Chapter 18

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I'm trying my best right now not to feel awkward around Bright. Yesterday still feels unreal, I couldn't believe I confessed to him. Jeez, even though we're not a thing or whatever people call that, it wouldn't change the fact that he knows I like him. "I told you to just act normal, I won't tease you because of yesterday." Blue flinched as she heard him.

"Does Shan know?" He asked. Right, she doesn't know it yet. I have to tell her or else she'll kill me. "Not yet." Bright nodded. "How about uncle?" Blue's eyes widened. "What!? Why am I supposed to tell Papa?" She panicked. "Why not? He could give some advice, you know."

"Advice about what?" Blue raised her brow. "Well, about how to handle your feelings? He might enlighten you as well about the things you're confused at." He explained. Bright has a point, but I'm shy to tell Papa. "I don't know, maybe next time. I'll think of what to say first."

"What will you think of? Huh? Fill me in!" Blue jumped a little when Shan appeared out of nowhere. "What are you? A mushroom? Why are you appearing suddenly?" Blue held her chest to calm herself down. "I saw the two of you from a distance, so I ran here and decided to scare you." Shan laughed.

"Why? Are you hiding something from me?" Bright avoided her gaze, Blue zipped her mouth as well. Shan squinted her eyes. "You're dead to me! Tell me, what is it about?!" Shan grabbed their shoulders and put her weight on them. "You're heavy! Stop it, you're crazy, Shan. Jeez."

"I was going to tell you anyways.. so, do you remember what you told me? That I should acknowledge my feelings if there's some, and etc.? Well, I kinda realized that you're right so I confirmed it myself yesterday.. and I somehow confessed to him." Blue got all shy while explaining, but Shan showed no reaction.

"Hey, why are you giving me a poker face?" Blue nudged her shoulder. Shan suddenly let out a squeal. "Oh my gosh! I'm so proud of you my bestie! You finally have someone you like!" Shan hugged her while jumping. Bright laughed at the two. "Calm down, jeez! Why are you overreacting?" Blue rolled her eyes.

"Because this is the first time you liked someone, let me celebrate, okay?! I'm so happy for the both of you." Shan even clapped her hands but fell silent after a while. "Wait, what about.. P'Moon, how are you planning to tell him? For sure, he'll know about it even if nobody tells him." The three of them were speechless, worried about what will P'Moon react to the situation.

Oh right, he'll know about it eventually. It should personally come from me and not from gossip. "I'm not sure, but I'll think about it. I have to tell Papa first, then I'll ask him about P'Moon." Blue sighed. I don't want to hurt him again but no matter what decision I choose, he'll still be hurt. This is so hard, gosh.

"Why is our first class in the morning sports again?! I didn't take a bath just to cover myself in sweat, dust, and dirt." Shan groaned as they approached the school field. For their P.E. class, they'll have a track and field activity. Basically, it's a race between the same sex. The activity is done by batch and for this day, it's Blue's turn to run. "Just be grateful you're already done with the activity." Shan laughed at her.

"Are you nervous?" Bright asked. Blue shook her head. "We did obstacle courses during camping days, I'm gonna be fine. I just don't want to run early in the morning." Bright smirked. "What can't you do? You're beautiful, smart, physically active, you can play instruments and sing too." Why am I getting shy with a simple compliment?

"Excuse me, I'm still here.. you can lowkey flirt later, now go to the starting line and do your warm ups." Shan pushed Blue away. "I'm so new to this." Bright laughed at her, then after a short while, the activity had started. It wasn't a surprise that Blue surpassed almost all of her rivals. She's now bound to the last round.

"I'm running out of breath.. Damn it, I'm tired!" The remaining students were given a short time to rest before they could run for the last round. Bright and Shan were taking care of Blue. "Your knees are trembling, are you sure you can still go on?" She held her knees and immediately knew that she couldn't do it.

