Chapter 16

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“Gosh, I missed hanging out with you! We’ve both been so busy with our own clubs.” Shan groaned as she sipped her iced coffee. Blue and her were currently hanging out at a café near their school. They have a long vacant period so they seized the opportunity to catch up.

Bright refused to join since he wanted the two girls to have their alone time. He told them that he’ll just go to the music room to accompany P’Fun.

“Yeah, how’s the play going?” Blue asked. This year, the theatre club will be performing Romeo and Juliet during the school fair. “It’s tiring, annoying, nerve-wracking, you name it. The newbies need more strict training. They’ve been tasked to memorize the script since the lines were a bit hard to deliver, but it doesn’t seem that they’ve memorized.” Shan massaged her temples.

“Oh, so that’s also the reason why we’re still hearing voices when we pass by the hall after practice.” Shan nodded. “How about the music club? How’s your song going?” Blue took out her phone and showed Shan the verse she composed.

“Wow, this is nice. You and Bright sure work fast. Speaking of Bright, I heard you went on trips with him. How was it?!” Shan giggled. “The trip on the beach wasn’t just the two of us, our band members were also included. That day, uhm..” Blue immediately blushed when she remembered what happened that night. I’m so embarrassed of myself. She smacked her forehead.

“What is it? Tell me!” Shan shook Blue’s shoulder. “Okay, but promise me, don't freak out.." Blue warned her. "We got drunk and Bright was the only sober so he took care of us. Well, I-I kinda fucked up. I was so wasted, Bright told me that I begged him to let me sleep in their suite-"

Shan let out a squeal. The customers looked at her so she made a peace sign. "Omg! You what?! I'm cackling, Blue. So, you slept beside him? Is that it?" This girl is really pushing me to Bright. She's clearly not mad for what I did. "Y-yes. Gosh. I'm so embarrassed. I think I'm gonna die the morning after that." She covered her face.

"Blue, you're improving now, huh. What was your reaction?" Shan leaned closer. “Of course, I freaked out. I thought he did something to me because I was in their suite, and even the two boys were surprised. They didn’t know that I slept there, it turned out that the three of us were knocked out and went to sleep immediately.” Blue shook her head, Shan laughed loudly.

“I can’t believe you. You surely do silly things when you’re drunk. Did you sleep beside each other?” Blue slapped her face. I can’t get that picture of us out of my head. “Yes, damn it. I was even hugging him and his arm was wrapped around me! So embarrassing.” Shan couldn’t contain her romantic excitement.

“Bright’s been lucky that night.” Blue slapped her arm. “What do you mean ‘lucky’?! Jeez, I’m not in my senses so he shouldn’t rejoice too much.” Shan clicked her tongue. “So naive at everything.. It’s more believable because you spoke your feelings, when you’re in your senses all you do is deny and lie. Don’t even fool me.”

“I’m not..” Blue defended herself. “Enough with the beach trip, how about that province trip? You met his grandparents, right?” Blue nodded. “It’s nice.. I enjoyed the province a lot and his grandparents are sweet, they were kind to me as well.” Shan unlocked her phone and searched for something.

“I almost forgot to talk about this post from his photography account. I was surprised when he posted this. You look beautiful while riding the horse plus nature and his edit.” She showed the post to Blue.

“Yeah, that was my favorite part of the trip. We ran laps around the area, Bright was the one controlling the horse, he’s good at it so the whole experience was worth it. It felt enchanted.” Blue didn’t notice how she talked too much about the trip.

Shan flicked her forehead. “Aw! Why did you do that?” Blue massaged it in an instant. “I’m just making sure you’re the real Blue.” Shan grinned. “What are you talking about? Weirdo.” Blue furrowed her brows. “The Blue I know won’t talk about her moments with Bright in that manner. You seem different now, it’s the same way when you talked about your childhood memories with him.”

Blue fell silent. I don’t understand it, the way I was before and the way I am now. “Shan, I really don’t know what you’re implying.” Shan exhaled deeply. “So dense! Jeez. You’re clearly denying to yourself that you have feelings for Bright. You always have Blue.. and always will.” Blue blinked her eyes quickly.

“Why do you always push that I have feelings for him? I don’t have, Shan.” Shan glared at her. “Because it’s obvious..? Come on, Blue. I’ve known every bit of you, you can’t fool me, not even once. You just can’t accept your feelings because of your mindset. I’m not blaming you for losing your faith in love, but I’m telling you that you’re completely being swallowed by your mindset that even if you’re already experiencing ‘love’, you try to escape and avoid it.”

"I'm experiencing love? What in the world.. no way" She shook her hands to oppose. "Do you really want to lose him again before you realize that you love him more than just a friend?" Blue was left speechless. I don't wanna lose him anymore but..

"I-I.. don't want to lose him again." Blue fiddled with the cup handle. "If being with him or just seeing him makes you happy and you don't wanna lose him, that's love. Well, it depends on the case. It differs for everyone so it would be easier for you to distinguish."

"Let's say you're happy with P'Moon too, but I'm sure there's a difference between them and you can feel it." Shan explained. Yeah, she's right. The purity and genuineness feeling only appears when I'm with Bright. Blue agreed.

"See? You already get it, so try to accept and acknowledge the feeling slowly. It's not bad to open up, especially if you know in your heart that you trust him." Shan took a last sip of her coffee. "I don't know, Shan. It's like a whole new decision to make and I feel overwhelmed."

"You don't have to be quick. You can take your time but you shouldn't deny it firsthand, sometimes try to let yourself on the loose. You can take risks while being cautious, and remember I'll always be here to guide you." Shan hugged her.

You're the best girl ever, Shan. "Thanks for having my back always, Shan." She smiled. "That's what friends are for! Let's head back to school." Shan stood up and pulled Blue. They went back to the school and headed to their classroom. Inside there, they saw Bright talking with their classmates.

"Wow, making new friends." Shan teased him. "What? Blue always teases me that I don't have other friends." Blue laughed. "That's a good thing, see? You have other friends now." The three sat down on their seats.

"I'm going to revise my assigned verse. I'm still not satisfied with it, so poke me if you need something. I'll be putting on my headphones." Bright informed Blue, she nodded. He started swaying his head as soon as he wore the headphones. Blue couldn't help but to stare.

Am I really denying my own feelings? Am I lying to myself? How can I acknowledge it if this would be the first time that I'll be involved in this kind of situation. Between Bright and P'Moon, I don't feel a certain thing when I'm with P'Moon. It's the typical happiness that one can feel when they're with their friends.

But when I'm with Bright, I feel home. I don't know why I could describe it as 'home', maybe because the warmth is there. Every moment feels surreal and I feel so lost in my own thoughts. If this is really love, I don't know if I would be able to handle this.

If taking risks would have a consequence that could ruin us, I don't want to take risks anymore. I'll just want us to stay the same.

"Hey, you keep staring at me, Blue. Are you trying to distract me?" Blue's daydreaming got interrupted when Bright noticed her. She immediately got back in her senses. "No! I'm sorry. I just remembered something."

"Hmm, can you check this? I revised it. After that verse is the chorus." He showed the newly revised lyrics.
Is there hate in your heart?
Does your body drop and tell you to stop
Loving you or loving me
When it falls down you just
Just sing with me "Wow, I like that more than the first one.."

The lyrics, it's like.. it's telling me something, ugh. I'm gonna lose my mind at this point. Blue tried her best to remain her chill after Bright went back to composing.

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