh air and just have a laugh once in a while. I know it's been hard for you since coming back from London but you don't need to be like this all the time." he explained.

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

He's been trying his best to get me to be more active. Whether it was just going for a walk or simply going to the store. He doesn't want me to be this upset all the time. Which it makes sense cause he's my brother and he hates seeing me in this condition but I can't help it.
"I saw that eye roll." he said.

"That's great. Do you want a reward?" I asked and right after I said it, I felt bad about saying it. Why am I being like this? Why am I being sarcastic all of a sudden?

Macsen was completely taken back.

I then stared at him. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

He nodded and then patted my back.

It was silent for a little bit. We didn't know what to say to each other. It was just super quiet in my room.

"It's fine, Matt."

I'm such a horrible brother. Why am I acting like this?

"And if you still aren't going to the block party later then I'll get you a plate of food if you want." He said and I lightly smiled.

"You just need to tell me what kind of food is there." I told him and he nodded once again.

"Will do." Then after he said that, he left my room.

It sucks on how things have been ever since everything happened. I am in a complete slump and I can't get out of it. I am constantly feeling like this and it sucks. This whole feeling has taken over me.

I haven't really gotten my heart broken before so this was all new to me. I'm not even sure on how to handle it at all.

The more that I stared at the wall that was in my room, the more that I feel all sad and everything. It was super quiet. The rest of my family was already enjoying the block party that was outside. The noise coming from the outdoors was actually very content. Like it wasn't loud but it wasn't quiet either.

|He Didn't Noticed Me| A Matt Lintz Fanfiction Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora