Chapter 6

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The Chiva-arees decided to go camping so they invited the Noppachorns too. Since the two families are close to each other, they thought that it would be fun to go on trips together. Blue's father volunteered himself to drive the transporter or also known as the Volkswagen vintage van. Mrs. Chiva-aree on the other hand, volunteered herself to sit in front to accompany him while driving. While, the three were still arguing about where they would sit inside the van.

"Goodness, are you still arguing about your seating arrangement? Just let Blue sit in between the two of you. Hurry up!" Mrs. Chiva-aree annoyingly suggested. The three were left with no choice so they followed Mrs. Chiva-aree's order. They seemed uncomfortable but this was the safest choice.

"Psst, Bright. P'Fun messaged me, he's asking if we have an idea of what we should call our band. Did he message you, too?" Blue asked, Bright shook his head. "I turned off my phone, well.. I have something in mind but I don't think you'll agree to it." Blue wrinkled her forehead. "And why is that?" She asked with a hint of threat.

"See, you're getting worked up already. I don't wanna say it anymore." Bright faced the window and acted like a child who's having tantrums. Jeez, what a pain in the ass. Blue gave him a confused look. "Nong, I didn't know you have this side of you. You look stupid." P'Dark said in disgust. Blue laughed at his reaction.

Bright clicked his tongue. "So annoying." He hissed. "You and that temper of yours. Gosh. Tell me what's on your mind. I'll tell P'Fun." Blue nagged him once again. "Alright, I'm thinking that Blue Skies sounds nice. You know, since you're also the singer, you're one of the faces of the band. Blue Skies also signify brightness, that's where my name goes. But that name doesn't only carry us, it carries the whole band. We will bring brightness to the audience." He's not only talented. He also has a great mind.

"Hey, that's pretty cool. I like it." She responded, Bright couldn't help but to smile. "It's sad that we wouldn't get to see the both of you performing." Mrs. Chiva-aree blurted out. "We can sing for you later, Mom." Bright's response enthralled her mother. Not long after, they arrived at their destination.

They rented a small cottage near the woods, they chose a place where the surroundings are spacious enough to build a tent and a campfire. The boys started to unload their stuffs while Mr. Noppachorn started building the tents. "Blue and I got this already, go help her father. He's building the tents now." Mrs. Chiva-aree ordered her sons. Blue and her went inside the cottage to organize everything.

"Blue, I apologize if my sons bother you in any way." Mrs. Chiva-aree blurted out and Blue gave an awkward laugh. "No, auntie. They aren't a bother, don't worry about it. I'm used to Bright's silliness anyway. He's always like that at school." She exposed him a little. "Is that so? Maybe he just missed you so much that he's making up for the time that you weren't together." I don't know what's his definition of missing me but alright, if her mother said so. Haha, kidding. The two of them started arranging stuff in the cupboard and wardrobes. Since the cottage only had one big family room, they have to sleep next to each other.

After setting up the house, the two went outside to check the progress of the boys. In a short span of time, the tents were built in no time. "Wow, you did great. Good job, guys!" Mrs. Chiva-aree commended. "Alright, the next thing that we should do is to cook our late lunch. We'll be in the kitchen, you guys find some fruits or crops that you could find in the woods. I bet you know what's edible and what's not. Don't go too far." Mr. Noppachorn reminded the three.

"Let's go, Blue." Bright held Blue's wrist and started walking. His action made Blue fluster. "Woah, I really can't believe you, Nong. Am I a ghost here?" P'Dark complained while following the two. "Yes, Pee. You are the ghost of the woods. You're supposed to appear later at night." Bright teased his brother. "Why, you-?! I'm going to punch you!" The two of them chased each other while Blue shook her head and laughed. These two never get along. A few minutes that they were together, they're already bickering nonstop.

Blue Skies | Bright VachirawitTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang