Chapter 25

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A/N: We're now down to the last two chapters of Blue Skies :( First of all, I want to thank everyone who supported this story until the end. I'm grateful for all of my readers and I hope I fulfilled my duty as an author.


Today is the day. Winning the contest is not my utmost priority, it's more important that the audience will enjoy our performance, and of course, I want Blue to be satisfied with what we worked hard for the past months. Blue Skies were now practicing before they go to school for the competition. They're nervous but they keep on distracting themselves to lessen the tension.

"Guys, you can do this, alright? We'll be the first one to perform so we're also going to finish first." P'Fun tried his best to calm down his bandmates. "I'm suddenly scared of crowds." The drummer whined. "There will be a lot of girls cheering for you so don't be scared." Everybody laughed as Bright tried to lighten up the mood.

"How about yours? Will she come later to watch us?" The pianist asked. Bright didn't understand it at first but then he realized she was talking about Blue. "Oh, right. She said she'll watch, but she told me she has a doctor appointment. She also said she'll try to hurry and catch our performance." His bandmates looked at each other.

"Let's offer our performance to her to wish her a fast recovery. Don't be sad, she'll remember you." They tapped his shoulder to console him. "You guys.. thank you so much for having my back." Bright had tears of joy because he never felt he was alone since he had his bandmates who became his family too. After their heart-warming talk, they started practicing again.

"Papa, do you think I'd be able to catch their performance?" Blue kept on shaking her legs. She's anxious that she wouldn't be able to support her bandmates. "Yes, dear. I promise I'll drive you to school as fast as I can." Blue nodded.

Suddenly, she received a text from Bright saying the sequence of the performance was changed. They randomly picked a number and they picked number 3, so they'll be the third one to perform.

The nurse called Blue's surname and they went inside the clinic. "How are you, Blue?" Her doctor asked. "I still kept on having flashbacks, doctor. My head was continuously aching but I could manage. I just drank painkillers whenever I had episodes. The good side of it is I was able to remember most of my memories." She explained. The doctor took some notes.

"I'm glad to hear that your memories came back again, just don't stress yourself too much by remembering it. It can damage your brain if you try to do it often. I suggest you rest after you had your episodes or try to meditate to relax your brain." The doctor advised. "Alright, we'll just conduct some MRI exam, then you're good to go." The nurse led them to the MRI room.

After Blue finished her check up, Mr. Noppachorn dashed his way to Blue's school. "Blue.." He called while she unbuckled her seatbelt. "Why, Papa?" She looked at the mirror and fixed herself. "Good luck, dear. I hope it all goes well." She smiled when her father patted her head. "I hope so too, Papa. Thanks. I'll get going now." Blue went out of their car and rushed to the school's gymnasium.

Damn, I hope I'm not late. Please, God. Let me see their performance. Blue said to herself as she leaped through her way. "Excuse me, I'm sorry.. Excuse me" She tried to fit herself in the crowd to have a better view of the performers. "Thank you, Ocean Breeze for that wonderful performance. For the next contestant, let me introduce you-- the pride of junior high school, Blue Skies!" The MC announced.

I'm just right on time. Blue sighed deeply. She almost thought she would miss their performance. "Let me give you a background of this contestant. Blue Skies is composed of 5 members, there are two lead singers who are also playing the electric guitar and acoustic, then they have a pianist, drummer, and bassist to complete the band."

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