Chapter 5

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Blue was walking on her way to school when Shan messaged her that something came up in her house so she needed to skip classes today. Blue got worried when Shan didn't disclose what happened in their household. "Blue! Wait up, didn't you hear me?" Blue was surprised when Bright tugged her uniform to stop her. It seems that she really didn't notice him. "Oh, sorry. I was distracted, I didn't hear you." She responded. Bright tried to catch his breath while Blue stared at her phone, still waiting for Shan's update.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He got worried immediately as soon as he noticed that Blue was anxious. "Shan told me she'll skip school today, something came up in their house but she didn't tell me what it was." The two of them walked slowly. "Do you want to check on her or something? We still have time before the morning ceremony." Bright suggested to ease Blue's mind. She nodded in response.

They went to Shan's house and peeked if something's wrong inside. It didn't look suspicious at all so Blue rang the doorbell. A few minutes later, Shan's mother came out of the house. "Blue, dear, why are you here? Don't you have class?" She asked. "Yes, auntie, but I got worried because she didn't tell me the reason why she's skipping class. I came here to check if everything's fine." Shan's mother smiled.

"Yes, dear. Everything's fine, it's just that her dog is gonna give birth. She doesn't wanna miss out the moment. She's busy upstairs, I guess that explains why she couldn't respond to you. Don't worry about it." Blue sighed in relief. Jeez, Shan really scared me. "Thank goodness, auntie. I got scared for a bit, well then, I wish for your dog a successful delivery. I'm going now, bye!" Blue bid her goodbye and ran to Bright who's waiting for her at the sidewalk.

"Jeez, I really thought something bad happened. It's just about their dog giving birth." Bright burst out laughing. "I'm sorry for laughing but I didn't expect that." Blue couldn't help but to laugh with him when she realized that it's kinda funny too. "Kidding aside, what made you think that something bad happened?" Blue sighed deeply before kicking some small rocks. "I'm just scared, maybe the childhood trauma that we've been through is still affecting me somehow. I couldn't help but to worry about parents getting a divorce and leaving their family torn apart." Having a broken family also means there will always be a part of you that's empty. And that space will forever be empty because it will always belong to the other parent.

Bright noticed the gloominess on her face. "Hang on in there, Blue. A long way to go doesn't mean you wouldn't reach your destination. You can recover from it, I believe in you. I realized that we shouldn't look for what's gone anymore. It's more important that somebody still stayed with us. Also, remember that we can be your family too." After hearing Bright's reassurance, Blue felt comfort in her chest. He surely knows how to make me feel at ease. "Likewise." She responded.

Bright smiled and glanced at his wristwatch. "Oh, shit! We're gonna be late. Come on, let's run!" He extended his hand and Blue took it in panic. They started dashing to make it before the morning ceremony, since Bright is tall and more athletic, running wasn't hard for him but Blue seemed to have a problem matching her pace with Bright. "Bright, my legs hurt because you run so fast! I think I'm going to scrape my knee!" Blue said in between huffs. "You won't Blue, just don't let go of my hand! Maintain your balance, alright? We're already near the school."

Blue held Bright's hand tightly because of her fear of scraping her knee. Her lower body hurts so much but she doesn't have the time to rest. After a few steps, they have reached the school lobby. Damn it, we made it. We still have 5 minutes before the ceremony. Gosh, I'm exhausted. "I'm freaking tired. Ugh, my lower body is giving up." She complained. Both of them were trying to regain their breaths. "H-hey, you can let go of my hand now." Blue's eyes widened when she noticed that she's still holding his hand. She let go of it in an instant and looked away because of embarrassment.

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