Chapter 17

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A/N: Yay, it's Bright's birthday yesterday! I hope you wished him a happy birthday too :) Anyway, here's another update for you, guys.


"For today's activity, I want you to find a partner of the opposite sex. We're going to practice your emotions and expressions in preparation for your final output by class. After finding a partner, one of you should pick a certain scenario to re-enact." The teacher explained.

Blue and Shan exchanged a gloomy look. They wanted to be partners but the teacher's instruction was different. "Go, partner with Bright before those girls could steal him away from you." Shan pushed Blue away.

Blue looked at Bright who's now being surrounded by a group of girls. "Let's pair up, Bright!" "No! Bright is mine!" "Choose another one, Bright's gonna be my partner!" Gosh, how can I ask him to be my partner when every girl likes him to be theirs?

"Blue, do you want to be my partner?" A guy from their class asked her. "Oh-" Even before Blue could answer him, somebody spoke out of nowhere. "Sorry, kub. She's my partner." Bright? How did he escape from those girls? The guy nodded and went away.

Meanwhile, the girls were giving her a death glare. "I thought those girls were fighting over you." Blue whispered. "Yeah, I was explaining to them that I already have a partner. They just don't listen. Good thing I noticed someone was asking you, I thought I'd be late."

"You didn't ask me, though." She tried to tease him. "Please, be my partner?" He pleaded. "Jeez, I cringed.. but alright." Blue laughed while Bright approached the table with pieces of paper. After picking one, he then went back to her. "We're going to re-enact a romantic scene." Blue's eyes widened.

"What? Give me that!" She stole the paper from Bright. My gosh, what's this?! "Don't panic. We can do this." He reassured her. "Why are you so calm? You think this would be a natural one?"

"No, but I'm comfortable with you, that's why." Blue only rolled her eyes. They weren't given time to prepare since the act should be impromptu. "Chiva-aree and Noppachorn, it's your turn." Blue's heartbeat went faster than usual. I'm gonna faint. I'm gonna ruin my dignity.

After the teacher gave them a go signal, they started acting their assigned scenario. Bright put his hands inside his pockets and moved forward towards Blue. She kept on stepping backwards as Bright leaned closer to her. "W-what are you doing?" She stuttered. Bright cornered her and placed one of his hands to the wall.

We're just acting, why is my heart beating so fast? The two of them thought of the same thing. "You like me, right?" Bright dropped the question. "No.. who told you that?" She replied while avoiding his gaze. "I can feel it. Why are you trying to deny it? It's obvious, Blue." Wait, it seems like he's really asking me that question.

"There's nothing to deny! I don't.. like.. you" Blue stuttered as she found herself drowning in Bright's eyes. His pretty eyes caught her off guard. "But I like you, a lot.." Blue started breathing heavily. This is suffocating, I feel like my heart is going to explode. Why does this feel true to life? This isn't acting anymore.

"And cut! That seemed natural. The both of you could be actors." Their momentum was cut off when the teacher stopped them. Bright chuckled while Blue seemed taken aback with what happened. She held onto her chest because she felt it tightening. What's happening to me? This is not normal anymore.

"Great job, you two. I didn't know you're good at acting too. Why don't you audition for the theatre club next year, huh?" Shan commended them. She's been told that she's excused for this activity since she's already in the theatre club so she needed not to worry about finding a partner.

"We have a band, Shan. We can't abandon it." Bright chuckled. Blue seemed to lose herself because she couldn't forget about the scene earlier. The whole day, Blue went quiet and spent her time spacing out. Bright and Shan kept on asking her what's wrong, but she always responded 'nothing'.

Currently, the two were on their way home but Bright still couldn't stop babbling about Blue's mood the whole day. "When will you stop nagging me, Bright?" She asked calmly. "When you tell me what's going on with you. I know there's something wrong, is it because of the activity earlier?" Blue paused after hearing his question.

"So, I am right.. I'm sorry, did I make you feel uncomfortable?" No.. it's just that, it feels real and I'm not prepared if that really happened to me. She thought of what she wanted to say but she just couldn't utter. "No, but why did you do that earlier? I was caught off guard." Blue spoke in a soft tone.

"I just watched too many romance dramas, I've seen that scenario many times and thought that it would be okay to re-enact." He explained. Gosh, so I was thinking differently. Blue smacked her forehead. "Did it feel too real? You know I won't ask you that in real life." He checked up on her after she hit herself. Yeah, I was stupid to think it was real.. but what if what Shan said was true about me having feelings for him..? I need to find it out myself.

"Let's talk somewhere.." Blue held his wrist and started walking. Bright was confused but he tagged along. They stopped on a nearby alley with a dead end. "Repeat what you did during the activity.." Blue's suggestion made Bright squint his eyes. What's she talking about? Didn't she say that it made her uncomfortable? "Please, Bright.." Blue pleaded. Bright sighed deeply and nodded.

He started leaning closer to her while cornering her with his arms. He stared at her face for a few seconds before speaking. "Do you like me, Blue?" Fuck, he did the exact thing earlier but my reaction to that was still the same. I feel like my heart is going to explode. Am I guilty? Blue held her skirt tightly to suppress her emotions.

"I can hear your heartbeat from here, you're getting uncomfortable again.. Why did you make me do this?" Bright started to worry. "No, it's alright. Go on, continue.." Bright was a little hesitant but he followed her. "Why are you trying to deny it, Blue?" My chest is tightening again. I told him to act and that's what he's doing, but for me, this feels real. I'm doomed, I think Shan's right.

"Because I'm scared.." Fuck, I said it. I don't know why I said it but my mouth moved on its own. Bright was shocked, he couldn't move, he only had his eyes widen. "Wait, that's your response for the act earlier?" He stuttered. "No.. that's really my response for the question." Blue avoided his gaze.

"I'm confused, Blue. What are you.." Bright stepped backwards. "I like you too, Bright.. I figured it out after so many times I've spent my day with you. When we're together, I feel comfortable, I feel safe, I feel calm.. But I can also feel butterflies in my stomach whenever you do the bare minimum for me at the same time. I thought I just mistaken it for being a normal feeling.." Blue explained while looking down.

"But when I realized I don't feel the same when I'm with P'Moon, I thought there's something different going on. I was just scared to admit it because I'm not a believer of love, and I'm scared to hurt you or lose you if I fuck up.." Blue bit her lip out of nervousness. It's her first time acknowledging her feelings so it's kinda overwhelming.

"Hey, Blue. Look at me." Bright cupped her chin and lifted up her face. "I'm proud of you for overcoming your fear. You acknowledged your own feelings, something you never did before. Don't worry about making mistakes or fucking things up. It's part of the process and it's called growth. It's a new feeling, I know.. so it's overwhelming but you don't need to feel pressured or nervous. You can take things slow."

Why is he so precious? All he does is worry about me before himself. I'm gonna cry. "I'm happy, Blue. I'm genuinely happy. No need to be scared now, I'll guide you along the way. I'll be here when you're figuring things out, okay?" He patted her head. Jeez, I still couldn't sink everything in, but this is surely the happiest day of my life. Bright smiled from ear to ear.

"Just trust me, Blue.. and trust yourself that you can do it too.." Bright suggested. Yeah, maybe I should do that for now. I don't want to rush myself. Blue smiled back.

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