Chapter 15

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A/N: Hi everyone! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family :) As a Christmas gift, I'll post two chapters for today. Enjoy reading! xoxo

"How's the song going?" P'Fun asked the two. They told him they're still working with their own verses. The two made a lot of revisions because they feel that what they wrote still weren't enough. "I can't make it on Saturday, P'Fun. I'll be going to the province, to my grandparents." Bright announced.

"Alright, let's not meet then, everyone. Consider it as a rest day." P'Fun suggested. "Wow. Thanks to you, Nong. We'll be able to rest the whole weekend." The drummer hugged Bright and rejoiced with the P'Fun's decision. The band members parted ways after their short meeting and Bright and Blue went home together.

"Blue, are you free this Saturday? My grandparents would love to see you. I've been telling them about you when we were kids and they told me that if I'm able to see you again, they hope they can too." Blue was flustered with what he said. She's a little bit shy to meet his extended family. "Uh, I-I think so?"

"They're kind and sweet so if you think they're scary, they're not.. and no need to get shy" He smiled. "Jeez, alright. I'll ask for Papa's permission." She agreed in the end.

Saturday came and Blue is currently with Bright on a train. Her Papa agreed that she could tag along with Bright to his province. It's Blue's first time to ride a train as a teenager, the last time she rode it was during her pre-school days. "You look so amazed, you kept sticking your face on the window." Bright teased her so Blue fixed herself and sat properly. "Do you often go alone to your grandparents' house?" She asked.

"No, normally the three of us would go altogether. But there's a special day every year wherein I visit them alone." Blue nodded. "What's special about this day?" She asked. "This is the day when we moved into their house after we left ours. They accepted us and helped us stand again on our own feet, so for me, this is the day where we started a new and better life. And we couldn't have done it without them, so I always go there to have a meal with them or go on a trip."

He's really a family-oriented person. That's admirable. Blue thought while looking at him passionately talking about his grandparents. "We've arrived at the train station, let's go." The two hopped out of the train and hired a taxi. "That would be 150 baht, sir." Bright gave the exact amount of money to the driver, then they walked to his grandparents' house.

"Jeez, don't be nervous. Breathe deep, you'll be fine." Bright gave Blue a squeeze on her hand then he knocked at the door. "Sawasdee krub, grandpa, grandma!" He cheerfully greeted as his grandparents opened the door. They got teary-eyed as soon as they saw him and hugged him immediately. They noticed that Blue was standing beside him so they looked at her.

"Oh, this is Blue. My childhood friend." He introduced her to them, Blue said her greetings and made a bow. "Aw, she's the one you've been talking about non stop! She's gorgeous.." His grandpa complimented Blue. "I'm so glad the two of you finally reunited again.. We've been dying to see you, dear. Come inside." His grandma invited them inside.

As usual, the typical home of elders could be seen in their house too. It's small but cozy. They offered the two a cup of tea in an instant. "This is a peach tea for you, Blue. I hope you like it." Bright's grandma offered her. She gratefully accepted it and took one sip. It's sweet. "I like it, grandma." She smiled.

The two elders took their time getting to know Blue, they loved her without hesitation because they found her nice and adorable. "We're in the same band, grandma, grandpa. We went on trips to find inspiration because we're currently writing an original song to be used in a competition months from now." Bright explained since his grandparents got curious when they heard that Blue is also a musician.

Blue Skies | Bright VachirawitWhere stories live. Discover now