Chapter 19

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A/N: hi everyone, this chapter contains sensitive content. if anyone has a trauma regarding bullying please skip the part where i'll be putting a trigger warning :)
“Seriously, why are you here? Don’t you have food at home?” Blue asked Bright before having a spoonful of rice. Bright suddenly appeared at their house while Blue was left clueless as to why he went there. “I told you I’m here to fetch you, we’re going to school together.. Right?” Blue didn’t argue further and just continued eating.

“Blue, so.. I’ve decided that I want to court you so that uncle wouldn’t think that we just kinda had a thing without me asking for proper permission. I also wanted him to know that I’m serious about you.” Blue almost choked on her food. He wants to- what?! This guy, really. Isn’t it too early for courting? “Gosh, why are we on a courting stage already?”

“You don’t need to give me an answer sooner or later. I’m not going to pressure you or anything. I just want to court you properly with uncle’s, Mom’s, and your permission. Well, about Mom, she approved already.” Bright rubbed his nape. “I’m not sure about Papa.. as for me, if you really want to do it, I know you can’t be stopped. So, yeah just be lowkey about it.”

Bright pulled his fist and mouthed ‘yes!’. “I approve too.” The two turned their heads when they heard Mr. Noppachorn’s approval. “Did you hear everything, Papa?!” Blue panicked, while her father laughed. “Apparently, yes. I’m glad to hear what Bright said. It shows that he respects his elders and you, as well. Your mother raised you right, young man.” He initiated a fist bump.

“Thanks, uncle. I’ll do my best to make Blue happy.” Mr. Noppachorn gave him a short nod. “So, the two of you have mutual feelings?” He faced his daughter who’s getting shy all of a sudden. “Y-yes, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, Papa.” She looked down. “It’s fine, I’m not mad. I’m happy that you changed your mindset. Not everyone will hurt you, Blue.” He patted her head.

“Alright, alright. We’ll get going now, Papa. Take care!” Blue and Bright waved him goodbye and started walking their way to school. When they reached the school lobby, they encountered a group of girls. One of them looked familiar. Isn’t she Bright’s ex? Blue seemed uncomfortable seeing her.

“Bright, let's talk." I'm certain, she's Beam. Blue stared at the girl. "What's there to talk about?" Bright answered coldly. "Not here, but let's talk. Just the two of us." Beam shifted her eyes to Blue. "Why? Can't we talk here?" Bright crossed his arms and Beam grunted. "Ugh, fine. You really wanted her to hear what I'm going to say?"

What does it have to do with me? Blue was confused. "What's so important about what you're gonna say anyway? If it's not important then we'll get going." Bright was ready to leave with Blue but Beam spoke. "I'm going to make up with you. I want you back, Bright." Blue felt like a pail of water was poured all over her.

So, they literally became a thing before? Yet Bright denied it? "What nonsense are you spitting? I was never yours, Beam. We never had a thing between us, right? It came from you. Now, why are you acting like we became lovers before?" Bright clenched his jaw. "T-that's not true!" She panicked.

"Not true, huh? I remember it clearly because you left me in so much pain. Beam, you're the one who denied me in front of everyone. You told them you're only flirting with me and you're not serious. I was stupid for loving you." So, it's the other way around? Jeez. Their relationship is too complex.

Blue was flustered when Bright pulled her and started walking away. "Wait, Bright! I'm sorry. I was too young that time. I'm sorry for denying you, I won't do it again. Please, give me another chance." Beam stopped him by holding his hand. "Get your hand off me and stop bothering me. Beam, it's been years. You think I didn’t know that you chose Win Metawin over me? You can’t fool me twice."

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