"I'll tell our teacher that you're just gonna rest." Bright suggested and Blue didn't argue further. "You did well, Blue. You made it that far." Shan complimented her while damping an ice pack to her knees. "Good job, you ranked 3rd." Bright patted her head, she couldn't help but to smile. "T-thanks."

I never expected that I'll be one of those girls who get excited whenever Bright's around. I guess I ate my words. "My wish has been granted. I can finally experience peace." Shan teased them. "Kidding aside, seeing Blue all shy whenever Bright does some sweet gestures is new to me, but I like it."

"She did eat her own words, she always tells me before that she'll never be like those girls who feel excitement when I'm around." Bright smirked again but Blue glared at him. "Don't tease me or else I'll ignore you." Shan cut them both. "You're going to start bickering again, please, I want peace." The two laughed at her in return.

"Oh, it's P'Rain's class! I'm gonna say hi to him, bye!" Shan left the two and dashed to his boyfriend's class. "Let's eat somewhere before going home." Bright suggested and Blue asked 'where?'. "At the market, along the way. I heard there are some good food stalls there." Blue agreed to him. "You surely eat a lot, look at your cheeks. So fluffy."

Bright pinched her cheeks, so she pouted. "Aw, sorry. Don't be mad." He ruffled her hair. Somebody coughed behind them and they were shocked when they saw P'Moon. "P'Moon! What are you gonna do in your class?" Blue tried to act normal. "Nothing, I'm already exempted from the activity since I'm a part of the football club."

"I'll be right back. The teacher is calling me." Bright excused himself. Oh no, why does it have to be now? It's gonna be awkward even though it's just me who's acting weird. "Is it your turn to run today?" He asked and Blue nodded. "Why is there an ice pack?" P'Moon looked worried. "Oh, I guess my muscles became new again to this kind of feeling. It's been so long since I ran this hard."

"Oh, yeah.. you focused on your instruments, but you still got the strength huh?" Blue laughed at him. "Don't talk about me like I'm already old." Her joke gave them a good laugh afterwards, then they both fell silent. Blue thought that this might be the right time to inform him about her feelings for Bright because the longer she'll prolong to hide it, the more P'Moon will get hurt.

"P'Moon, I-I have something to say.." P'Moon didn't seem to hear it so she repeated what she said. "Yeah, what's that?" He responded without looking. "I'm sorry but I like.." She was just starting her sentence but he cut her off.

"Sorry, Blue.. but can you tell that to me next time? I need to go back to my class. Alright? See you around, bye!" P'Moon ran as quick as he could to his class, leaving Blue flustered. I had my chance to say it, but I guess fate is trying to say that this is not yet the right time. She convinced herself.

They spent the whole day doing schoolworks again as usual, and after their class hours, they went to their respective clubs to prepare for the upcoming events. Bright and Blue's been productive since the day they went on trips. They're almost done with their song. Their bandmates were also helping them make a tune so that it would be easier for them to finish it.

"Alright, pack up! That's it for today.. Thank you, everyone!" P'Fun dismissed the band. Bright and Blue were now on their way to the market to eat some food. "What do you want to eat?" He asked. "Pad thai and seafood. You?" "I think I'll have a rice meal." When the two of them agreed where to eat they immediately placed their order because they were so hungry.

Their food arrived and Bright took out his phone. "Wait, I'm going to take a picture of this and post it to my other account." Blue laughed before letting him arrange the plates in their table according to his liking.

"Look at this guy, he's hungry but he still has time to take an aesthetic photo of the food." Blue took a picture of Bright and planned to post it to her Instagram story with this caption. "Photography is life." Bright joked around before they started digging into their food. I guess when you like someone, weird things can be considered normal. Blue smiled while having her thoughts.

A/N: I'm going to post an update now since I'll be busy the whole day. Before 2020 ends I want to say that I'm happy because there are people who keep on supporting my story. You motivate me to work harder :) I wish you a great year ahead, advance happy new year everyone! <3

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