Chapter 21

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A/N: Blue's condition, Retrograde Amnesia, is a real condition. I didn't make it up, it really occurs on people who suffer from brain trauma, head injury, epilepsy, and other neurological conditions. If you're curious about it, you can search it up on the internet :)


"Bright, son.. Please, get out of your room even just for once. You haven't been eating your food and I know you aren't sleeping either. You'll get sick too, if you keep on doing that." Mrs. Chiva-aree begged her son. Bright lost a couple of pounds after Blue got into an accident. He also had dark circles under his eyes because of sleep deprivation.

What's the point? I'll choose sickness over this situation wherein Blue couldn't remember me. Bright started to tear up again. "Mom, why.. Of all people, why did it have to be me? I expected that when she woke up, she'd bury herself inside my arms. But what I received was, 'who is he?'." Mrs. Chiva-aree stroked her son's back. "I don't know, dear.. The doctor already explained her situation, right?"

Bright nodded. "Yeah, he said Blue has a Retrograde Amnesia condition because she hit her head badly. She lost her memories from a year ago or two, that's why she couldn't remember me since she only met me again this year. The doctor said it might be temporary but if the situation worsens, it'll be permanent." He sighed. "Let's hope for the better, son. Just be there for Blue so that she could remember you again."

"Alright, I'll do my best, Mom." He hugged his mother before prepping up for school. "Nong, are you alright at school? I mean, are you doing well, coping up.. something like that," P'Dark wasn't sure of how he's going to comfort his brother so he always tend to ask awkward questions. "Yes, Phi. I'm trying my best to focus. I still have my friends, they keep me company." Bright shook his head while smiling.

"That's good.. What about.. Beam?" Bright stopped moving when he heard her name. "She's been kicked out along with her friends. Good thing the administrators weren't blinded by money. They said it was a disgrace to have students like that in our school. We're still minors so the girls couldn't face charges, they were just put into counseling or whatsoever." P'Dark nodded.

"Don't worry about me, Phi. I'm just coping up, I'll be better soon. Please, assure Mom as well. I know the both of you are just worrying about me but I promise, I'll be fine." Bright smiled before leaving their house. This is hard. How would I even start making her remember me and our memories?

Bright arrived at their school, Shan was earlier than him. "Hey, you good?" Bright asked as he saw Shan staring out of nowhere. "Yeah, I guess.. not? I haven't had enough sleep for months already ever since the accident. I know you and P'Moon are just like me too." Bright laughed and nodded. "It's hard, Shan. She only remembers the two of you. How could I make her remember me?"

"P'Moon and I will help, don't worry. As of now we don't try to ask questions about us, we just let her speak things she can remember. Uncle told us that it's better to reiterate the memories than to ask her." Shan explained. "What's she telling you?" Bright curiously asked. "Uh, well.. she's talking about how P'Moon saved her life before and how he kept her going." I know P'Moon has got nothing to do with this, but he's surely lucky that Blue remembers everything about him.

"Hey, don't be sad. Oh, I thought of something. Why don't you tell her stories about your trips and your band practices and performance? I'm sure it can help her." Shan suggested and Bright agreed. "I hope it works out."

School hours had ended and it's time for the three to visit Blue again. "Nong, I suddenly remembered. Can Blue make it to the Battle of the Bands?" P'Moon asked. "Oh, right.. I don't know, honestly. For sure, she also lost her memories about Blue Skies. We still haven't finished the song either. Maybe I'll just finish and sing it alone if we have no choice." He sighed.

"I saw a YouTube video of your performance during the Freshmen Welcome Party. Show it to her later." P'Moon suggested. "Thanks, you two.." Bright thanked his two friends who'd been trying their best to help him. When they entered Blue's room, the aura inside felt different. They sensed a hint of cheerfulness and there was no negativity. Blue greeted the three.

"Sawasdee kha/krub. How are you, Blue?" The three simultaneously asked. "I'm doing better now. Look, my injuries are gone and my bandage will be removed tomorrow. The doctor said I can be discharged from the hospital too. You can visit me in my house if you want to." When Bright saw her smile, he couldn't help but to smile as well. I'm glad she can smile again.

"That's good, Blue. You did great, I'm so proud of you." P'Moon commended her. "If I did great, treat me to a meal when I go back to school, then." Blue chuckled. Bright's smile faded away quickly. "A-alright." P'Moon answered awkwardly. "Uhm, Blue. I'm sure you don't remember, but you're a band member of our school." Shan opened up the topic.

"Really?! I joined a band?" Her eyes glistened. "Yeah. You're the electric guitarist and also the lead singer together with Bright." Blue shifted her eyes to Bright which caused him to feel uneasy. "T-that's true. We performed once during Freshmen Welcome Party and we're also going to join a contest- uhm, a month away from now."

Blue gasped. "Oh no! I'm singing too? H-how? I don't usually sing in front of crowds. What contest is that by the way?" She really doesn't remember anything but it's alright, as long as she wants to know about it. Bright thought. "Well, I kinda motivated you to sing.. and you pulled it off. The contest required us to sing an original song and a cover one. The two of us are the composers.." Bright rubbed his nape.

"W-wow. That's cool. Is there a video of our performance?" The three nodded and P'Moon showed her the video. Blue seemed mesmerized with the band and especially herself. "I really did that? Amazing. I'm sorry, Bright.. if I couldn't remember anything." Blue paused for a moment. "No.. no, it's alright. Take your time to remember. I wouldn't get tired telling you about the things we did before." Blue nodded and turned her attention to P'Moon.

"Do you want to come over when I get discharged from here?" Her question shocked everybody. She's really asking that in front of me? I guess she also doesn't know that we live across each other. Bright tried his best not to frown. "P-pardon?" P'Moon seemed uncomfortable. "Why? You used to come over every day. Do you have a girlfriend now?" P'Moon shook his head.

"Ah, no.. I don't have one.. I guess you don't remember but Nong Bright and I confessed to you on the same day." Shan poked him with her elbow. "Not today, P'Moon." She whispered. "Is that so? Wow. Many things happened, I forgot all of them. I'm sorry." The three insisted that Blue don't need to feel guilty, they're just telling her what she forgot.

"Aahh- my head.. It hurts so bad.. Ah!" Blue suddenly shouted in pain while holding her head. They called the nurse and she checked up on Blue. "I gave you painkillers, you'd be okay later. What happened?" Is it because she tried to remember what we told her? Bright overthinked.

"We were just talking about our memories earlier." Shan answered. "That could happen. Maybe the patient forced herself to remember it, that's why her head suddenly ached. I suggest that just let your memories come back on its own, you may experience headaches like what happened earlier, and you can visualize your forgotten memories. Just take painkillers if that occurs." The nurse explained before she left.

"Blue, it's fine, really. You don't have to rush. It's more important that you're doing fine." Bright assured her. Blue only gave her a bitter smile. She feels sorry for him because she couldn't remember a single thing about him. "So, how's football, P'Moon?" Blue started talking to P'Moon again.

Bright felt like he's an outcast. Since Blue only remembers P'Moon and Shan, her attention was purely focused on the two because she couldn't think of what to say to Bright. Bright on the other hand, didn't know what to talk about or how he could get her full attention. "You're hurt, aren't you?" Shan's question made him flinch.

"How can you tell?" He faked a laugh. "Well, if I were you, I'd get hurt as well. But this is what it looks like when you're still not here. She had always depended on my cousin, and the fact that she could only remember what happened two years ago.. explains why she's so attached to him right now. I'm sorry, Bright."

Right, that was our freshman year. The year when Blue was bullied for being an introvert and P'Moon saved her life from darkness. I understand it clearly, but sometimes I hope that I came back sooner. Maybe Blue would have known me earlier, maybe she wouldn't be lonely and alone, maybe all of this wouldn't have happened. Bright wiped his tears as he stared at the two.

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