Chapter 13

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Blue Skies planned an outing to the beach because Bright and Blue wanted to find some inspiration while composing a song. Mr. Noppachorn offered to drive them to their destination so the next day, the band went to the house of Noppachorns early in the morning.

"Gosh, Bright is really a slow-poke! You can go inside the van, I'll just go to their house." Blue irritatedly announced to her bandmates then she went straight to the Chiva-arees. She knocked at their door and Mrs. Chiva-aree opened it. "I'm sorry, Blue. He woke up late but he's preparing now, if Dark didn't barge into his room he wouldn't be awake." Bright's mother complained.

After a short while, Bright arrived downstairs while carrying his travel bag. "Sorry, Blue. I overslept. Let's go." His mother tugged his shirt to stop him. "Bring a sandwich with you, you still haven't eaten your breakfast!" She handed a sandwich to her son and he took it immediately. "We're going now, Mom, Phi.." Bright bid his goodbye and pushed Blue outside gently.

The two went to the van and Bright immediately apologized to his bandmates. Everybody was already seated in their own positions so the two had no choice but to sit beside each other. "Wow, you literally live across each other. That's cool." P'Fun noticed. "Yeah, when we were young, our houses were beside each other. But I moved places, when I came back to town, somebody was already living in our old house but luckily, there's a vacant house across Blue's." Bright explained before taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Wow, I don't think it's just mere coincidence. The two of you are meant to be. You're the luckiest person when it comes to your love interest." The drummer uttered. Everybody went silent. Did he just expose me? Damn it, Blue's father still has no clue about it. Bright gulped, Blue's eyes widened. "You like my daughter, Bright?" Mr. Noppachorn laughed. He doesn't look mad. The two thought. Bright was speechless that he just nodded in response.

Blue's face was red as a tomato. Gosh, it's so hot in here. I feel like we're going to get hot-seated. "You know about that, Blue?" Mr. Noppachorn looked at her daughter in the rear mirror. "Y-yes, Papa. He confessed." She stuttered. Her father laughed once again while shaking his head. "I knew it, I've just been waiting for the moment that one of you will tell me about it." The two furrowed their brows, confused of what just happened. So, is it okay for him? They thought.

"Sorry, what, Papa?" Blue couldn't believe her father's reaction. "Parent's instinct, dear. Bright's mom and I have the same thoughts. We're just waiting for Bright to confirm it." Blue covered her face out of embarrassment. "There you have it, P'Bright.. you already got the parents approval." The drummer giggled because he thought he did an important thing. "Don't worry, Bright. It's alright for us, but we hope you won't hurt her, huh.. You'll be facing me if that happens" Mr. Noppachorn said jokingly.

"Is this really alright for you, Papa? I mean you won't scare him?" Mr. Noppachorn laughed. "Why would I scare him? I trust him, I know Bright is a good boy." Bright smiled from ear to ear. "Gosh, you're already boasting around because Papa is approved of you." She rolled her eyes. "Can't I be happy about that? Jeez, I'm just smiling.." They continued to bicker until they reached the beach resort. "I'm going to help you unload your things." Mr. Noppachorn insisted.

After P'Fun negotiated with the receptionist, he came back to the group. "Alright, I'm leaving now. Just message me Blue before you check out tomorrow." Blue's father reminded her. "Thank you, uncle! Have a safe trip on your way home.." The band thanked him. "No worries, enjoy the beach and I hope you find inspiration for your song. *coughs* Bright, take care of my daughter and don't do anything to her." Mr. Noppachorn warned Bright, he just gave him a salute.

"Papa! What are you talking about? You're embarrassing me, go home now. Bye!" Blue pushed her father back to the van to stop him from saying weird things. "I couldn't get a family room because they're all fully-booked, so I booked two suites instead. Girls and boys will have two separate suites." P'Fun explained. The group went to their respective rooms and prepped themselves because they planned to swim when the sun isn't at its peak yet.

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