Chapter 26

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*Kayleb's P.O.V*

"What is going on?" Ellie asked as we were hanging out.

She was currently at my house and I had to tell her what was happening and what Alex had told me a few days ago.

"Alex is going to Atlanta to go and visit Matt. She is going to go that route to earn his trust again." I told her.

Ellie didn't know what to say. She was super surprised to hear this kind of information. It surprised me too when I was hearing it from Alex. I'm still not even sure on what to think about it. I am not even sure if Alex had gotten the tickets yet.

She was going to be going to Atlanta in a few weeks, maybe. I already forgot when she was going.

"Is she crazy?" Ellie asked and I shrugged.

What else could I say about this? "I tried to tell her that her parents will not just let her go to Atlanta for no reason. Since her parents don't even know what happened. Only the three of us and Matt know. But she insisted that she go and earn his trust again. She's wanting to show him that she cares."

"But here's the thing.." Ellie started to say. "We know how much she cares and we know how much Matt cares. I think that's what they want. To be able to show the other people that they care. But I wasn't expecting her to go that route and go to Atlanta."

I agreed with Ellie. About how I wasn't expecting it. But, we can't change Alex's mind.

"I already agreed with her on letting her go to Atlanta and having her parents not know." I said and Ellie's eyes widened.

"Are you serious?"

"She isn't going to be gone long. It's only for a few days. She just needs enough time to tell Matt that she cares and do everything she can to have him back." I said and Ellie sighed.

Ellie was in disbelief. "How could we be able to keep up the act? We could get in trouble with this."

"Just don't say anything about Alex in front of your family and I won't say anything to mine. Alex is only going to be gone for three to four days so we just have to chill and do any normal thing that we would always do." I said.

Ellie still wasn't sure.

"We will be fine, Ellie." I said.

It is most definitely a risk about letting Alex go to Atlanta without her parents knowing. But Alex wasn't going to give up on this. So she knows what she is doing.

But I'm also scared for her. Since Ellie and I won't be with her when she makes this trip, I don't want anything to happen to her. I want Alex to be okay. I'll just try to not worry about this too much up until it's time for Alex to go to Atlanta. Which isn't for another couple of weeks.

"When were you planning on visiting Alex again?" Ellie then asked me.

I looked at her and shrugged. "Maybe today or something."

It was quiet for a little bit. Like as if we were trying to think on what else we wanted to talk about. But all on our minds right now was the fact that Alex was going to Atlanta. I was scared for her but I also know how much this would mean to her. Since, all she wants right now is to earn Matt's trust again.

"What's on your mind, Kayleb?" Ellie asked.

"I'm just scared for her, you know?" I looked at her. "I want her to be okay with all of this. I want her to be okay. I know that this is a risk but it's something that I know that she wants to do. She can't go another day without thinking about him. She's been trying so hard lately in trying to figure out how she can earn his trust again. She just wants to be happy again and Matt has always managed to put a smile on her face. I'm just worried about her."

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