Chapter 24

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After the day Blue, Bright, and P'Moon met in the cafe, Blue had continuous flashbacks about Bright. Every flashback seemed like a jigsaw puzzle that's connected to each other. Her head hurts so much because she almost had her episodes everyday. She told her father about it and they talked with her doctor.

The doctor said that it's normal especially when she encounters a lot of things that are related to her memories. It could be possible that it's the reason why she kept on having flashbacks. Blue was more than confused on what she found out so she decided to ask her father.

"Papa, please be honest with me. Tell me everything you know about Bright and what he is to me. All of my flashbacks were related to him, I need to confirm the truth about him and us." Mr. Noppachorn closed the book that he's reading and sat up straight.

"Alright, dear. Maybe it's really time for you to know the truth. I didn't keep this from you because I'm stopping you from knowing who Bright really is. I kept this because I don't want you to force yourself to remember what you forgot." He sighed deeply and smiled afterwards.

"Bright is your childhood friend. I'm sure you still remember clearly about your childhood friend. He came back to town this year to be with you again. You become close again just like how the two of you used to be. Then, I noticed that he likes you, well.. nobody was confirming but I can sense it." Her father laughed.

"The two of you happened to be bandmates and lead singers. So, you always spent your time practicing with your band. You performed once and then your band decided to join a contest which is the Battle of the Bands. You went on trips together to find inspiration for the song. I bet that's the one in your flashbacks." Blue nodded.

"Well, then there was a time that I overheard your conversation. Bright wanted to court you and ask my permission, that's when I happened to know that the two of you have mutual feelings. Although I can already sense it before too, I wanted you to confirm it." He laughed again while reminiscing about the past.

"Blue, dear.. Bright is very important to you, so I'm sure even when your mind forgot about him, your heart didn't. Feel it in your heart, I know you'll understand how you feel about him. You stopped believing in love a long time ago, but he helped you understand what real love is."

He helped me understand what real love is? He made me change my mind? Wow, then he's THAT important to me. "Wait, how about P'Moon? He likes me too, right? What happened before, Papa? Did he confess too?" Mr. Noppachorn nodded. "Yes, I think they confessed at the same date and time. You told me they had a serious fight after that but they reconciled."

Oh gosh, so they're the ones fighting in my flashback? "Did I.. really choose Bright over P'Moon?" Blue crossed her fingers. "Of course. Bright is the one you like, you told me you never thought of P'Moon as more than a friend. You were supposed to tell him that you like Bright but you never had the chance." So, that's the reason why he kept on avoiding the topic when it's about Bright?

"What happened to me, Papa? Why did I lose my memories?" Mr. Noppachorn rubbed his face to prevent from crying. "It still breaks my heart, dear.. but you were bullied by Bright's ex-lover and her friends. She wanted to get back with him but he refused and told her that he loves you. So, they ganged up on you, and you hit your head badly."

Blue had a sudden flashback of what happened in the sports club room. Her cries were silent, she had her headache but she didn't bother to flinch, she only felt her heart breaking into pieces while visualizing the scene. Why? Why did I have to experience that? I lost my memories for a short while, I wasted time recovering and getting clueless about everything. Why are there evil people?

"I'm sorry, Blue. I shouldn't have told you about it." Mr. Noppachorn hugged her daughter tightly after he saw her crying. "No, Papa. I needed that. Either way, I'll still find out about it." She held her chest to calm down. "Everything's clear to me now." She said to her father. "What is?"

"I need to tell Bright I finally remember everything, but I need to talk to P'Moon first. I'm gonna go, Papa." Blue rushed to leave their house. She tried to call P'Moon so they could meet but he didn't answer so she left a voicemail. She said she'll be waiting at the park.

And so, Blue waited. After thirty minutes, P'Moon arrived. "I'm sorry, it took me so long to check my phone. Why did you call? Is there something wrong?" He asked as he sat on the swing. "My memories are back, Phi." Those 5 words made his world fall apart.

It's over. My happiness will be taken away from me now. P'Moon's heart started to beat faster. He tried to remain calm. "T-that's great.." He lied. "Why didn't you tell me the truth? I'm not mad, I'm just confused." She assured him.

Please, can't I extend for a couple of days? I still want to be with you, Blue. "Because the truth is you chose him. So, I didn't tell you the truth because I wanted to feel that you chose me. Just for once. Just this time, Blue. Even if I know that your feelings aren't real." She was silenced after hearing his explanation.

"Even before you lost your memories, I already lost to Bright. I know it Blue, I just want to deny it. The day when you had your PE class and you wanted to tell me something, I already knew what you were going to say. You want to tell me you like him, right?" P'Moon chuckled.

"The way you looked at each other before already explained to me that you have feelings for him. I just want you to confirm it so I can believe it myself. If that happens then I'll give way to him. I'll stop fighting in a battle that I already lost." His voice was cracking. He's clearly fighting his tears.

Gosh, he knew about it from the start? Then, he's been suppressing his emotions all this time? This is heartbreaking. I didn't know it would be this hard. Blue sighed because there's no other choice left. If she doesn't become straightforward then this wouldn't come to an end. It would be a cycle.

"P'Moon, I'm sorry.." She didn't know what to say so she apologized. Please, don't. Don't say that, Blue. That's not what I wanna hear from you. P'Moon couldn't contain his tears. "Why.. are you apologizing?" He confirmed it once again. "I would rather hurt you with the truth because I don't wanna give you false hopes anymore."

I knew this day would come but why does it still hurt this much? P'Moon wiped his tears. "So, you still chose Bright?" He asked. "Y-yeah. I'm really sorry, Phi. My mind forgets but my heart remembers." Yeah, of course. I'm not the one in your heart. Well, this is painful but I think it's time to let go.

"Alright. I knew it's Bright all along. At least, it's not some other guy. Jeez. This is embarrassing and painful at the same time, but.. I'm letting you go, Blue. I'm still your best friend but I'll stop pursuing you. I'm giving way to Bright." He mustered all his remaining confidence and wished her well.

"Thank you, P'Moon for loving me. I hope you find your happiness elsewhere." She smiled and offered her hand. P'Moon accepted it and shook her hand. "Let's go?" She suggested that they should eat a meal together. P'Moon agreed.

P'Moon was heartbroken but it didn't stop him from supporting Blue in her decision, even if it means she'll be choosing another man over him-- for the second time. I realized that loving someone doesn't only mean holding onto them, sometimes you can love someone and still let them go. P'Moon thought as he looked at Blue.

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