Chapter 2

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2 Months Later

"Go on Naruto!"- excalimed Jiraya as he watched the blonde run as fast as he could in the clearing they were at. During this months Naruto had begun a training regime for his body, nothing too much that would stun his growth but that would help him becoming better and build muscle and speed, another thing Naruto had picked up on was meditation.

Naruto ran for the next 30 minutes trying to get used to the feeling of having weighs on him, on his legs he carried 5kg and on his arms was another 5. Getting to the end of his run, he walked over to the tree Jiraya was sitting under.

"Very good Naruto!"-praised Jiraya
"Thank you Sensei"-replied Naruto blushing from the praise.
"Ok, I wanted to tell you that next year his when we begin with elemental ninjutsu and so on. But we are not going to be staying here for training anymore."
This got Naruto confused as he thought he was fine staying where he was. But he continued to listen to his master.
"We will be going to the place where I and your father owned our skills and where you will to."-Jiraya exclaimed with a grin knowing that Naruto would get excited
"And where would that be Jiraya-Sensei?"
"The home of the toads, Mount Myobuko, there you will learn the second part of strengthening your chakra. Tell me what is chakra made of?"-asked Jiraya hoping his lessons where not in vane.
"Well chakra is a combination between body and life force."-stated Naruto revisiting one of the lessons that he was taught.
"Very good, there you will learn to better your life energy through meditation, after that is perfected to my liking and after we begin your elemental manipulation, I'll go back to Konoha to get you the scrolls for your bloodline a and whatever affinities you might have."-stated Jiraya knowing he already had two.
"When do we begin Sensei?"-exclaimed Naruto excited
"Right now!"-Said Jiraya with a grin before both of them popping away in smoke leaving nothing behind.


Mount Myobuko was a beautiful land where beautiful grass grew as well as tall trees, for Naruto it was simply paradise.

Seeing his Sensei walk off he followed him and as such began to train as usual, training that would only increase as the years flew by.

1 year after

In the passing year Naruto had grown to an impressive 4ft and 6 inches, his blonde hair had grown to be shoulder length but Naruto intended to keep growing it a bit longer.

Today was the day he was going to learn what affinities he had, during his stay had the home of the toads he had read a lot from his father library here and he had gathered has much knowledge as he could before today.

Reaching the normal training grounds he found Jiraya there with a grin waiting for him.

"Yo Sensei!"-Naruto greeted
"Hello Naruto!"
"So what are we doing today?"
"That's what I like about you! Your always ready for more that's a good mentality to have. First tell me how far have you come with meditating?"
"It has become essentially for me nowadays"-Naruto responded nonchalantly
"Very good! Now today before your phisical workout we are going to find you elemental natures."- said Jiraya as he took 2 small papers from his pouch and gave one to Naruto.

"It's pretty simple now, you are going to push chakra to the paper, it will react and by different reactions we'll know what your chakra affinity is. Those reactions are as follows if the paper gets damp it's water, if it crumbles to dust it's earth, if it gets cut its wind, if it catches on fire and burns to ashes  it's fire and finally if it crinkles it's lightning.
Now watch me."- finished Jiraya as the paper he was holding caught on fire and then crumbled to dust.

"So you have two affinities Sensei."-exclaimed Naruto
"Yes now give it a try!"-encoraged Jiraya

What happen next baffled Jiraya as he was expecting only tow affinities,  due to the bloodline of the Mokuton but when Naruto's paper got cut into small squares and got soaked, not just damped, from head to toe finnaly crumbling to dust in mere seconds he could see that Naruto held an affinity for not only water and earth as expected from someone who can use the Mokuton but also a very strong wind affinity as was his [Naruto's] water and earth.

"So I have 3 affinities eh Sensei"-Said Naruto excited
Jiraya grinned and ruffled his hair causing Naruto to pout.
"That's very good Naruto, so good that I'm going to teach you a jutsu that will help you become better if you use it to train, it his the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.
"How will that help me Sensei?" asked Naruto not getting how a clone technique would help"
"It's quite simple, when you utilise the technique you summon a clone with a steady current of chakra and when these are dispeled you receive their memories and as such you can use them to learn katas of taijutsu styles and jutsus but you can't use it to become stronger that has to be done by your own self that's why I want you to use those huge chakra reserves of yours and use the jutsu as you work on your body. Simple right?"-finished Jiraya as he saw that Naruto had stars in his eyes
"Yes Sensei can you teach me it?-followed the blonde fast.
"Yes Naruto here"- said Jiraya as he threw a small scroll at the blonde before continuing " I'll go to Konoha to get you a taijutsu style from the Senju library. Work hard!"- With a quick "Ja ne" he left Naruto to his own devices.

After a few hours of a hard workout  Naruto came back to the technique and with a little help from his tenent  got the jutsu down in a couple of hours and finished for today and expected his godfather to come back again to continuing his training.


Okay so this is the second chapter and it's a lot shorter then the first one because this was meant to be a more informative chapter of what Nature Naruto has and so...
For the next chapter it will be a lot longer and better I hope. It will also have a big time skip so that on chapter 4 I can begin the academy but on the next one there will be a major thing happening.
Hope you enjoyed.
Be happy and excited for tomorrow.

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