Chapter 9

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The news spread like a flash and everybody was talking about Bright and P'Moon's rumored football match. Gossips can be heard everywhere, Blue was confused on how others found out about the match. It's not about them being popular, somebody must've eavesdropped. Now, everybody's eyes were all laid on her. They look like they're ready to murder me. Gosh, I forgot those two are heartthrobs here.

"What are you looking at, huh? Get a life and stop gossiping about others!" Shan raised her voice and placed her hands on her waist. She's been trying to defend Blue from those who were gossiping about her. "Don't mind them, Shan. They don't deserve your energy." Blue stopped her.

"Ugh! They annoy me, where did they hear about that anyway?" Shan stomped her feet as they continued walking. "I think they met a while ago, I heard from someone we passed by that the two talked with each other, then they mentioned about the match." P'Rain explained. "Why do they even care? It isn't something to get excited about."

"Of course they care, they are a fan of those two. They wouldn't like it if their idol has a love interest, but despite their disliking of the current situation, they'll still want to check it out." P'Rain shook his head while laughing. "I can't believe people can be desperate like that, meddling with their idol's private life like it's their business." Shan snapped.

"Forget about those people. How about you, Blue? What can you say?" P'Rain changed the subject. "I'm just shocked, I didn't expect that this would be everybody's topic. But, I honestly don't care about them because I'm more worried about the two." Blue sighed. The three of them stopped by the cafeteria to buy some snacks.

"Oh, right. You forgot to tell us, what caused all of this?" Shan asked as she handed out her payment to the cashier. "Yesterday, Papa invited Bright for snacks. I didn't know about it, I was in my room. When I was about to get food downstairs, I saw him. Then, Papa went out to buy groceries so we were left alone, that's when P'Moon arrived outside. He came without a notice but of course I allowed him to come inside. Then, poof! They decided to have a match." Blue even made an explosion gesture.

"What? Did they really just plan a match because they wanted to? How is it connected to you?" Shan asked before she sips her milk box. "You know that both of them likes me, right?-" Blue was cut off by P'Rain. "Wait, what? Did I hear that right? Nong Bright likes you too?" He looked surprised while his girlfriend was all calm. "Yes, he confessed yesterday too, at home. Back to what I was saying, ever since they confessed, everything became a chaos." Blue massaged her temples.

"One minute they're together, they would bicker already and wouldn't stop until I stopped them. So, P'Moon suggested that they need to be separated from each other for the mean time. But they wanted it fair, so P'Moon thought about the match thingy." Blue said plainly before munching her sandwich. "Wait, so P'Moon suggested that? Come on, isn't that unfair? He got the upper hand obviously." Shan scoffed, she couldn't believe her cousin's idea.

"Yeah! That's what I told them, but Bright agreed without hesitation. He didn't want to back out or lose to P'Moon, he said he'll win. Not that I'm doubting his abilities, but I'm just worried that they might get on each other's nerves while playing. What if someone gets injured?" Blue panicked. "Don't worry about me." The two girls flinched when they heard a familiar voice. They turned around and saw Bright joining them at their table.

"Were you there the whole time?" Blue blurted out, not minding Bright who's having a bite of her sandwich. "No, I just arrived. I heard your voice and realized that you were talking about me so I came here." He explained after he chewed his food. "Can you please explain why everyone is gossiping about the match later?" Blue questioned. "P'Moon went to our classroom earlier, he looked for me then he reminded me about the match. I don't know if it's a threat or what, but I don't really care. Well, everybody was listening so they heard everything." Bright seemed unbothered.

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